>>January 13 KHCA Executive Committee Meeting -- All are Welcome
The monthly KHCA Executive Committee meeting will be held January 13 at 7:30 pm at Ann and Alberto Arevalo's home, 10801 Torrance Drive.
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| >>Message from KHCA President Karen Cordry
2015 was an eventful year in the neighborhood and much more promises to be coming in 2016. Looking to the future first, the Mall continues to add new businesses with one new restaurant (Nandos Peri Peri) opening before Christmas near the Costco warehouse, and a second (Bar Louis) set to open in the next few months near the Party City store. That restaurant will be linked by a new staircase to a completely renovated movie theatre that is tentatively planned to open in February. The theatre location has struggled in the past but we hope that with new amenities, a strong owner (AMC) behind it, ties to a popular restaurant, and the ever-growing population in the downtown Wheaton area, that it is poised to be a great success. I, for one, look forward to being able to walk out my door and be at the theatre within a few minutes without braving downtown Silver Spring traffic! And, I’m already thinking of great activities for KHCA – a group dinner and a movie for adults? Lunch and a matinee for the kids? Stay tuned!
Other changes coming are somewhat bittersweet. Ground has been broken for the new development at the Valley View entrance to the Mall and it is likely that the long-proposed plans for leveling Mt. McComas and building new homes there will also take off this year. We will welcome our new neighbors to KHCA when the new homes are done, but we will regret losing two large areas of current green space. We hope that enough space remains for our wild-animal neighbors that have been living on these two parcels of land as well as in the green buffer areas between KH and the Mall.
It’s also time in the New Year to renew your support for KHCA. While we don’t require paid dues to be an active voting member of KHCA, the bylaws do provide for a “suggested donation” of $10 per person or $20 per household to help support the efforts of KHCA and to make sure we have funds to cover room rentals, the summer picnic, and other events. You can go to the KHCA website to make your payment or bring it with you when we have our next membership meeting in February. We have 800 households in Kensington Heights – we hope they can all support the Association. Thanks!
In past news, as we reported in a special newsletter in December, Judge Gary Bair of the Montgomery County Circuit Court has denied Costco's appeal of the decision of the County Board of Appeals (BOA). By our calculations, Costco has until January 19 to decide whether to appeal the decision yet again to the Court of Special Appeals and try to run its loss streak out to 6 and 0. We hope that won’t happen and that we can stop including this update soon and just enjoy Costco as a good neighbor. But, whatever happens, KHCA (and the Stop Costco Gas Coalition) will stay in the fight until the end. We deeply appreciate those who responded to the appeal in the newsletter for end of the year contributions to help clear up the legal bills for the fight. About $3,000 was donated which made a wonderful dent in the bills; but there is still probably about $5-7,000 more still owed. It’s too late for 2015 taxes but you can get an early start on your 2016 tax deductions and help KHCA as well. Make your check to Washington Peace Center (our current charitable sponsor) and note "To benefit KHCA Legal Defense Fund" on the memo line. Send the check to KHCA Treasurer Erl Houston, 10723 St Paul Street, Kensington, MD 20895. Or, if you'd like to donate on-line, you can go to the KHCA website to donate--these donations are not tax deductible, however. Thank you for any help you can give.
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| >>Passing of Carl E. Day Carl Day, a long-time and active member of our community, passed away December 11 of pancreatic cancer. Carl and his wife Angela lived on Drumm Avenue, at the corner of Faulkner, until the past few years when they moved to Atlanta to live near their children. Carl was very active in our civic association for many years, helping to re-invigorate it in 1997 after KHCA had been inactive for a while. He served as KHCA's secretary for multiple years and remained involved in KHCA even when he wasn't an officer. Carl cared deeply about our neighborhood, and will be sorely missed.
A service for Carl was held on December 21 at Christ Church Episcopal in Kensington. Donations in Carl’s name can be made to the American Cancer Society ( www.cancer.org) or to Oldies but Goodies Cocker Spaniel Rescue (P.O. Box 361, Newington, VA 22122 or online at www.cockerspanielrescue.com).
KHCA is planning to work with the County to have a memorial bench installed in Kensington Heights Park to honor the several long-time leaders of KHCA that have passed away in recent years. We think the bench will be a great boon to the neighborhood while helping to keep these leaders in our memories. Stay tuned for more details.
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| >>Education
Winter 2016 Parent Academy begins January 13
The Academy gives parents tips and tools to help their children succeed in school.For class information and schedule, click here. To register, click here.
MCPS FY 2017 Operating Budget: Learn More, Provide Input
Interim Superintendent Larry Bowers proposed a $2.4 billion Operating Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 to the Board of Education on December 8. Learn more about the recommended budget, the strategic budget priorities, and how you can get involved using these links: Budget 101, The Budget, Budget in Brief, Fast Facts.
Hearings on the budget will be held on Thursday, January 7, 2016, and Thursday, January 14, 2016, at 7:00 pm at Carver Educational Services Center Auditorium, 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, MD. If you are interested in providing testimony concerning the Interim Superintendent’s Recommended Fiscal Year 2017 Operating Budget, click here to register.
Board of Education Conducting National Search for New Superintendent
The Montgomery County Board of Education has announced the resumption of the national search for the next Superintendent of Schools for Montgomery County Public Schools. The selected candidate will begin serving on July 1, 2016. For info, click here.
Board of Education Awards: Nominate a contributor to public education
The Board of Education is seeking nominations from the public for its 19th Annual Awards for Distinguished Service to Public Education. The awards are sponsored by the Board to recognize and show appreciation to individuals (including students), groups, and organizations that have made exemplary contributions to public education in Montgomery County. Nomination forms are due February 3. For info, click here.
[Submitted by Shruti Bhatnagar, Chair, Education Committee]
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>>January 11 Meeting of Montgomery County Civic Federation
The next general meeting of the MC Civic Federation will be Monday, January 11, at 7:45 pm in the Lobby Level Auditorium, Executive Office Building, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville. There will be a panel discussion on the topic of “WMATA: How Do you Solve a Problem Like WMATA” with guest speakers Shyam Kannan, Managing Director, WMATA Office of Planning, and Bob Fogel, member of the WMATA Rider Advisory Council. For info about this meeting and other upcoming MCCF events, click here.
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| >>January 11, 20, 21 and 25 County Executive to Host FY 2017 Budget Forums
Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett will host five forums this month, starting January 6, to discuss the county's fiscal year 2017 budget and get input from residents about spending priorities. Public forums are designed to give residents an opportunity to share what is important to them before the County Executive prepares next year's operating budget for submission to the County Council on March 15. Input from residents for the FY17 budget is crucial in helping the County Executive determine the County's budget priorities.
The remaining forums will be: ---Monday, Jan. 11, at Bethesda-Chevy Case Regional Services Center, 4805 Edgemoor Lane, Bethesda; ---Wednesday, Jan. 20, at Silver Spring Regional Services Center, One Veterans Place, Silver Spring; ---Thursday, Jan. 21, Mid-County Community Recreation Center, 2004 Queensguard Road, Silver Spring; ---Monday, Jan. 25, BlackRock Center for the Arts, 12901 Town Commons Drive, Germantown.
For info about the proposed budget and spending priorities, click here.
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| >>January 20 Public Hearing: Montgomery Charter Review Commission
The Commission is seeking suggestions from County residents on possible amendments to the County Charter. For more info, click here.
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>>January 31 Villages of Kensington Opening Party -- All are Welcome !!
The Villages of Kensington (VoK) is holding an Opening Party on Sunday, January 31, at Temple Emmanuel, 10101 Connecticut Avenue, Kensington, 2-4 pm in the Multi-Purpose Room. All Kensington residents are invited, so feel free to invite friends and neighbors!!
- Learn about your Villages of Kensington.
- Introduction to the national Village Movement.
- Learn how you can volunteer and assist other Kensington residents!
- Meet our County Executive (invited) and the County’s Village Coordinator, and learn how they support Villages throughout our County.
- Find out about our premier service offering – free transportation in partnership with VillageRides!
- Meet and mingle with your neighbors and your Village Board members.
- Enjoy delicious refreshments and entertainment, and have fun!
After more than a year of planning, the Villages of Kensington will open with its premier service – TRANSPORTATION! VoK is partnering with VillageRides to provide the #1 service suggested by our survey responders. For info about VillageRides, click here. VoK is seeking volunteer drivers who are willing to be trained and to provide rides to Kensington residents. Volunteer drivers must be at least 18 years old, will receive 1.5 hours of specialized training, and will undergo standard driver’s license and criminal background checks. As a volunteer driver, you can view and accept ride requests online, give only the rides that work for you, and rely on free supplemental insurance coverage. You can share “The Gift of a Lift” by volunteering to be a driver for VoK. To get started, send an email to VoK’s transportation coordinator, Cliff Scharman at cjscharman@msn.com or call VillageRides at 301-255-4212.
VoK will be ready to provide these free rides once our first group of volunteers has been trained, hopefully in late February or early March 2016.
[Submitted by Donna Savage]
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| >>Other Opportunities and Alerts Sign up for Montgomery County's Martin Luther King Day of Service, January16-18. For info, click here. There will be a Women's Legislative Briefing conducted by the County's Commission for Women on Sunday, January 31. For info, click here.
If you are interested in serving on a County Board or Commission, click here for info. Applications are due January 27.
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History Chair: vacant
Safety Chair: vacant
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