>> Development of the Lindsay Ford Site
The area that currently encompasses Lindsay Ford, the Ambassador Hotel and the Mattress Firm store is being targeted for development by a partnership of developers. The partnership -- which includes The Duffie Companies, Willco, and the Housing Opportunities Commission -- is just beginning its planning process. The focus is mixed income multi-family housing and commerical spaces consistent with the Wheaton Sector Plan. The developers are interested in hearing what the community would like to see in terms of retail/restaurant/office components. More info is available at
www.wheatongateway.com, or you can contact the Wheaton Gateway group directly with questions at
In addition, two "listening sessions" have been scheduled. They are intended to introduce the development team to the community, and to give residents a chance to let the developers know their interests and concerns. RSVP at
Wednesday, June 12, 7pm-10pm
Highland Elementary School, 3100 Medway Street, Wheaton
Saturday, June 15, 10am-12noon
Highland Elementary School, 3100 Medway Street, Wheaton