Graduate Showcase Recap, PTD Workshop, Orientations, and More!
Graduate Showcase Recap, PTD Workshop, Orientations, and More!
Grand Valley State University
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Graduate Education News & Information
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GV Summer Poster Kassie Nguyen Profile Attendees at the 2023 Graduate Showcase hugging
May 2023
Find out the latest news and information in Graduate Education at GVSU in less than a minute, brought to you by The Graduate School (TGS)
  1. Welcome back! We hope your break, while brief, was still enjoyable. Let's continue strong in this Spring/Summer 2023 semester!

  2. Graduate students from many disciplines got to showcase their highly exceptional scholarly and creative activities during the 2023 Graduate Showcase! Photos from the event are now available, and you can view them here.

  3. The Graduate School will be hosting the Spring/Summer 2023 Project, Thesis, and Dissertation Workshops on May 22 and June 12. This workshop is required for all graduate students beginning a thesis in the S/S 2023 semester or enrolled in a 695/795 course. Students completing a project are welcome to attend. Register for a workshop here.

  4. The New Graduate Student Orientation for Fall 2023 is now on the calendar! There will be two in-person sessions in the Loosemore Auditorium, on August 16, and one virtual session, on August 22. Registration links will be sent out closer to the event. For more information, check out our calendar here.

  5. Students that will hold a graduate assistantship for the first time this Fall will need to attend a New GA Orientation. It will be hosted in person on August 25, in the Loosemore Auditorium. Registration can be found here.

  6. Finally, The Graduate School would like to congratulate one of our staff, Kassie Nguyen! Kassie graduated from the Master of Public Health Program in April, after finishing her project in epidemiology for the Detroit Health Department. She was an exemplary staff member in our office, and we are looking forward to her future Laker Effects! Check out the full story on Kassie.

Student Health Resources 

The Graduate School has developed a list of resources for students that includes physical health, mental health, sexual health, and more. 
August 16, 2023: In-person Fall 2023 New Graduate Student Orientation
August 22, 2023: Virtual Fall 2023 New Graduate Student Orientation
August 25, 2023: New GA Orientation
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