Please help us welcome our newest team member, Ellis Davis.
My name is Ellis Davis and I’m the IMPACT team’s new Communications Assistant, where I will be assisting in maintaining the website, helping with Blackboard, and doing video editing! I'm originally from Seattle and I have lived in DC since I was 12, so the DMV is home to me. I am a rising Junior double majoring in Communication and Japanese Language & Literature, and my dream career is in film, whether that’s working a camera or in a production house editing. It goes without saying that I am a huge cinephile; I’ve watched 39 movies this year so far, and according to my IMDb I’ve seen 371 movies since about 2015. My two favorite films are The Fifth Element and Portrait of a Lady on Fire. Other than watching way too many movies, I am a huge fan of sumo wrestling, urban design, and recently I have been reading the Dune books (I’m currently on Children of Dune). I’m very excited to be a part of IMPACT and to do what I can to further the team's mission!