Faculty are invited to take a survey to inform the committee's work
Faculty are invited to take a survey to inform the committee's work
The University of Tennessee Knoxville College of Arts & Sciences

AI Educational Campaign

Higher education serves as a pillar of intellectual growth, critical thinking, and personal development. The recent development and availability of generative AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, has sparked concerns regarding their potential impact on the integrity and efficacy of the higher education environment.
The College of Arts and Sciences leadership team formed a working group to spearhead an effort to address the challenges of generative AI and ensure academic integrity while leveraging these advanced language models. The campaign will focus on the key components outlined below.
To gauge faculty members' knowledge, attitudes, and experiences about ChatGPT and other generative AI platforms, college leadership invites faculty to participate in a survey, which will provide insights vital in shaping the collective understanding and approach to the AI educational campaign. The survey will remain open until August 7. 
Take the AI Educational Campaign Survey Today

Key Components of the AI Educational Campaign

Clear Guidelines
In addition to guidelines from the Provost Office, we are establishing comprehensive guidelines and policies for the responsible use of ChatGPT and other generative AI platforms. These guidelines will emphasize academic honesty and outline permissible activities.
Educational Campaign
To raise awareness among faculty members and students about the ethical considerations and risks associated with ChatGPT and other generative AI platforms, we will conduct workshops and training sessions. These efforts will ensure that all stakeholders have a deep understanding of the implications and proper usage of the technology.
Proactive Monitoring
Faculty members can play an active role in monitoring student interactions with ChatGPT and other generative AI platforms during assessments to identify potential instances of plagiarism or improper use. This monitoring will help preserve the authenticity of students' work.
Diverse Assessments
We will help faculty who want to explore alternative assessments that can reduce students' reliance on ChatGPT and other generative AI platforms while providing a comprehensive evaluation of students' skills and capabilities. These assessments might include in-person exams, practical (hands-on) assignments, group projects, and oral presentations.
Academic Support
Faculty members can continue to provide one-on-one consultations and personalized guidance, emphasizing the value of human interaction and expertise. This support will remain crucial in nurturing student learning and development.
Continuous Improvement
Regular evaluation and feedback from faculty members and students will be sought to refine our guidelines and approaches. This iterative process will enable us to adapt and improve our strategies over time.

Contact Us

College of Arts & Sciences
Office of the Dean
312 Ayres Hall
1403 Circle Drive
Phone: 865-974-5332
Website: artsci.utk.edu
Email: artscidean@utk.edu

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