We hope our readers had a great summer. We are eager to work with our stakeholders again on training, webinars, and research. Contact us at datagovhub@gwu.edu.
The Hub has two upcoming #webinars that we hope you will find of interest. First we have a webinar on Artificial Intelligence and Trade on September 30th.
On November 1st, we will return to XR (with a little bit of AI), looking at a new bill of rights related to immersive technologies at 12:00 pm EDT. Our speaker will be Louis Rosenberg, CEO of Unanimous AI. He wrote this intriguing article on why we need guaranteed fundamental immersive rights. Please join us! More details to follow.
- The New York Times on the Biden's executive order on foreign investment and data governance.
- The U.S. Government Accountability Office published a report on the increased risks to consumer data privacy, recommending the U.S. Congress pass federal privacy legislation.
The National Academy of Sciences reports the U.S. is losing its advantage in crypto.
- Facebook engineers admit that they don’t know what the company does with the data it collects.
Twitter also can’t keep track of the data it collects.
- LinkedIn/Microsoft may have experimented with customer data without user consent, showing the conflict between providing better services and privacy.
This disturbing study says individuals can’t tell the difference between human and AI generated faces and find AI faces more trustworthy.
- M. Ferracane’s analysis of data governance in Asia.
Ada Lovelace Institute's new explainer on AI legislation in the EU.
Our GWU sister organization the Institute for Data Democracy and Politics (IDDP) has a conference on October 1st on Media For Democracy: Covering Elections Amidst Democratic Crisis. The event will feature a keynote by Brian Stelter, former chief media correspondent for CNN, at 1: 00 pm EDT in the Jack Morton Auditorium at GWU. |
October 27 conference on the Unfairness of Artificial Intelligence. |
| UN Conference 20-October-2022, on AI Disruption, Peace and Security. |
| The ILP Foundry is organizing a hackathon and writing competition with cash prizes. |
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