The National Health Care for the Homeless Council, in partnership with the National Association of Community Health Centers and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is accepting requests for proposals for funding under the Vaccine Ambassador Project. The deadline for proposals has been extended through September 13.
Persons experiencing homelessness are at increased risk for COVID-19 infection during the pandemic because of congregate living; persons with substance use disorders also may have increased risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19. The goal of this project is to increase COVID-19 vaccinations among three specific marginalized populations: people experiencing homelessness, people with substance use disorders, and/or people who engage in sex work. Funding will support community health centers and other organizations' efforts to deliver COVID-19 immunizations by utilizing vaccine ambassadors (community health workers, peer navigators, etc.) to reach marginalized populations that are at an increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19.
Please click below to view the request for proposals and eligibility criteria.