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              March Newsletter 2022
MariBeth Baloga
"The Dryad" 
Collage 10.25" x 12.5"
I am a gardener and garden designer; nature and plants inform my work. I enjoy creating landscapes that incorporate some elements of nature but are not realistic. It is important to me that the artwork has some mystery that invites the viewer to interact with it and understand it through their own personal vision.

 Although there are a surprising number of myths about tree women (the most commonly known is the Greek myth of Daphne and Apollo), when I created this piece I was not thinking about a mythological tree woman, but rather the very visceral feeling of being connected to the earth and to nature itself.

About the Artist

For most of my career as an artist I had a successful practice in textiles. I earned an MFA in Textiles from Indiana University in 1975 and my work was included in national juried and invitational exhibitions, received awards and was reviewed in publications. Failing eyesight, plus the desire to work in a less time-consuming way (my last textile piece took a full year to complete), prompted me to look for new ways of working. About ten years ago I started to explore printmaking, collage, and digital media as creative tools. I have found this change to be both rewarding and challenging, with a steep learning curve that keeps me engaged. 

Musings and Meanderings
Current contemplation with the president

Hello, Fellow Artists,

Normally I like to begin with an inspiring quote on creativity but this month I would like to open this newsletter with a request for assistance, input, and connection. I would love to hear your thoughts/feelings on how to get through the "sludgy" times and how they impact your creativity. My general go-to is to just "power through," but during the last few years with the pandemic and immense personal losses, I think I need a new strategy and I believe you all to be excellent resources.

As I am asking you to share a bit about your experiences and input, it is only fair to share a bit of my most recent situation. On December 8th I received a call from the Salem, Massachusetts, Police Department. It was at the end of a long work day, but it seemed important to take the call. They informed me that my younger brother and his wife had died unexpectedly and tragically. I was so shocked that I ended up taking the call sitting on my kitchen floor. As if that was not horrible enough, my 13-year-old niece was left parentless. So I found myself in a situation that I never could have expected in so many ways. As of now, I am trying to help with the probate process, grieving unimagined losses, going through the very bureaucratic process of trying to adopt my out-of-state niece, and looking for a larger house to accommodate the addition, all while still working and trying to make art. 

I have been able to get in one or two good studio days, but so much of being an artist is tied up with my whole being and is not just a job. I do schedule time in the studio and have done some prep, organizing, and sketching, but it has been a bit of a struggle to focus on the deep act of making. So now back to my original inquiry, how do you work through difficult times such as is the world, always and now? Do you feel alone and isolated or supported by your tribe? Are there other artists you go to for problem solving/venting/understanding? Do you find that your inner critical voice gets louder during these times … as if that helps in any universe? I/we would love to hear your realness about the good, the bad, and the ugly. In fact, please, if you have good stuff going on, that would be lovely to hear right about now! Please know that we are working on ways of connecting and supporting you and us and hope to share ideas with you soon.

Shaney Watters
Did any of the questions asked in Shaney's Musings and Meanderings resonate with you?
Pick one or two or all and write your experience to us. 

Offer For Artists

Offer on
Use the code RESULT15 and get 15% off of business cards, notebooks, postcards, etc.
Offer expires April 30

We will have an "outdoor" member meeting on
March 12.
The meeting will be at Kathleen Swaydan's home studio and backyard.
3061 Ridgeview Drive
Altadena, CA  91001
Time 10 AM - Noon

Please bring your own chair and, because of COVID, your own snacks.  PSA will provide water and sodas.

We’re back!  And we’re starting a new program of sharing our art and getting feedback from our member friends.  

Are you stuck?  Do you want friendly feedback about your work?  Do you want to see work that other members are creating?  Do you want to connect with friends and make new ones?  Do you want to talk about art?   Then come to our March meeting and Art Critique.  

Don’t be alarmed by the word ‘critique’. 
It does not mean critical, and we have one rule:  
comments must be articulate, kind and specific.  
Just saying “I like it.” or “I don’t like it.” isn’t allowed.  What do you like?  Is there a specific suggestion that would help the piece be stronger?  What was your first impression of the work?  

Here’s how it works:

·  Bring one artwork.  It could be a work in progress, or a work that is ‘almost’ finished, or fully finished.

·     Participants will have 5 minutes to discuss their work:  their inspiration, their process, and any challenges they had/have with the piece

·     The audience will have 5 minutes to respond with what they see, make suggestions, or offer comments.    

·    Participants will be chosen at random – names drawn out of a basket.

·    The number of participants will be determined by how many show up and how much time we have.   Those who are not able to present this month will get “first dibs” for next month’s drawing.
Saturday, February 26th, 2:00p - 5:00pm

Hosted by Chris Moore (626-791-9419)
662 East Calaveras Street, Altadena 
Bring art to share and also a friend
Bring finger food snacks or beverage
Covid Vaccinations required. 

No need to confirm attendance, just come by!

Off the Wall
Here’s the latest from the Exhibition Committee:

The 2022 New Members Showcase online exhibition is live on March 1 at . Just search “Pasadena Society of Artists” to view artworks presented by  the newest PSA members juried in during 2021. While at, you can also view all of the previous online exhibitions presented during 2021. A substantial body of new work came out of the studios of PSA members during 2021. Let’s keep this going.

A printed catalog of the 2022 New Members Showcase will be available after March 1. Look for the announcement in your email inbox.

The 97th Annual is coming real soon. The Call For Entries (CFE) was sent out Sunday, February 20 shortly after 7 pm. The take-in will be digital using the Smartsheet entry portal starting March 14 and ending March 18. A separate email will be sent out with the Smartsheet entry portal link in early March. In addition, there could be an in-person take-in Saturday, March 19 if COVID-19 protocols will allow it.  

Print bins will be available for participating artists, plus a sales boutique for 3-D artworks. Sorry, no notecard racks will be permitted.

The 97th Annual Juried Exhibition opens Monday, May 2 and closes Friday, May 27 at the Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center Gallery in Burbank. This is one of the best galleries in southern California, so plan to submit. Again, check out the CFE emailed to you Sunday, February 20 in the early evening for more information. There will be a full-color printed catalog available for purchase through PSA. Also there will be copies at the gallery for the public to purchase.

More exhibition opportunities are coming soon. Several exhibitions are in the planning stages, including an Artist’s Choice Exhibition at Whites Fine Art Gallery in the fall. Volunteers will be needed for the 97th Annual in-person take-in/jury March 19, the gallery installation May 2, and the Artist’s Reception the following weekend. If you are interested, please send an email to indicating what you would like to volunteer for.

That covers it for this month. 
Larry, Art and Tom  
Membership Dues

If you have already paid for this year, thank you!!
Membership dues for January 1 - December 31, 2022 are $75.00.

You can pay online on the "Members Only" page of the PSA website, OR you can send a check, payable to PSA, and mail it to:  P.O. Box 90074, Pasadena, CA  91109.

Remember that you must be current with your dues in order to participate in exhibitions. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact Kathleen. We have a confidential scholarship program, and we can help!
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Pasadena Society of Artists
P.O. Box 90074 | Pasadena, CA | 91109 US

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