Reflection by Roya Quirk '11, meet Fr. Art Wheeler, C.S.C. and more
Reflection by Roya Quirk '11, meet Fr. Art Wheeler, C.S.C. and more
October 2017 · Issue VII

Scripture Reflection

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. (John 1:5)
My year started with light. As a newlywed, I had been surrounded by joyous celebrations of love and happiness. My days were filled with meaningful work, family gatherings, hangouts with friends, and time with my husband. But just as fiercely as that light surrounded my life, it was briefly shrouded in darkness when I became critically ill. 
In February, the improbable happened. Having brief periods of unconsciousness and shortness of breath one night, I was rushed to the emergency room. Little did we know that a blood clot had traveled into my heart and lungs. With my husband holding my hand, my heart stopped four separate times. In an effort to save my life, my doctors placed me in a medically-induced coma and on a bypass machine that ran my heart and lungs. For eight days, my family and friends gathered around me with tears, prayers, laughter, and memories. Light radiated through my loved ones, even during the darkest period of my life. 
Now, after my body has healed, I realize the power of light and the strength of my relationship with God. Through time, prayers, and reflection, I appreciate now more than ever the connections I have formed in my life. From my ever-caring husband to my loving family, from my personal relationship with God to the community that surrounded me with compassion – I have seen how bright the light can shine amongst the darkness. And I will carry that with me always.
Roya Quirk (Ghorbani-Elizeh) ’11
Would you like to contribute a scripture reflection for an upcoming issue of Light from The Bluff? Email for more information.

Fractio Verbi

In his weekly Fractio Verbi podcast, Fr. Charlie Gordon, C.S.C., breaks open each Sunday's readings in 4-6 minute reflections: 

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Meet our C.S.C.s

Name: Fr. Art Wheeler, C.S.C.
Hometown: Bernardsville, New Jersey (born in New York City)
Assignment at UP: History faculty for 30 years, Studies Abroad Director for 20 years, Associate Dean of CAS for 11 years, Pastoral Resident in Kenna for 19 years, going into my 12th year as the Pastoral Resident in Mehling Hall.
Favorite Scripture Passage: From First Corinthians, Chapter 2 -
"Yet we do speak a wisdom to those who are mature, but not a wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age who are passing away. Rather, we speak God’s wisdom, mysterious, hidden, which God predetermined before the ages for our glory, and which none of the rulers of this age knew; for if they had known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But as it is written:
'What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard,
and what has not entered the human heart,
what God has prepared for those who love him
this God has revealed to us through the Spirit.'"
Favorite Saint: St. Peter because he overcame his limitations to become a martyr.
What made you choose the Congregation of Holy Cross? I came to know Holy Cross when I was studying for the doctorate at Notre Dame. I did undergrad at Georgetown, and then was fortunate enough to have a full graduate fellowship for the doctorate at ND. I came to know Holy Cross while I lived in an ND graduate dorm for four years and met Holy Cross priests on campus. I applied for Holy Cross in the year that I was finishing my dissertation.
What is one way you see God’s light in everyday life? Our students face many challenges. I often see God’s grace working in their lives as they face these challenges during their formative years at college.
What are your hobbies? I used to run frequently, but now I am recovering from double knee replacements, so that activity is on hold for a while!  I have always been a voracious reader, especially with military history, American and British politics, Irish and Irish-American culture, and Christian moral issues.
What is your favorite thing about UP? What I appreciate most about UP is the opportunity to see our students develop their God-given gifts and talents here, and then put them to good use. | 503.943.7328 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203
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