1. Assemble the correct committee. Like most successful teams, it all begins with having not only talented, but the right mix of players. A Plan Sponsor may wish to include colleagues from human resources, finance and perhaps legal on their committee. Regardless of which departments are represented, you want members who possess a solid understanding, but also are willing to think about the greater good. A spirit of collaboration and lack of ego will go a long way in helping participants obtain a financially secure retirement.
2. Focus on what really matters. Committees often meet quarterly, but regularly get hung up on the previous 90-days of performance. While there is a fiduciary obligation to monitor performance and replace investments as warranted, the truth is that overemphasizing short-term performance swings can prove counterproductive. To be sure, our best clients routinely examine investment results. However, unless there is a “problem fund” or some other incident, the greater portion of a quarterly meeting is spent on matters that can ultimately make for a better retirement plan. We use our proprietary Fiduciary Governance Calendar to systematically address important topics such as Investment Menu Design, Administration Fees, Legislative Updates and more.