July 2021 Bulletin
See You on July 13 — in Person at Last!
At the next Alpine County Fish and Game Commission meeting, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) will be presenting a proposal to build a barrier on the East Fork Carson River for Lahontan Cutthroat Trout (LCT) restoration. This is an opportunity for our local community to ask questions and to collaborate with agency staff as they work toward meeting the updated recovery objectives for the species in the Carson River watershed. Due to existing COVID-19 policies for some agencies, this meeting must be held outdoors. It will be an informal conversation; there will be no formal presentation, so attendees should watch the pre-recorded presentations linked to below.
Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Recovery in the Carson River Watershed
at the Alpine County Fish and Game Commission Meeting
Tuesday, July 13, 1:30 p.m. (end time uncertain)
Markleeville Library Lawn Area
IMPORTANT: Bring a chair, a water bottle, and sun protection.

The updated objectives for LCT in the Carson Unit can be found on p. 12 of the Updated Goals and Objectives document.

AWG's July Watershed Group Meeting will directly follow this meeting!
Given that this important meeting falls on AWG's July meeting date, and there is the opportunity to once more meet in person, AWG's July meeting will be an informal gathering directly following the USFWS presentation. We plan to walk to Markleeville Creek at Heritage Park to take a look at Caltrans' progress on replacing the Markleeville Bridge on Highway 89, and we will talk about the future Markleeville Creek Restoration Project. We'll have lemonade and cookies. We are so excited to see everyone again!
If you have questions, please contact Kimra.
Recycling Heroes Needed
The legendary Death Ride is back this year, and AWG is again coordinating volunteers at Turtle Rock Park to keep recycables out of landfill. If you can lend a few hours on Friday, July 16, or Saturday, July 17, to be on trash and recycling patrol, please contact Mo.
Wander Your Watershed
Looking Keenly at Alpine County Lakes
AWG has a new opportunity for you to help as a citizen scientist every time you visit a lake in Alpine County. The Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Visual Survey is designed to be easy to fill out after you get home if you don't have reception during your lake outing. Simply make note of the date and time, the location (latitude/longitude coordinates if possible), and what you see—visual indicators in the water as well as activities going on at the lake. If you suspect a HAB, please take photos. If you have any questions, contact Mo. Thank you!
Stewardship Spotlight

Thank you to all the volunteers who turned out for the May 8 Markleeville Enhancement Club workday, at which AWG's Adopt-A-Highway stretch got scoured of trash. 
Thank you to the volunteer team who put the fencing back up to protect Site 1 of the Hope Valley Restoration and Aquatic Habitat Enhancement Project and who re-set up the watering system so we can help the willows get established this first summer season post-construction.

Thank you to our dedicated River Monitors for collecting data in June.

SAVE THE DATE: Markleeville Creek Day will take place on Saturday, September 18, 2021! 
Farewell to Ky
We regret to share that Watershed Program Assistant Ky Osguthorpe has moved on from AWG. We know many of you didn't even get to meet Ky since her entire tenure was during the pandemic. We are grateful to have had her help, and we wish Ky all the best in her future endeavors. 
AWG Needs Your Financial Support
Whether you are an occasional visitor, seasonal resident, or enjoy Alpine County year-round, your watershed group depends on YOUR donations to lead watershed protection and stewardship efforts. Please make a mid-year contribution today!
You can buy items needed for our programs directly on AWG's Amazon Wish List.
Every time you make a purchase using Amazon.com, you can help support AWG by buying through AmazonSmile. All you have to do is select Alpine Watershed Group, and remember to go to AmazonSmile to complete your purchase—you can even do your shopping seamlessly while on AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to AWG.

Visit AWG’s Donate page for links to all of the ways to support AWG’s work.
No Butts About It
By Mo Loden, Watershed Program Manager
Did you know that cigarette butts are the most common type of litter found in the U.S. and worldwide? According to data from the Ocean Conservancy’s annual International Coastal Cleanup, which coincides with AWG’s Creek Day and the Great Sierra River Cleanup, cigarette butts have been the number one most picked up item every year since the cleanup began over 20 years ago. In 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that approximately 14% of the adult population smoked cigarettes. So how is it that only 14% of the population is creating the number one most commonly found litter item across the country? A tobacco industry study conducted last spring found that 25% of adult smokers throw their cigarette butts on the ground because they “think it is a normal way to dispose of a cigarette.” This dirty habit needs to become socially unacceptable for a long list of reasons.
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Until next time!

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