Buy your $10 tickets for the Chili Fundraiser!
Buy your $10 tickets for the Chili Fundraiser!
February 1, 2017
Wednesday Night Dinner at 5:30 pm.  Join us for a delicious meal and great fellowship with your church family!  Tonight's menu: Assorted soups in bread bowls, salad, fruit, tea and lemonade; cake to honor those born in February. Kids Option:  Corn dogs, mac-n-cheese.
($7 for adults, $4 for children, with a $23 family maximum.)
Programs for all ages at 6:15 pm.
Meet Charity Gordon, a mother on a mission to make sure no child anywhere dies from malaria, a preventable disease. Charity serves as field coordinator for the Mississippi Annual Conference. It is her faith as well as her role as a mother that fuels her passion for this cause. She says, “It’s so unjust that there’s prevention and treatment for this disease, yet malaria is still taking lives. It’s one thing we can do something about, so let’s do it!”.
As field coordinator, Gordon works every day traveling, speaking and inspiring others to join Imagine No MalariaYou can hear Charity speak this Sunday during Children's Moments, and you can support this good work through our February communion offering.
Men's Ministry 2nd Annual Retreat
February 11th-12th at Camp Wesley Pines
Last year's retreat was so much fun we've decided to do it again!
We encourage all men to join us for food, outdoor activities, games and Bible study.  Cost is $75, due in the Church Office by February 8th
Those interested in a caravan can meet in the church parking lot at 9:00am on Saturday the 11th, all others are welcome to meet us at Camp Wesley Pines anytime Saturday morning.  CLICK HERE FOR DIRECTIONS

We do have the cabin reserved for Friday night, so anyone interested in getting to the campsite early can email John Reed for more details.

If you have any other questions, please contact Brandon or John.
Our 24-member Youth Mission Team is cooking up a Chili Lunch Fundraiser to help them pay for their trip to Strong Missions in Costa Rica. They will be helping with local construction projects, afternoon children's activities, and a community feeding program. They can't wait to see how God will work in them and through them on this trip.  Plan to pick up a to-go lunch after either worship service on February 12th.
A $10 ticket is available from any youth, and includes a bowl of chili, crackers, dessert, spoon and napkin. Thanks for your support!
Shabbat Shalom!
The 2017 Confirmation Class learned so much by sharing in worship with our friends at Beth Israel Friday night. This Sunday, Parkway Hills will celebrate at both services when many in this group make decisions to be baptized and/or join the church.
Worship Services:
February 5, 2017

Acolyte for 8:30 Service
Scarlett Rolph

Acolytes for 10:45 Service
Isaac Kelly, Gregory Williams
Greeters for 8:30 Service
Ben and Pat Franklin

Greeters for 10:45 Service
John and Haley Dollarhide
Rick Kolar, Tommy Murphy, Tom Stewart, Greg Taylor,
Paul Nader, Greg Shows, Melvin Spell

Offering Counters  
Elkanah Burson
Jennifer Fulcher

This Sunday, February 5th at 7:30 am, men of all ages are invited to the Men's Monthly Breakfast Program.  This month's speaker is Tony Haines, discussing our Scouting Program.
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This week's sign up from His Kitchen is ready! Please ORDER HERE and share this link with others!  Pick up is on Monday, February 6th between 4:00 and 6:00 pm. Profits will help fund the Costa Rica trip.
Record of Our Faithfulness
January 29, 2017
Attendance: 8:30 am - 120
SS - 128  10:45 am -
Memorials received in memory of Sherry Felder
January - December 2016
Income:  $862,224.82   Expenses:  $857,376.16
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