CTE News - October 29, 2024
October 29, 2024
Hi Friend of the CTE,
The semester is getting spooky. Better treat yourself to a midcourse evaluation consultation before spots vanish. We’ve conjured up some eerie-sistible data on the upcoming Lilly Conference and plenty of other fang-tastic resources for you to explore in this issue. This News will leave you spellbound.*
*Credit: ChatGPT for a bit of “punny” assistance
Jump Scared by Your Midcourse Evaluation Data? |
Get Support With a Consultation!
“I learned more speaking with the FTA than looking at this data by myself. The FTA helped me process the results and have an outside perspective.” (instructor feedback survey comment)
Midcourse evaluation has been shown to impact end-of-course evaluation ratings because it opens up instructor-student communication and facilitates addressing student learning needs. Consulting about your midcourse evaluation results with a CTE Faculty Teaching Associate (FTA) can help identify effective methods and practices (e.g., how to use Canvas more effectively; how to improve student engagement); an FTA can even suggest how to discuss your implementation of midcourse data for promotional purposes. Consultation spaces are limited and are closing soon—schedule yours today!
Countdown to Lilly: By The Numbers |
Capturing and Holding Students’ Attention |
How can we engage students’ attention for the entire class so that they learn effectively? According to this Faculty Focus article, some instructional features that promote sustained attention, even in classes that meet for well over an hour, are variety, practical applications, humor, and even physical activity.
Using Mind Maps for Group Work |
This Faculty Focus article describes how having students work with mind maps led instructors in one department to discoveries about ways these learning tools can be used for crafting different types of assessments, for collaborative learning, and for monitoring student progress.
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Opportunities From Our Partners
Miami Online Resources for Instructors |
Provost Mullenix recently announced the launch of Miami Online, our newly centralized online campus. We recommend bookmarking this link for “Resources for Faculty and Staff” and direct you to the bottom of the page for Canvas and Tech Support.
Center for Teaching Excellence
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