August 11, 2022 | 14 Av 5782
Reimagining Jewish learning and leadership for an interconnected world.
Parashat Vaetchanan | Candlelighting 7:33 PM EST
Building Interfaith Leadership Initiative (BILI) Fellowship Goes National, Adds New Online Resource for Interreligious Leadership
“In this time of extreme polarization, there is an urgent need for cooperation across religious and cultural divides. BILI aims to raise up a new generation of leaders equipped to carry out this sacred work. Our new partnership with Interfaith America offers us the opportunity to develop a premier national program," said Rabbi Or Rose, Miller Center director. "Hebrew College's new, open-access, digital platform, will extend BILI's reach beyond the bounds of the cohort and share our resources with others engaged in related interfaith educational efforts,” added Rev. Tom Reid, program co-director & Miller Center associate director.
Hebrew College Partners on Lehrhaus, New Jewish Tavern & House of Learning
"Lehrhaus is an amazing vision from Josh Foer and Rabbi Charlie Schwartz, and Hebrew College is thrilled to be an anchor partner," says Hebrew College President Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld. "Jewish food and drink from around the world, ancient texts, and timeless conversation—it’s going to be pretty magical, and we’re excited to be part of the mix. I’m personally looking forward to trying a taste of summer in Krakow.” Lehrhaus, a tavern/beit midrash, is the brainchild of Sefaria creator Joshua Foer and former Hillel International Senior Director of Jewish Education Rabbi Charlie Schwartz.
Lea Andersen z"l
The Hebrew College community is heartbroken by the passing of our dear rabbinical student, teacher and friend, Lea Andersen z"l. In the words of one of her teachers, Rabbi Elizabeth Bonney-Cohen `18, "She was a tremendous soul, with a passion for Torah that permeated everything she did." May her memory be a blessing.
Donations in memory of Lea may be directed to Mayyim Hayyim or Hebrew College. Lea’s friends and family are working with these organizations to find meaningful ways to keep her memory alive.
Seeds of Consolation: Open-Eyed Torah for a Friend
By Naomi Gurt Lind, Rabbinical Student & Editor, Seventy Faces of Torah blog
Parashat Vaetchanan is bathed in resilience and faith. As Moshe takes up the thread of instructing the Israelites in how to acquit themselves to the longed-for privilege that he will never share in, he reminds them of mistakes along the way and of the slow-acting reward of staying true to core beliefs. In Deuteronomy 4:3 we read about the fate of some Israelites who backslid into idolatry. By contrast, the next verse teaches: "But you who stuck with Adonai your God, each and every one of you is alive today." This verse, familiar from our Torah Service, bespeaks the value of holding on in faith when things seem to be crumbling all around you.
This blog is dedicated to Lea Andersen, z"l and also appears in Patheos.
Catch up on recent Hebrew College news and stories, including articles about faculty, students, and alumni who have been recognized for their work and scholarship. Read more...
Dancing in God’s Earthquake: An Evening with Rabbi Arthur Waskow Moderated by Rabbi Or Rose, director of the Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership of Hebrew College September 8 | 7-8:30 p.m. Hebrew College & Zoom Learn more & Register
HEBREW COLLGE FALL ART EXHIBIT OPENING Syncopation: Lyrical Abstraction in Israeli Art (1970s) Featuring Israeli art from Hebrew College’s permanent collection in celebration Israel’s 75th anniversary September 20 | 7-8:30 p.m. Hebrew College Ted Cutler Atrium
Learn more & RSVP
Ta Sh'ma (Come & Hear) Ordination Programs Open Houses For prospective rabbis and cantors
Virtual Open House: October 30, 2-5:30 p.m.
In-Person Open House: November 14 at Hebrew College Learn more & RSVP
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