NDWorks Weekly
Campus news for faculty and staff
March 24, 2020
University feels impact of global pandemic
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Academy Faculty (quickly) become accustomed to teaching online
Rachel Novick recorded lectures last week at the Martin Media Center. The switch to online instruction is more than getting used to lecturing on camera, says the assistant professor of the practice in the Department of Biological Sciences and director of the Minor in Sustainability. "It is balancing the desire to give students an academic experience that is as similar as possible to what they would get on campus." (More...)
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StaffWork-from-home tips
Megan Costigan, the human resources consultant for Notre Dame International (NDI) and Joya Helmuth, NDI’s senior director for global operations, share tips for working remotely. (More...)
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International Quick action gets 545 students, 13 faculty/staff home
Anthony Travel and Notre Dame International had to act quickly to get students, faculty and staff back to the states before coronavirus travel restrictions were imposed. Vice President and Associate Provost for Internationalization Michael Pippenger calls the efforts "heroic," adding, "We are beyond grateful." (More...)
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Campus "Notre Dame is still a community, even when we are far apart" (photo gallery)
University of Notre Dame photographers Matt Cashore and Barbara Johnston captured images that show how quiet and empty campus is without students. But there are also photos that demonstrate community, as staff worked to feed the students who were here and pack up the study items for students who requested they be sent to them at home. (Photo gallery)
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FaithChaplains available to faculty and staff
Could you use pastoral or spiritual guidance during this unprecedented time? Is social distancing making you feel a bit isolated? The University's chaplains are available to you even when you're working remotely. Staff may email Rev. Jim Bracke, C.S.C. or call him at 574-631-4131. Faculty may email Rev. Frank Murphy, C.S.C., or call him at 574-631-5242.
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Faith Livestreams of daily Mass available
Public Masses are suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic, but Mass is available online. Priests of the Congregation of Holy Cross celebrate Mass at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart every day. Campus Ministry offers a live feed at 11:30 a.m., Mondays through Saturday. On Sundays, Mass from the Basilica is available on Catholic TV, live at 10 a.m. or as a recording.
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ResourcesOIT training to continue
The Office of Information Technologies (OIT) usually offers its training in-person, but while everyone is away from campus, classes will be hosted via Zoom. Just a few clicks on your computer, and you’re there! (More...)
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Business Payment Services and Tax Offices hold limited hours Do you have questions about your payroll or taxes? The Payment Services and Tax Offices are working remotely, with limited office hours on Tuesdays and Fridays. (More...)
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Business Procurement issues guidance during coronavirus
Procurement Services has released new guidelines to support the needs of employees working remotely, while also ensuring good stewardship of University resources. In most cases, the University’s preferred suppliers can still deliver to campus within 1-2 days, and all technology purchases should still be made through OIT or the Hammes Notre Dame bookstore. (More...)
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University of Notre Dame News
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University News Notre Dame elects provost
Marie Lynn Miranda, former provost of Rice University, has been elected the Charles and Jill Fischer Provost, succeeding Thomas G. Burish, who will step down July 1 after 15 years as provost. (More...)
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Commencement2020 recipient of Laetare Medal announced
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Take a summer online course through Notre Dame
You or your kids can take a for-credit online course this summer. Your educational benefits may help you pay for it! Due to incorrect information submitted to TheWeek@ND, Monday's e-newsletter suggested summer online courses are free. Close, but not quite. Get the correct information at the above links.
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