UMKC has been notified of three positive COVID-19 cases on campus.
- One case involves an individual who was in the School of Law Classroom 4 and Courtroom, and the Student Union, on Sept. 9.
- One case involves an individual who was in the School of Education on Aug. 30.
- One case involves an individual who was in Studio B in Swinney Center on Sept. 9.
Any individuals determined to be close contacts, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), will be contacted.
UMKC facilities staff continue to follow CDC guidelines on cleaning practices.
Those who test positive will remain isolated as recommended by local and national guidelines. In addition, UMKC policy calls for individuals who have recovered from COVID to be cleared to return to campus following campus guidelines.
UMKC will continue to work closely with health authorities to manage any campus exposures to COVID and to follow the recommendations of the local health department and the CDC. UMKC relies on these health experts to determine protocols for how to handle positive tests of faculty, staff, students or visitors on campus.
Actions that individuals can take to protect their own health, as well as the health and safety of the campus community, include staying home if you have COVID-like symptoms.
According to our campus policies, we will continue to post notices of positive cases online every weekday. All students, faculty and staff are required to report a positive COVID-19 test within four hours of receiving the test result.
Students who are showing COVID-19 symptoms should contact their health-care provider immediately. Additionally they should report COVID-19 symptoms, close contact with someone who tested positive or positive test results to the UMKC HelpLine at 816-235-2222. Do not come to campus, or go to class, if you have any of these conditions.
Faculty and staff should also report any COVID-19 symptoms to their medical provider and not return to campus until given further instruction by their provider. Additionally, employees should report COVID-19 symptoms, close contact with someone who tested positive or positive test results to their supervisor or to HR at 816-235-1229.
After normal business hours, reports of positive tests by students or employees should be made to 816-235-COVI (2684).