A video about our exceptional church...Open to Watch
A video about our exceptional church...Open to Watch
A moving, and beautiful short film about our special church and its 200-year mission to serve God and minister to His people. We think you will love it.
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A Faithful Fiscal Fact
Christ Church buildings use quite a bit of electricity, especially on Sundays.  In June of this year, the D.C. Public Service Commission increased Pepco’s standard rate by 14%.
Do You Know?
Stewardship Committee volunteers are reaching out by phone calls, e-mails, or text messages to ask you to pledge for 2024 and to increase your generosity as circumstances permit. 
Because details of your annual pledge are personal, your Stewardship Committee volunteer will thank you on behalf of the entire congregation but will never know information such as your form of payment, frequency of installments, or amount.
A Personal Perspective on Stewardship
On Labor Day Sunday of 1982, I came to Christ Church Georgetown having just arrived in DC from Memphis. Reverend Sanford Garner and his wife Mary were from the Memphis area. Mary’s brother had called in advance to tell them I was coming. A life-long Episcopalian, my mother had emphasized finding my church as soon as possible. That first day is notable in so many ways:  I began a close friendship with Sanford and Mary, met another Memphian during coffee hour who would become Godmother to my children, and I was introduced to my future in-laws, even though I did not meet their son until a year later. What I remember most about that day was the way I felt in the beautiful sanctuary: at peace, spiritually-connected, and at home.
A few years later, I was married at Christ Church. Then my two children came along and they were baptized here, attended Sunday school, and participated in the mission trips. In 1995, I joined the Flower Guild and my husband served on the vestry. The years flew by. Funerals for my in-laws, the Godmother to my children, and then my husband were held at our beautiful church.
Now, forty-one years later, I have the privilege to serve as co-chair of the Flower Guild and the Hospitality Committee, where I help to support Evensong services and the amazing, world class choral music which is an important part of this service.
Our parish has been blessed with exceptional clergy: Sanford, Stuart and now Tim and the many assistant clergy who have nurtured our congregation. The feeling of being at home has always been a constant. Stewardship is a given for me. The lights, water, heat, AC, grounds upkeep, Sunday school, Sunday Forums, coffee hours, group dinners, bar-b-ques, mission partners, community outreach, staff, and clergy salaries, and all the other things that make our church vital, available, and home to each of us, come with a price tag. Making a monthly donation is a meaningful way for me to express gratitude for all Christ Church means to me.
-       Doris Dixon, a parishioner for forty-one years
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