Youth Summit Connecting
Youth Summit Connecting

Join us for a Joint Meeting of the Harney County Forest Restoration and Wildfire Collaboratives 

Monday, Sep 30, 1:30-5pm, Harney County Chamber of Commerce or virtual via Zoom
Why? Harney County and its surrounding areas faced their most severe fire season in years. Understanding the impact on our community and partners is crucial. The Harney County Forest Restoration and Wildfire Collaboratives seek to coordinate efforts in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from these events. By working together, we aim to build a more resilient community for future fire seasons.
The Agenda.
1:30-1:40pm, Welcome, Ground Rules for the Meeting & Agenda Overview
1:40-2:40pm, Partner Perspectives Round Robin
2:40-3:10pm, Responder's Panel Report; panel composed of Josh Giles/Forest Service; Shane Theall/BLM; Dave Hannibal/Grayback Forestry; Ron Whiting/Lone Pine RFPA and James Johnston/University of Oregon
3:10-3:25pm, Break
3:25-3:55pm, Perspectives on the Falls and Telephone Fires Q&A
3:55-4:55pm, Opportunities to improve Harney County's preparedness and resilience for future wildfire seasons
4:55-5:00pm, Wrap-Up
This meeting will be facilitated by Jack Southworth/Harney County Forest Restoration Collaborative facilitator and Sonia Hall/Harney County Wildfire Collaborative facilitator.
Aaron Johnston, the coordinator for both collaboratives is coordinatoring this meeting and he's the guy to contact with any questions including Zoom access information if you choose to Zoom in. You can reach him at

People Who Collaborate

As a Fire Mitigation Specialist with the Bureau of Land Management, Derek's responsibilities vary with the seasons. Spring finds him focused on community preparedness, including updating the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) and organizing the annual Wildfire Preparedness Week event, also known as FireWise Day. During the summer, he divides his time between wildfire response, fire investigation, and overseeing fuels reduction projects. These projects, such as the Radar Hill Fuel Break and the Burns Butte Communications Facility treatment, often extend into the fall as weather permits. Winter is dedicated to planning future projects and exploring new ways to support the communities surrounding public lands. "The Burns Butte Communications Facility project is one of several wildfire mitigation projects that I am working on to help our community. This area was identified by the Community Wildfire Preparedness Plan as a critical infrastructure to our county and its importance to keep communications with the outside world." READ MORE

How Does a HDP Collaborative Form? (Part 9)

Agenda, What Agenda
HDP does not have an agenda for the outcome of an issue or opportunity other than to set the table for each collaborative to do its work. HDP's role in collaboration is to function as a strong support system that enables cooperative work with a focus on process management, not issue position. By maintaining a neutral position HDP is able to effectively support all partners regardless of their position on issues and opportunities.

How a HDP collaborative comes together and functions with HDP as this neutral support system.

Initiation: A complex issue or opportunity arises, prompting collaboration.
A coordinator is identified
Funding is sought
Relationships among partners form and strengthen
A facilitator is contracted
Meetings begin
Partners explore the issue's core
Collaborative culture emerges
A coordinating committee is formed
Operating principles are established
Meeting schedules are set
Meeting agendas are thoughtfully prepared
Strategic planning commences

Consensus model is utilized
Table-setting influences conversations and decisions
HDP maintains neutrality, focusing on supporting collaboration
Illustration by Carrie Van Horn, Heartwood Visuals.
*In November, we talk about High Desert Partnership's expansive collaborative support system.

Teamwork Flows Like A Stream

The sun beats down on a group of young adults, nets in hand, as they wade through a cool stream in the Malheur National Forest. To the casual observer, it might appear they're simply enjoying a summer day in nature. But these individuals are part of High Desert Partnership's (HDP) summer crew, and they're hard at work conducting stream habitat surveys in the surrounding forest land.
This summer, HDP assembled its largest crew ever—eight members split between stream and habitat teams that provide monitoring support to the Harney County Wildfire Collaborative, the Harney County Forest Restoration Collaborative and the Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative.  READ MORE. 

New Tool Helps Refuge Analyze Blitzen River

Last spring, the Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative acquired an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). The ADCP was purchased using funds the collaborative received from the Oregon legislature for wetlands restoration.

It is a device that uses sound waves to measure the speed and direction of currents through the water column. The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, for example, uses ADCPs to understand how water moves, which in turn provides important information about biological, chemical and physical properties of the ocean.

The collaborative’s intent for the ADCP is to measure streamflow on the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and throughout the Harney Basin through the Donner und Blitzen River, the Silvies River and other streams in the basin.
Sarah Weber is an undergraduate student at the University of Oregon who has worked for the refuge for the last two summers as the substation management technician. The position involves irrigation and maintenance for the refuge. This summer, because of her interest in water quality, Weber was also put in charge of running the ADCP. “The goal of our research was to quantify the effect of management on both the quantity and the quality of water going through the refuge, particularly with quality pertaining to turbidity and temperature,” she said. Weber believes that information collected by the ADCP could be helpful to the refuge in determining its water budget equation.READ MORE

Youth Summit Connections

Local professionals, business owners, educators and agency staff met with Harney County high school students to discuss post-high school opportunities during the Youth Changing the Community Collaborative Youth Summit on September 19-20. The event began with a community dinner featuring locally sourced food, followed by a day of small group discussions.
Students from AVID and College Prep classes participated in conversations centered around three main themes: Build-Conserve-Grow (natural resources and trades), Assist-Nurture-Support (helping professions), and Problem Solve-Explore-Create (business and creative fields). Facilitators shared their career paths and industry insights, creating a casual atmosphere that encouraged student engagement and exploration of various career options.

Pictured: All attending participating in a stringboard activity that asked to “connect the dots” with string to see how we all connected as a group. Choices ranged from where you live to your generation and work history. Photo by Brandon McMullen.

New Podcast Alert

In this episode, “Talking with Kids About Becoming,” hear Oregon Humanities director and HDP board member Adam Davis and Children's Institute Rafael Otto chat with kids from Slater Elementary (Burns) and Highland Elementary (Grants Pass) about how their schools, towns, state and country shape who they are. They also share how other places—from different countries to other towns—play a role in their journey of self-discovery. Listen too for input from their parents and school administrators.⁠

For more about this episode and Oregon Humanities, head here.

 2024 Upcoming Events 
Monday, September 30 | Harney County Forest Restoration & Wildfire Collaborative Meeting
Saturday, October 19 | Harney Food Systems Autumn Harvest Festival
Wednesday, October 16 | High Desert Partnership Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 22 | Biz Harney Opportunity Collaborative Meeting
Wednesday, October 23 | Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative Meeting 

Six Collaboratives Supported By

High Desert Partnership

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