Top Stories from the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences
Top Stories from the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences


Unmanned Underwater Vehicle

Shaping the workforce of the future

The Clemson University Center for Workforce Development collaborated with partners in the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education community to create a virtual-reality simulation of an underwater remotely operated vehicle that will make its debut this summer in a global competition.

Charles Dove

Electrical engineering alumnus wins Hertz Fellowship

Out of more than 900 applicants from around the world, Charles Dove was among 12 this year to receive the fellowship.

Jack McCormac

Leaving a lasting legacy

Clemson University’s civil engineers paid tribute recently to the late Jack McCormac, whose seven textbooks made him one of the world's most notable engineers and have helped teach three generations of civil engineers.

Governor Henry McMaster and Tanju Karanfil

Gov. Henry McMaster honors Clemson University’s Tanju Karanfil

Karanfil, vice president for research and professor of environmental engineering and Earth sciences, received the 2021 Governor’s Award for Excellence in Scientific Research.

Claudia Sisk and Marissa Jansen

Nature’s Gift wins CECAS Spark Challenge

Claudia Sisk and Marissa Jansen are trying to take their product, Nature’s Gift, to market after winning the CECAS Spark Challenge.

James Jones and Carolyn Freeman Pellerin

Remembering those who laid the foundation

Faculty, alumni and staff fondly remembered former School of Computing lecturers James Jones and Carolyn Freeman Pellerin, who helped usher in the digital age by teaching computer science to Clemson University students.

Jackie Cha and Emily Tucker

Supporting health innovation

Jackie Cha and Emily Tucker, both assistant professors of industrial engineering, were among six new faculty scholars appointed by the Clemson University School of Health Research.


In the News:

How software is eating the car
IEEE Spectrum | Zoran Filipi

Clemson University students create inexpensive, eco-friendly tampon design
The Post and Courier | Claudia Sisk, John DesJardins

June 2021

From the Dean

We are almost at the halfway point between the end of spring semester and the beginning of the fall term, and the campus has seen the return of many of the programs and camps typical of this time of year. The College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences is no different. As this issue of IDEAS indicates, we have been busy, and we are planning for an even more active fall.

Several stories in this month’s newsletter highlight the continuing accomplishments of our faculty and students. Just a year after earning his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, Charles Dove has won the highly prestigious Hertz Fellowship; one of only twelve recipients, he plans to continue his education at the University of California, Berkeley. Bioengineering major Claudia Sisk and recent health science graduate Marissa Jansen worked across disciplines under the guidance of bioengineering Professor Sarah Harcum to win the CECAS Spark Challenge, a competition promoting student innovation and entrepreneurship, for their environmentally friendly product, Nature’s Gift. And faculty member Tanju Karanfil, the vice president for research and a professor in the environmental engineering and Earth sciences department, is the 2021 recipient of the Governor’s Award for Excellence in Scientific Research.

This issue also features one of the college’s current research projects. The Clemson University Center for Workforce Development has collaborated with the National Center for Autonomous Technologies and the nonprofit MATE Inspiration for Innovation to develop a simulator for an underwater remotely operated vehicle. This simulation is the most recent of the more than 140 developed by the center in partnership with industry focused on providing the educational experiences needed for today’s high-tech careers.

Also in this issue, we remember the legacy of three members of our college community, engineering Professor Jack McCormac and James Jones and Carolyn Freeman Pellerin, two lecturers in the School of Computing. All three had a tremendous impact on countless students as well as made significant contributions to their field.

As always, you, our alumni, donors and friends, are a crucial part of our college community, and our success is possible only because of your support. If you would like to help as we begin a new academic year, you can make a donation by clicking the “Make a Gift” button below. I want to thank all of you who have donated in the past; your contributions are very much appreciated.

I hope you have a safe and relaxing summer, and I look forward to seeing you back on campus soon.


Anand K. Gramopadhye, Dean



IDEAS Monthly is published by the PROMO Office in Clemson University’s College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences. Contact the team with feedback or story suggestions.
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