November 25, 2024
Whether this is the first newsletter you've received or not, welcome! This is the second edition of our weekly newsletter to help welcome you to American University and set you up for success as you prepare for your transition for the start of the spring semester. Check out last week's newsletter here: November 18.
Don't forget to keep checking your inbox for more information from us, New Student & Family Programs (NSFP), and other campus partners looking to help you in your transition to AU. Don't forget that you can always reach out to us by phone at (202) 885-3303 or by emailing us at with any questions you may have.
Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle!
The New Student and Family Programs Team
Flock Talk: Advice from Returning Students
| "Get involved on campus because it's never too late to find your community through cultural clubs or intramural sports. If none of them align with your interests, you can even form one with a group of your friends!"
Sherry Madabhushi
School of Public Affairs (SPA) '26
Next Steps from Undergraduate Admissions
📨 If you haven't already read through your email from Undergraduate Admissions, make sure to do that first. It contains important, time-sensitive information. Once you've done that, then you can continue on with this email newsletter.
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đź“Ť New Student Orientation, or NSO, is a required step in your transition process that all new students (first-year and transfer students) must fully participate in. Through NSO, you will meet and interact with other new students, meet some of our Orientation Leaders, and learn about important and valuable campus services, resources, and expectations of you as a student.
This year, NSO will take place from Thursday, January 9 through Saturday, January 11. Thursday and Friday are full of important, required opportunities to learn about what it means to be a student at AU, while Saturday's programs are optional–but encouraged!
Visit this website to register for NSO: Spring NSO Registration. The RSVP closes on Friday, December 13, so please sign up as soon as possible.
New Eagle Essentials Webinar
đź’» Maybe the best way to prepare for the start of your time here at AU is to join us for our New Eagle Essentials webinar. During this webinar, we bring together campus resources and engagement opportunities to help you learn about what life might be like for your as a new AU student.
Join us next week on Friday, December 6 at 12 p.m. EST to learn about the opportunities awaiting you. For more information, including a schedule and RSVP link, click the button below.
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Upcoming Dates and Reminders
📸 Upload Your One Card Photo
Your AU One Card is your university ID that gives you access to your residence hall, various university buildings, our on-campus dining hall, and so much more! Don't want to wait in line or take a photo in our office? Simply upload a photo, and your AU One Card is one more step closer to being printed.
Beginning on January 2, you can visit the One Card office (Mary Graydon Student Center, Rm. 123) to pick up your ID anytime Monday-Friday between 9 a.m.-12 p.m. or 1:00-4:30 p.m.
🚇 Pick Up Your AU U·Pass
The U·Pass program provides unlimited rides throughout the academic year on all Metrorail and Metrobus lines (including express and airport shuttle buses) for trips across DC.
Beginning on January 3, all new students will be able to pick up their U·Pass in the Parking and Commuter Services Office on the Terrace level of the Don Myers Technology & Innovation (DMTI) Building. Please note, you must have picked up your AU One Card before picking up your U·Pass.
| 202-885-3303
New Student & Family Programs
4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20016
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