June 2019
Newsletter of the Kensington Heights Civic Association
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KHCA is a non-partisan neighborhood organization dedicated to representing the interests of all homeowners and residents of the Kensington Heights neighborhood in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in our community

>> June 18:  KHCA Executive Committee Meeting -- All Are Welcome
Time:  7:30 pm
Place: 10801 Torrance Drive, home of Ann and Alberto Arevalo
If you have thoughts or feedback about matters relevant to KHCA but cannot attend our meeting, you may contact us by using our Contact link.
>> KHCA Seeking Volunteer to Manage KHCA Monthly Newsletter 
Beginning July 1, KHCA will need a new volunteer to manage the compilation of our monthly newsletter. The task involves the use of the Emma platform, which is easily mastered and similar to using Microsoft Word. It's a fun way to learn about our community and to give back by helping to keep Kensington Heights residents informed. And we're prepared to help with the brief training that may be needed. If you are interested, please let the KHCA Executive Committee know by leaving us a message at the Contact link at our website. Or you can reach out to our Communications Committee Chair Shruti Bhatnagar directly. Thank you!! 
KHCA also has openings for persons to serve as Chair of our Safety Committee and Chair of our History Committee. Please consider volunteering! 
>> Help Organize Potluck Picnic/Block Party  
Every summer KHCA sponsors a community picnic/potluck in the Kensington Heights Neighborhood Park. And recently, there has been discussion on the NextDoor website about the possibility of organizing a neighborhood block party. KHCA invites those interested in a block party to join KHCA in our planning efforts for the summer picnic....making it bigger and better than ever to bring in as many as possible within our community. In the past KHCA has rented a bounce-house for the kids, and last year we organized a visit from the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department -- and we are open to the many ideas others may have for such an event. If you'd like to take part in planning a picnic block party, please let us know by using our Contact link at our website. We look forward to working with you to make this fun activity a reality. 
>> Support KHCA -- Pay Your Annual Dues  
In order to carry out our many activities, KHCA needs your support -- both through your volunteer efforts and through your financial donations. All residents of Kensington Heights are members of KHCA, and all members are welcome to attend and speak at KHCA meetings. However, to be a voting member, KH residents are asked to pay annual dues of $10 per adult resident (18+ years) to a maximum of $30 per address. These monies are much appreciated and help to ensure that KHCA remains financially viable. Payment can be made online using the Membership link at our website. Thank you!!  

>> KHCA Beautification Committee  
Our Beautification Committee is reenergized and taking on beautification projects within Kensington Heights. The goal is to engage the community in beautification projects and to facilitate educational opportunities in sustainable gardening. Interested persons are invited to become members of the Beautification Committee. Let us know you are interested by using the Contact link on our website, or you can directly contact the Chairperson of the Beautificaton Committee Jon Foreman.  

Kensington Heights Signs  
The Committee's initial project -- coodinated by Jon Foreman and Vasna Nontanovan -- is to beautify the four Kensington Heights signs that mark our neighborhood. The plan is to plant deer-resistant perennials around the signs. The committee is looking for donations of excess/unwanted deer resistant plants such as lavender, iris, daisies or other plants that can withstand our voracious deer population. We could also use help from those capable of digging - there is dry ground that needs to be broken and prepared. Our first gathering for these tasks occurred June 8 and is pictured below. If you are interested in becoming involved as this project moves along, please contact us using the links specified above. 

>> Development of the Lindsay Ford Site  
The area that currently encompasses Lindsay Ford, the Ambassador Hotel and the Mattress Firm store is being targeted for development by a partnership of developers. The partnership -- which includes The Duffie Companies, Willco, and the Housing Opportunities Commission -- is just beginning its planning process. The focus is mixed income multi-family housing and commerical spaces consistent with the Wheaton Sector Plan. The developers are interested in hearing what the community would like to see in terms of retail/restaurant/office components. More info is available at www.wheatongateway.com, or you can contact the Wheaton Gateway group directly with questions at info@WheatonGateway.com.

In addition, two "listening sessions" have been scheduled. They are intended to introduce the development team to the community, and to give residents a chance to let the developers know their interests and concerns. RSVP at info@WheatonGateway.com.

Wednesday, June 12, 7pm-10pm
Highland Elementary School, 3100 Medway Street, Wheaton 

Saturday, June 15, 10am-12noon
Highland Elementary School, 3100 Medway Street, Wheaton

>> June 10-16: MontogomeryTransit Challenge  
The Action Committee for Transit's Transit Challenge is designed so that participants experience and learn about both the strengths and the weaknesses of the County's non-car transportation systems, including getting a ride if there is no realistic way to get from point to point. These experiences help to shape plans for future public transit. Council members Friedson, Jawando, Glass and Riemer have agreed to take part, as well as Planning Board Chair Casey Anderson and Planning Board member Natali Fani-Gonzalez. 
KHCA is a co-sponsor of this event. You can follow participants' travels using Twitter (hashtag #TransitChallenge) and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/819548995093880/    
>> June 17 Webinar: Traffic Issues on Farragut  
Background: A number of years ago, the Town of Kensington tried to preclude the use of St Paul Street as a short-cut for traffic that would normally travel Universitiy Blvd and Connecticut Avenue. A "Do Not Enter" sign was posted at St Paul and Perry Streets. Overall, the sign has not been effective because a driver can cut over one block and use Farragut Avenue to circumvent the sign and return to St Paul Street just below Perry Street. While this might have been an obscure cut-around in earlier years, with the advent of GPS, Waze and other navigation systems, it has become the preferred route. The added traffic is concerning on its own but Farragut is narrow and hilly with limited visibility, making the situation even more problematic for those who live on Farragut (as well as Glenway). 
KHCA's Traffic Committee has been talking with representatives of the County and the Town of Kensington to see if there are other more workable options that would reduce the burden on Farragut/Glenway. KHCA is inviting interested persons to take part in a discussion about this issue by joining a webinar session on Monday, June 17 at 7:30 pm. Please let us know you are interested in the webinar by using this link. Here are the specifics to join the webinar scheduled as a Zoom Meeting: 
 https://zoom.us/j/8462872028 Dial +1 929 436 2866 US (Meeting ID: 846 287 2028).  
>> Montgomery County Civic Federation
June 13: MCCF Annual Awards Reception
Every year, MCCF gives three awards to those who have made significant contributions to our community. The awards are The Star Cup (given to Alan Bowser), The Sentinel Award (given to Kristy Daphnis for her impactful work on pedestrian and traffic safety), and the Wayne Goldstein Award (given to Talbot Avenue Bridge Centennial Committee). The latter award was named in honor of Wayne Goldstein who, in addition to other community volunteer activities, served with KHCA. We also proudly note that KHCA/Stop Costco Gas Coalition won the Sentinel Award in 2016. The cost to attend is $20 and includes appetizers. The start time is 6:30 pm. More info is at this link. You may make a reservation using this link. Please consider attending so we can show our appreciation to those who have made outstanding contributions to our community.

Information about the activities and meetings of MCCF can be found in the MCCF Newsletter at this link. The mission of MCCF is to preserve and improve the quality of life for current and future residents of Montgomery County. Civic associations, including KHCA, are constituents of MCCF. All county residents are welcome to attend MCCF meetings so they can interact with other communities around the County and meet State and County officials. 

President:                            Karen Cordry (Torrance Drive) karenc425@aol.com
Vice President:                    Erl Houston (St. Paul Street) erlhouston@verizon.net
Secretary:                            Ann Arevalo (Torrance Drive) annarevalo@hotmail.com
Treasurer:                            Jim Ryan (Brunswick Ave) Jim.ryan@longandfoster.com

Immediate Past President:     Danila Sheveiko (Melvin Grove Court) dsheveiko@hotmail.com
Beautification Chair                Jon Foreman (University Blvd)  jonforeman@gmail.com
Communications Chair           Shruti Bhatnagar (McComas Avenue) shruti_bhatnagar@yahoo.com
Education Chair:                     Shruti Bhatnagar (McComas Avenue) shruti_bhatnagar@yahoo.com
History Chair:                         open
Land Use Chair                      Derek Karchner (Torrance Drive) dkarchner@gmail.com
Safety Chair:                          open
Traffic Chair:                           Andrew Fraser (McComas Avenue) afraser@sandglass.com
Newsletter:                             open
Website:                                 Ricardo Gonzalez ricardo@bobbleheaddw.com

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