B N I M ' S   M O N T H L Y    |   O C T O B E R   2 0 2 2
MSU Temple Hall
The Design Process Behind MSU Temple Hall Renovation and Addition
Behind every BNIM project is a deep focus on process and commitment to a human-purposed, integrated approach. We begin with developing a comprehensive understanding of ecology, site, building, and spaces as we work with clients through the discovery process to identify core goals and needs. This enables our design teams to set a framework for success and to design for outcomes rooted in human purpose and high performance while uniquely addressing project vision.
In BNIM’s ongoing work on a transformational addition and renovation of Missouri State University’s (MSU) Temple Hall, home to the College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CNAS), BNIM’s design team members are sharing a closer look into the guiding principles, goals, and design process  that have shaped the project.

M O N T H L Y   M I N D F U L   U P D A T E
H O N O R S   +   A W A R D S
BNIM projects are recognized in the 2022 IIDA MADA awards, AIA KC awards, and AIA CSR awards for their design excellence across the U.S. BNIM is proud of these spaces that reflect our core purpose to deliver beautiful, integrated, living environments that inspire change and enhance the human condition.

B N I M   P E O P L E   +   C U L T U R E
BNIM Director of Sustainability and Regenerative Design and Climate Action Kansas City Executive Board Member Jeremy Knoll will represent the Kansas City region at the International Urban and Regional Cooperation (IURC) Annual Event in Brussels, Belgium, on Nov. 8, 2022.
IURC is a program funded by the European Union that brings together cities and regions as global partners in sustainable thinking, networking, and problem solving. In the past year, Climate Action KC has collaborated with partners in Metropolis GZM of Poland to take part in sustainable conversations. Jeremy Knoll will participate in a three-part thematic panel discussion at this year’s IURC Annual Event 2022 and present Prototyping Academy on Transport and Climate Actions to share the ideas that have emerged from the Kansas City - Metropolis GZM partnership.   M O R E
P R O J E C T   M I L E S T O N E S
BNIM was honored to help celebrate exciting milestones in October for several of our workplace, academic, and cultural arts projects. Our firm is proud to support the positive impacts these organizations have on communities they serve through design.
mindful - As a perfect mirror reflection of the letters bnim, mindful is this place for communication, where we reflect upon projects, people and events to share beyond the firm’s walls. To subscribe, please click here
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