June 22, 2023 | 3 Tammuz 5783
Reimagining Jewish learning and leadership for an interconnected world.
Parashat Korach | Candlelighting 8:06 PM EST
Passing the Gavel: Nancy Kaplan Belsky to Chair Hebrew College Board of Trustees
“Why at the ripe age of 70 would I consider leading a board of Trustees? Having studied for over a decade with [Hebrew College President] Rabbi Sharon in a group we call ‘The Torah Babes,’ I became deeply connected to the Hebrew College mission. I experienced first-hand the importance and therapeutic value of pluralistic Jewish and rabbinical education. Hebrew College ignites the power of possibilities in a complicated and troubled world,” said Belsky. “The College feels like a laboratory of learning and leadership, exploring opportunities to instill hope in humanity and faith in Jewish study and practice.” —Nancy Kaplan Belsky
Cantor Lynn Torgove: A Transformative 18 Years at Hebrew College
“As a teacher, I grew as my students grew, encouraging their questions and accompanying them through their trials of confidence, skill, and learning. My students’ bravery and determination, insights, and struggles inspired me to continue to grow and learn myself. I was inspired every time a student began to hear and express their true voice, discovering it through practice and determination. Every time they allowed themselves to be vulnerable and open up to mastering the art of nusach, chanting, hearing, and feeling how they could express the text and discover for themselves what they didn’t imagine they could do.” — Cantor Lynn Togove `12
What is the Teen Beit Midrash?
By Rabba Claudia Marbach, Director of Hebrew College Teen Beit Midrash
"The Talmud is an amazing anthology of the greatest thoughts of the Jewish people gathered over 700 years. Jews have been studying, thinking about and arguing about its stories, laws, history, values, ethics and jokes ever since. The rabbis who wrote the Talmud were interested in big questions such as how do we create systems of justice that work, why do bad things happen to good people, and how to make God do what we want? Teens are also interested in these big questions and how to make the world a better place."
"The Spiral That Reconnects" Exhibition by The Artist Beit Midrash of Hebrew College & JArts
Exhibit Opening on June 12 | Offit Room at Hebrew College
In the Hebrew College-JArts Artist Beit Midrash exhibition The Spiral That Reconnects, curated by Shirah Rubin, coco rosenberg, and Deb Feinstein, member artists asked: How might an internal road map for activists developed by Dr. Joanna Macy, inspire and deepen our creative work? What happens when we put "The Spiral" in dialogue with Jewish texts? “The work exemplifies our tradition's call to be partners with the Divine in both creation and the healing of the world. I am grateful to Shirah Rubin and the community members who put the show together to share with the broader community,” said Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman`14, co-founder and director of the Artist Beit Midrash.
| (l-r) Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman, Shirah Rubin, and Laura Mandel of JArts
Please make your gift before June 30, 2023. Every dollar fuels Jewish learning and leadership for an interconnected world. Thank you.
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Hebrew College Co-Hosts International Conference of Christians & Jews
From June 18-21, Hebrew College had the honor and privilege to co-host this year's annual conference of the International Council of Christians and Jews, which drew more than 150 attendees from 22 countries. As President Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld remarked at the opening ceremonies, the mission of Hebrew College is centered on reimagining Jewish learning and leadership for our interconnected world. “This conference reflects the ongoing, inspiring work of so many who have devoted themselves to caring for the world that lies between us.” The academic inquisitiveness, courageous conversations, and collective repair of relationships modeled by the work at the ICCJ 2023 Conference are vital to Hebrew College's pluralistic educational vision.
Located in Heppenheim, Germany, ICCJ organized the conference alongside Hebrew College’s own Miller Center for Interreligious Learning and Leadership; ICCJ’s American member organization, the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (CCJR); and the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning, Boston College. Among the many conference offerings was a presentation with conference co-chair Rabbi Or Rose (pictured above, third from left), founding director of the Miller Center, on the Book of Psalms from an interreligious perspective, which highlighted the College's new Book of Psalms website.
View the conference program and stay tuned for a full conference recap and photos.
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