So you have installed Windows 10, now what?
You have probably heard that Windows 10 does a lot of “Spying” and data collection on you and your activities.  Unfortunately, that is true.
Microsoft uses telemetry collection to collect tons of data from you and your machine.  Microsoft intentions are pretty clear.  They will not divulge all the data they are collecting or what they are doing with the data.  Most people believe they are selling the data to their partners and that is how they are covering the costs of Windows 10 and their unified operating system.
Luckily, there is a pretty good tool we can use to shut down these data collection services.  Spybot Anti-Beacon is a simple product that will shut down these collection services.  We suggest you use this tool to control which data you would like Microsoft to have access to.  
You can download this tool HERE
Also, click on the start button and type in “Privacy”.  We suggest you turn off any of these features you do not currently use.

Watch this video by Barnacules 

He does a great job explaining what Microsoft is collecting and how turn of the data collections.  You can watch his video here:
Watch this video by Barnacules
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