IMPACT Insights

June 2022

Introducing Ellis

Ellis Davis standing wearing a formal suit
Please help us welcome our newest team member, Ellis Davis.
My name is Ellis Davis and I’m the IMPACT team’s new Communications Assistant, where I will be assisting in maintaining the website, helping with Blackboard, and doing video editing! I'm originally from Seattle and I have lived in DC since I was 12, so the DMV is home to me. I am a rising Junior double majoring in Communication and Japanese Language & Literature, and my dream career is in film, whether that’s working a camera or in a production house editing. It goes without saying that I am a huge cinephile; I’ve watched 39 movies this year so far, and according to my IMDb I’ve seen 371 movies since about 2015. My two favorite films are The Fifth Element and Portrait of a Lady on Fire. Other than watching way too many movies, I am a huge fan of sumo wrestling, urban design, and recently I have been reading the Dune books (I’m currently on Children of Dune). I’m very excited to be a part of IMPACT and to do what I can to further the team's mission!

VoiceThread Has Moved

Build Content menu: create, item, file, GW syllabus upload, web link, leaerning module, course link, VoiceThread, content package
GWIT recently updated our VoiceThread-Blackboard integration. As a result, VoiceThread is now located under the “Build Content” menu of any Blackboard page.
The great news is that now when Blackboard courses are copied, VoiceThread Assignment Builder settings are copied as well, so there is no need to re-create them.

A 360° Peek at the Improved IMPACT Studio

The IMPACT Studio is outfitted with high quality cameras, sound equipment, and lighting and we are here to support Health Sciences faculty and programs with your video, audio, and multimedia needs. The image to the right shows a 360° view of what it’s like to sit in front of the camera in the studio. Click on the image on the right, then click on the arrow icon in the upper right to zoom in and click and drag around the 360° image.
Is there a place you’d like your students to explore virtually? Have another video or audio need? Reach out! That’s what we are here for.
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The SMART Lab team is located at:
2000 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 2000
Washington, DC 20006
2600 Virginia Ave NW, Suite 366
Washington, DC 20037
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