Stay Informed

Information is the best weapon to curb the spread of the Coronavirus. The Colonial School District encourages families to check www.colonialschooldistrict.org and other social media platforms for regular updates that pertain to our schools and students. Superintendent, Dr. Jeffrey Menzer (pictured above while being interviewed by WDEL News) has pulled a team of administrators, staff, and volunteers together who are dedicated to rendering services to students along with learning tools while schools have been ordered to close by Governor John Carney during this State of Emergency.

School Conferences

We are not holding parent conferences this coming week.
We will communicate plans for rescheduling when school returns to a normal schedule.

Grab & Go Program a
Big Success on Day One

Thanks to Colonial's dedicated Nutrition Services Division and bus drivers 624 healthy breakfast and lunch bags were distributed on the first day!
Stay up to date on grab and go meals here

Free DART Rides to Grab and Go
In addition to the above-mentioned access to breakfast and lunch offered by the Colonial School District,  DART is doing its part to help. The public transportation system is offering public school students free bus rides on regularly scheduled bus routes to school sites offering free meals from 10 AM to 2 PM until school is back in session.

Keep Learning!

Don't let our students lose precious learning time while at home. Administrators and staff logged the ID information from parents and guardians who want their student(s) to have Chromebooks and laptops for students in grades 2-12 so voluntary lessons can continue. Learning packets were also handed out to students in grades K-1. We strongly encourage families to have students commit to daily learning time, not only because it is in the best interest of their education, but because it is a positive distraction from the daily news that can be unsettling for young people. Routines always help during trying times!

Important Community Links

More Links
We will be updating resources and links at 

Learning Link of the Day!
Live Webcams, Virtual Tours & Virtual Field Trips

Let your kids visit Buckingham Palace, the Georgia Aquarium, Ellis Island and more by clicking on the link below:
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