TVA's eScore as Innovative Home Energy Program for Increased, Marketable Efficiency
TVA projects that its load will grow by almost 1.1% annually through 2033. To meet this demand in a cost-effective way, TVA has identified energy efficiency and demand response programs as a key strategy in the public power producer’s overall resource planning efforts. In the residential sector, TVA has launched an innovative energy efficiency program called eScore
eScore is innovative in its customer-centric, technologically-enhanced and contractor-driven design. Developed on the principles of consumer science and market research, eScore allows homeowners to work at their own pace, re-engaging with the program as many times as needed over time to achieve their home’s best possible energy performance, a 10.  Customers can directly contact a TVA-certified Quality Contractor Network (QCN) member to begin making eligible improvements or they can first schedule an energy evaluation of their home for a fee.  Following the evaluation, customers can select a QCN member to make recommended improvements.  The program uses an integrated online platform that enables energy auditors to share real-time information via handheld tablet and allows homeowners to track their progress as they engage the program.
eScore is off to a promising start. Since it launched in December 2014, approximately 16,000 customers in more than 130 participating local power company service territories have registered for the program, and more than 10,000 customers have participated by having an eScore evaluation or installing at least one recommended energy improvement. TVA has leveraged over $2.3 million in rebates to drive over $40 million in homeowner investment. The program has helped to save approximately 10.5 million kWh to date. Initial feedback from participants indicates a high level of customer satisfaction with both auditors and QCN members.
Governor's Environmental Stewardship Awards
Governor Bill Haslam and TDEC Commissioner Bob Martineau announced on June 23 the 11 winners of the 2015 Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Awards (GESAs). The GESA program recognizes exceptional voluntary actions that improve or protect the environment and natural resources with projects or initiatives not required by law or regulation. 

Now in its 29th year, the GESAs cover nine categories: Building Green; Clean Air, Energy and Renewable Resources; Environmental Education and Outreach; Environmental Education and Outreach (school category); Land Use; Materials Management; Natural Heritage; and Sustainable Performance. A panel of 22 professionals representing agricultural, conservation, forestry, environmental and academic professionals judged more than 80 nominations and selected this year’s award recipients based on criteria including on-the-ground achievement, innovation and public education. For a full list of this year’s winners, visit
TAEBC Advanced Energy Impact Report
On Wednesday, June 17, the Tennessee Advanced Energy Business Council released an impact report on Tennessee’s advanced energy sector. For the sake of the report, “advanced energy” is defined as any technology that makes energy cleaner, safer, more secure and more efficient. Examples include electric and plug-in hybrid cars, lightweight composites for the automotive industry, natural gas fueled trucks, pollution control equipment, bio energy, high-performance buildings, more efficient industrial processes, power reliability, smart grids, combined heat and power and the latest wind, solar, and nuclear technologies.

Using research conducted by the University of Tennessee Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy, the report is the first to define the scope and scale of the advanced energy sector, a $3.1 trillion global market, within the State of Tennessee, providing a benchmark from which to measure growth moving forward.

The report highlights that:
  • In 2013, there were almost 325,000 jobs in the State’s advanced energy sector, comprising 13.6% of total statewide Tennessee employment;
  • The annual average wage in this sector was $48,764;
  • The sector contributed $33.4 billion to state gross domestic product in 2013, and workers in this sector paid more than $820 million in sales tax to state and local governments.
Tennessee manufacturers benefit from a robust advanced energy economy. In particular, with one out of every three manufacturing jobs in Tennessee supporting the auto industry, automotive manufacturers that are integrating advanced energy technologies into their processes contribute to a large portion of this activity. In response to higher fuel economy standards and mandates, a lot of important research and development is taking place in this arena and is projected to take place in coming years.

Compared to other states, Tennessee has a disproportionate amount of jobs within the advanced energy sector. This can largely be attributed to the relatively low cost of energy in Tennessee due to TVA and the large hydropower infrastructure, as well as to the reliability of power in Tennessee. In addition to this, Tennessee has a relatively low cost of living and advantageous tax environment, producing a recipe for entrepreneurial attractiveness.

Currently, almost 80 percent of advanced energy activity in Tennessee is located within only 20 counties. As businesses create and leverage strategic partnerships with educational institutions and research institutions like ORNL to drive entrepreneurship and economic development, there is a huge potential to expand advanced energy activity into rural areas of Tennessee, creating new jobs and centers for innovative development.

Roughly 11 states have already begun to measure and track their advanced energy sectors. By jumping into the game, Tennessee can showcase advanced energy as an economic driver within the state, and can demonstrate to other states and outside investors that Tennessee boasts a globally competitive advanced energy economy.
National Institute for Advanced Composites Launches at UT, Knoxville
Earlier this year, President Obama announced that the University of Tennessee would lead the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation,  or IACMI, a $259 million public-private partnership that focuses on advanced fiber-reinforced polymer composites, which combine strong fibers with tough plastics to cost-effectively manufacture materials that are lighter and stronger than steel. On June 17, the Institute had its official launch ceremony, and 123 global leaders, consisting of companies, nonprofits and universities, met at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, to celebrate the groundbreaking R&D initiative. 

The Institute reflects a $70 million commitment from the U.S. Department of Energy and $189 million from IACMI's partners. Established as a nonprofit in Tennessee by the UT Research Foundation, IACMI has also received a $15 million commitment from the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development as part of an effort to facilitate breakthroughs in energy-efficient manufacturing and materials. 

The Innovation Institute for advanced composites will aim to overcome barriers to widespread use by developing low-cost, high-speed, and energy-efficient manufacturing and recycling processes. Through this work, the Institute will focus on lowering the cost of advanced composites by 50 percent, reducing the energy used to make composites by 75 percent and increasing the recyclability of composites to over 95 percent within 10 years.
$25 Million Remaining in QECB Capacity
TDEC’s OEP serves as the coordinator for Tennessee’s Qualified Energy Conservation Bond (QECB) program. From an initial $64,676,000 State allocation, approximately $26 million, or 40%, of Tennessee’s bond capacity remains. Through the third RFP process, the QECB program has made the remaining bond allocation available for qualifying projects. There is no minimum amount that can be proposed, and the remaining State allocation will be the maximum amount that may be utilized for project proposals. Entities eligible to participate in the program include all local jurisdictions in Tennessee. Submissions will be accepted until bond capacity is exhausted.
Examples of QECB projects include:
  • The City of Lebanon is using its $3.5 million suballocation to fund a portion of the construction and installation of a waste-to-energy gasification unit, for which tires and wood waste will serve as fuel. 
  • Knox County’s $12.5 million suballocation will fund the installation of solar PV on 13 targeted sites across the county, notably public school rooftops.
For more information, visit, or contact Alexa Voytek at or 615-741-2994.
EmPower TN Initiative
The State budget for FY2016 includes funding for EmPower TN, an initiative to reduce energy costs and consumption in buildings owned and managed by the state of Tennessee.  By measuring and controlling energy use, investing in energy efficiency and renewable power generation and creating an operational environment of excellence, EmPower TN will develop a sustainable path toward the reduction of utility operating costs by 28% over the next 8 years, saving the state approximately $54 million annually in annual avoided utility costs.
Approximately $32.5 million in funds are available for energy efficiency and energy management projects across all State agencies and departments, including the University of Tennessee and Tennessee Board of Regents systems. Application packets must be submitted by July 24, 2015.
To download the EmPower TN application packet and review responses to frequently asked questions, visit
$3.1 Million in Clean Tennessee Energy Grants Awarded
On Monday, June 15, Gov. Bill Haslam and TDEC Commissioner Bob Martineau awarded more than $3.1 million to fund energy efficiency projects for local governments and municipalities, utilities and state entities across Tennessee.
The grant program provides financial assistance to eligible entities in Tennessee to purchase, install and construct environmental mitigation projects, and this is the largest amount of funding that has been allocated from the grant program since its inception.  Thirty eight Clean Tennessee Energy grants were awarded to recipients for projects designed to reduce air emissions, improve energy efficiency and create cost savings including projects focused on:
  • Cleaner Alternative Energy – biomass, geothermal, solar, wind
  • Energy Conservation – lighting, HVAC improvements, improved fuel efficiency, insulation, idling minimization
  • Air Quality Improvement – reduction in greenhouse gases, sulfur dioxide, volatile organic compounds, oxides of nitrogen, hazardous air pollutants
Funding for the projects comes from an April 2011 Clean Air Act settlement with the Tennessee Valley Authority.  To learn more about the Clean Tennessee Energy Grant and future grants, contact Kathy Glapa at (615) 253-8780 or
For a full list of 2015 projects and award amounts, visit:
Alternative Fuel Financing and Advancement
Propane Vehicle and Conversion Systems: Thanks to funding from the Tennessee Propane Education and Research Council, private Tennessee fleets (with three or more vehicles) can now apply for up to $1,000 per vehicle for new, factory-direct propane-powered vehicles and up to $1,000 for the purchase of engines converted to run on LPG (liquefied petroleum gas). The conversion systems may be bi-fuel and/or dedicated conversion systems. Funds will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, visit:
Alternative Fuel Aggregate Purchasing Models: The U.S. DOE announced on June 8 up to $2 million in competitive funding to support models for aggregate purchasing of plug-in electric or other alternative fuel vehicles, alternative fuels, and/or refueling/charging infrastructure. Any entity may apply. In particular, DOE seeks proposals for ways to coordinate customers in order to maximize collective buying power and to lower costs. Applications are due by August 31, 2015. For more information, and for access to the full funding opportunity announcement, visit:
U.S. DOE and EEI Team Up to Advance Electric Vehicle Deployment: On June 8, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. DOE and the Edison Electric Institute, to spur collaboration toward the acceleration of electric vehicle and charging infrastructure deployment. In particular, the public-private partnership will hone in on workplace charging, synching the U.S. DOE’s EV Everywhere Workplace Charging Challenge with EEI’s Employee PEV Engagement Initiative. The MOU will also sponsor a research study on the economic impacts of electric transportation and the effects of utility investments into the sector. 
U.S. DOE Expands Access to Clean Energy Financing
On June 16, the U.S. DOE launched its Clean Energy Impact Investment Center (CEII), as part of an ongoing effort to expand private sector investment into clean energy technologies and solutions. The CEII will provide technical assistance, a single point of access for financing-related information, resources on early-stage projects and companies, as well as connections to relevant U.S. government programs. For more information, visit
Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative's Southeast Regional Summit
The U.S. DOE will host the Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative’s (CEMI) Southeast Regional Summit on July 9, 2015 in Atlanta. The free, all-day conference will focus on competitiveness, federal resources and innovation in clean energy manufacturing in the southeastern United States. For more information, visit To register for the event, visit
"Explore ORNL" Conference
NOTE: The "Explore ORNL" event previously scheduled for July 14-15 has been POSTPONED. A new date will be announced later.
NASEO 2015 Annual Meeting; Interconnected: Smart Energy Policies, Clean Tech Investment, and "The Cloud" Economy
From September 13-16, NASEO's 2015 Annual Meeting, in San Diego, California, will explore states' efforts to open new economic opportunities for businesses through smart policies and programs that help to integrate intelligent energy efficiency, distributed generation, and the benefits of cloud computing.  These approaches are forever changing how we construct and use buildings, power systems, factories, and vehicles. Topics include:
  • Integrating Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, and Evolving Utility Models ­- State Actions for Economic Advantage
  • Modeling the Investment Impacts of EPA's Clean Power Plan
  • Revisiting Energy Infrastructure in a High Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, and Distributed Generation Model
  • Using Data Analytics to Enable Consumer Choice
  • Reinventing States' Clean Vehicle Programs - Electric Vehicle Evolution
  • Finding "Fresh" Water - Supply and Demand Policy Options
  • Evolving PACE Programs - State Catalysts, Local Options
  • Moving Emerging Tech Faster - Aligning State, DOE, and Investor Strategies to Get New Technologies to Market
  • Linking State Programs and Clean Tech Crowdfunding
  • Enhancing Energy Assurance through Risk Assessment
  • Constructing State Policy Pathways and Accelerating DOE Action on Zero Net Energy Buildings
  • Reconstructing Before the Storm - Resilient Communities
For more information, visit
To register for the conference, visit
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