2016-2017 Major Dates Announced

August 10 - Freshman & Transfer Orientation
August 11
- First Day of Classes
September 5 - Labor Day – School/Offices Closed
October 12
- Yom Kippur – School/Offices Closed
October 20-21
- Fall Break
November 23-25
- Thanksgiving Break
December 14-16
- Semester Exams
December 19 - 
January 2 - Christmas Break
January 3
- First Day of Second Semester
January 16
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – School/Offices Closed
February 20-21
- Presidents’ Day Extended – School/Offices Closed
April 3-7
- Spring Break
April 14
- Good Friday – School/Offices Closed
May 24-26
- Final Exams
June 4
- Baccalaureate & Graduation

Final Exams Are Next Week

Below are links to the final exam schedules for the Fall 2015 Semester.
If you have any questions, please contact Audrey Knuckles.

weekly calendar

friday - december 11, 2015

Day 1
Daily Mass - 7:45 a.m.

monday - december 14, 2015

Day 1
Daily Mass - 7:45 a.m.

tuesday - december 15, 2015

Daily Mass - 7:30 a.m.

wednesday - december 16, 2015

Daily Mass - 7:30 a.m.

thursday - december 17, 2015

Daily Mass - 7:30 a.m.

friday - december 18, 2015


Picture of the Week

A picture from the magnificent White Winter Hymnal performed by
Brebeuf Jesuit Choir and Strings on December 8.

Student Spotlight

Loves about Brebeuf:
At Brebeuf, the teachers are amazing. I am in Spanish III with Sra. Brown, and more often than not I am in her office receiving help on almost everything. Though Spanish is not my strong suit, she never fails to help me comprehend something and truly cares about my education.
Favorite Class: 
I cannot choose just ONE favorite class, I have three. My favorite classes are AP Psych with Mrs. Bobis, English 11 with Ms. Moore, and Moral Decision Making with Ms. Hennessy. I love AP Psych because Mrs. Bobis is such a great teacher and the topics we discuss are so intriguing. In English 11, Ms. Moore brings humor and British Literature together to create a perfect learning experience. In Moral Decision Making we discuss topics such as abortion and capital punishment. I believe that it is important to discuss such controversial subjects in order for us students to receive a well-rounded education, which is what Brebeuf is striving to achieve. 
Future Plans:
I’d love to go to Hope College in Holland, MI and study either social work or sociology and play volleyball. My goal is to hopefully become a social worker or sociologist.
Teams & Co-Curriculars:

Varsity Volleyball
Coach 5th/6th grade volleyball at St. Michaels
GSA Club
Students Working Against Human Trafficking Club (SWAT)
Young Democrats Club
    Random Fact:
    I was kicked out of piano in 4th grade for not practicing… my teacher was a nun. 
    Is Brebeuf as academically rigorous as they say?
    I can say wholeheartedly that Brebeuf is very academically rigorous. However, most of the teachers are amazing and truly want their students to succeed in and out of the classroom. All of my siblings have gone through Brebeuf and said that they were far more prepared for college than others. Though the workload and expectations are high (along with my stress level before these finals), time management and using the PRTs wisely will get you through.
    Would you rather…
    Go to the movie theater or stay home with Netflix?
    Netflix is my life but I would have to say going to the movies is better. The popcorn is always perfect, some seats are recliners, the surround sound is great, and there is nothing more enjoyable than watching a movie where the screen takes up almost your entire field of vision. 
    Vacation in Hawaii or Alaska?
    I would rather vacation in Hawaii because I could try to recreate scenes from Cast Away with Tom Hanks.  
    Watch TV or read a book?
    It depends on what I’m in the mood for but normally (I’m sorry English department) I’d rather watch tv.
    Travel by sailboat or cruise ship?
    I would rather travel by cruise ship because I would want to play shuffleboard and I’m afraid that the sailboat would tip over.
    Go forward in time or back in time?
    I would rather go forward in time because, since I know everything that will happen, I can pretend to have visions like in That’s So Raven.
    Favorite Christmas Movie?
    My favorite christmas movie is White Christmas with Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney.

    College Counseling News

    College Evening with Sophomore Parents - January 13, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
    Mark your calendars for the College Evening with Sophomore Parents program on January 13, 2016 from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Auditorium.

    Snoball Winter Semi-Formal Dance    

    The Senior Class is sponsoring the annual semi-formal SnoBall Dance Saturday, January 23 from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at the Sheraton Downtown City Centre Indianapolis. This semi-formal dance will include snacks, water and music! 
    Mark your calendars...more details will be forthcoming!

    Brebeuf Jesuit Family Mass    

    Please join Father Jack Dennis, S.J. and celebrate Mass with alumni, students, parents and friends of the Brebeuf Family.  
    Saturday, December 19, 2015
    Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School 
    Brebeuf Jesuit Chapel
    5:00 p.m. 
    RSVP to Jason Smith, Director of Alumni Relations at jsmith@brebeuf.org or 317.524.7091

    SAT Prep Class Registration    

    Veteran Brebeuf Jesuit teachers Ms. Patti Brown (former English teacher, current Learning Center Director) and Mr. Eric Graham (Mathematics teacher) will be teaching the eight-week Brebeuf Jesuit SAT Prep Course to current juniors during Semester II. The four-week English/verbal section (which includes preparation for the analysis essay and the reading and writing tests) as well as the four-week Math section will be taught prior to Spring Break. Students must commit two hours per week for the course, plus any necessary time for homework. The SAT has been completely revamped starting this year. Both teachers will incorporate all of the new components of the test in their instruction. 

    Most sessions meet from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in room 106. The exceptions will be two Friday sessions for math from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in room 106. The course fee, which includes several practice tests, is $250 and will be billed directly to your Brebeuf Jesuit account. No checks will be accepted.

    If you have specific questions about the course, please contact Mr. Eric Graham at 317.524.7028 or egraham@brebeuf.org.

    Click here to register.

    2015-2016 Brebeuf Jesuit Athletic Program   

    Sponsored by the Brebeuf Jesuit Dads Club
    As has been done for several years running, the Brebeuf Dads Club is sponsoring the production of a printed athletic program to be distributed at home athletic events. The program is issued three times per year - Fall, Winter and Spring.
    The athletic program at Brebeuf is made possible in large part due to the generosity of parents, alumni, corporate sponsors and friends. Gifts made to Brebeuf Jesuit on behalf of this effort will be acknowledged with a recognition piece in the athletic program. Generous donors who would like to be a part of the upcoming Winter program can view the giving levels and corresponding recognition piece sizes here.

    New Orleans Spring Break Service Trip   

    Brebeuf will be sending a group of students on the annual Spring Break service trip to New Orleans April 3-9, 2016.  This trip provides a unique experience for students wanting to spend their Spring Break helping others who have undergone the tragedy and destruction of Hurricane Katrina. We will be partnering with Habitat for Humanity and assisting the construction of affordable housing for the residents in need. Students will also explore the city to experience its rich culture and witness the rebuilding of New Orleans first-hand.
    Interested students must pick up an application packet in Room 182. The trip is limited to 24 students.
    Please contact Karly Geisse with any questions at kgeisse@brebeuf.org or 317.524.7132.

    Learn About a Semester Abroad at the
    Mountain School  

    December 16
    1:30 p.m.
    France Stone Room
    Join Brebeuf Jesuit alumnus Bill Davenport ’66 and his wife Leslie to learn about semester abroad opportunities at The Mountain School in Vermont.  Both of Bill and Leslie’s children spent one semester during their high school careers at The Mountain School where they lived and worked on a farm, all while continuing their academic studies. They will be on campus to speak to current students and parents and answer any questions about the program. The Mountain School program is intended for juniors, so the primary audience is freshman and sophomore families. 
    For any questions and to RSVP, please contact Jennifer Nye at jnye@brebeuf.org

    Don't Miss the Last Day of NHS Tutoring on Friday

    Free tutoring is available in Math, English, History, Science, and Foreign Language for all students. NHS only has one tutoring sessions left for the semester. No sign-up necessary; students should just show up in the Info Commons tomorrow (Friday) between 7:30-8:00 a.m.!

    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend Trip 2016 - Detroit, Michigan

    During Spring Break 2015, Brebeuf students went on a service trip to Detroit. The students observed the spirit of the city, a sense of hope and optimism from its citizens, where the residents continually work to make the largest city in the United States to declare bankruptcy a better place. We wish to continue that profound experience albeit in a condensed version, adding more cultural activities relevant to the Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend.
    We will be participating in a variety of service experiences and take time to explore various landmarks and places that are culturally significant to Detroit including the Charles Wright Museum.  
    Interested students can pick up a permission packet from Karly Geisse in room 182. The trip is limited to 10 students and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
    If you have any questions or want more details, please contact Karly Geisse at kgeisse@brebeuf.org.

    Winter Sports Convo - March 21   

    Please mark your calendars for the Winter Sports Convo on Monday, March 21, at 7:00 p.m. in the West Gym.

    Brebeuf Athletics - Sports Report

    Click the link below to access the Brebeuf Jesuit Sports Report.
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