Solar Geoengineering Could Save 400,000 Lives a Year, School of Public Policy-Led Study Says |
A new study led by Anthony Harding (Public Policy) suggests that while the risks of solar geoengineering deserve further consideration, the technology could save as many as 400,000 lives a year through a reduction in temperature-related deaths attributable to climate change.
In Photos: Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts Fall 2024 Master's Ceremony |
We had a blast celebrating the Fall Class of 2024 this weekend at the Institute-wide Commencement ceremony and our first-ever Ivan Allen College-hosted master’s ceremony and reception. See the master's ceremony in photos.
Year in Review: The Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts |
2024 is coming to a close, and what a year it's been at the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts! Take a look back at everything this year brought the College before we head into 2025.
Ivan Allen College/Lyman Hall Holiday Service Project |
The Lyman Hall/IAC Holiday Service Project, an annual project providing support to Georgia Tech employees and their families experiencing hardship, was a huge success! We had over 40 gifts submitted for our sponsored family. Many thanks to all who donated, and a special thanks to Priti Bhatia, Andrew McGraw, and Cameron Huggins for wrapping the gifts!
Holiday Closure Procedural Reminders |
Please review the important messages for building occupants and the checklist below as we head toward winter break. During the upcoming holiday closure:
- For campus closure, weekends, and holidays: contact GT Police to report emergencies (404-894-2500).
- Emergencies are all threats to life, property, and building. An emergency is a situation requiring an immediate response based on your best estimation.
Normal services such as maintenance and custodial do not operate during campus closure. Facilities will respond to emergencies only such as water leaks and threat to building.
- The building will be locked during closure and accessible via BuzzCard only.
The planned chilled water outage began on Dec. 14 and will run through Dec. 30. Keep an eye on the project page for information and updates.
Campus Closure Building Occupant Checklist |
- Secure all chemicals, experiments, and lab equipment if applicable.
Ensure you have your BuzzCard and/or keys with you.
- Set up auto-generated reply for email and phone lines.
- Ensure packages are not scheduled for delivery during closure.
- Unplug electronics and accessories, turn off power strips if applicable.
- Turn down the heat if you have a thermostat.
- Turn off lights.
- Close windows and blinds.
- Empty refrigerator, trash, and recycling before leaving.
- Turn off and unplug and personal heating and cooling devices.
- Ensure equipment is powered down and unplugged if applicable.
- Ensure critical equipment is backed up appropriately.
- Verify your network access is operating for off-campus access, if needed.
Lindsey Bullinger (Public Policy) was appointed to a 5-year term as a consulting editor for the journal Child Maltreatment, the official journal of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. Bullinger also gave a keynote address at the “Strengthening Families Symposium,” hosted by the Wilson Sheehan Lab for Economic Opportunity as part of their new poverty initiative.
Karen Yan (Economics) received the 2024 Esfandiar Maasoumi Best Paper Award for her article "On the Estimation of Quantile Treatment Effect Using a Semiparametric Propensity Score." The award, named in honor of former editor-in-chief Esfandiar Maasoumi, is presented annually to the best paper published in Econometric Reviews.
Yeqing Kong (Literature, Media, and Communication) gave a talk titled "Leveraging Persuasive Technologies for Global Health Communication: A Comparative Analysis of Covid-19 Apps" at the National Communication Association's annual convention in New Orleans in November.
Marilyn A. Brown (Public Policy) chaired a meeting at the University of Georgia to launch the Drawdown Georgia Solutions Tracker, which covers food, agriculture, and land sinks.
Margaret E. Kosal, International Affairs
Air Street Press
Dalton Lin, International Affairs
Mindi World News (in Chinese)
Lawrence Rubin, International Affairs
Channel News Asia (CNA)
Mark Zachary Taylor, Public Policy
Yahoo! Finance
Richard Utz, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts
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