For his leadership in the Student Economics Club, Austin Kipfmiller received the 2023 Student Leadership Award given annually to the student with the most outstanding contributions to student life in economics at UM-Dearborn. 

“Majoring in economics at UM-Dearborn was one of the best decisions I made during my time on campus. The faculty have been extremely supportive and readily available, eager to help students further their knowledge of current economic problems and providing various opportunities to hone our skills in the real world. In addition, the Economics Club has allowed me to build tremendous relationships with faculty and peers, an opportunity that I would strongly encourage to anyone within, or even outside, this discipline. I hope to apply the knowledge I have gained here with my degree to work in local government and provide economic insights and solutions to trending problems.” - Austin

Samantha Marulli received the Economics Honors Scholar award for her excellent performance overall in economics courses. 

The Joan Robinson Award went to Bella Bates as the economics student(s) with exceptional performance in the two intermediate economics theory courses. 

“The UM-Dearborn Economics department has provided me with a wonderful environment to expand my interest in economics. The strong foundational tools I have developed throughout the program have helped me not just in my economics studies but will serve as valuable tools as I continue on to pursue a career in law. I am immensely grateful for the invaluable opportunities, unwavering support, and the lifelong relationships I have built during my journey. Thank you, UM-Dearborn's Economic Department, for helping shape me into a competent professional and a better student!” - Bella

Brenden Pultorak, a member of the golf team, received the Economist Athlete Award as the economics major and student athlete with high academic performance.

“Economics at U of M Dearborn has taught me how to evaluate alternatives and make better choices. I have developed both analytical and theoretical skills to evaluate data and make informed decisions. In a world of unlimited wants and limited resources, it is paramount to optimize our choices.” -  Brenden 

Professor Natalia V. Czap published a co-authored paper (with G.Lynne) “Towards Dual Interest Theory in Metaeconomics in the Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics. She also made a presentation “Wellbeing and Policy: An Overview” at the IAREP-SABE Conference in Nice, France. Natalia is working with Marie Briguglio (University of Malta) and Kate Laffan (London School of Economics) on a book “Wellbeing and Policy: Evidence for Action”.  Natalia recently received the Distinguished Faculty Governance Award.
Read more about the projects, presentations, and publications of Prof. Natalia V. Czap, Prof. Hans J. Czap, Prof. Ilir Miteza, Prof. Antonios Koumpias, and Prof. Warren Anderson in this section

Policy Pitch Competition

Congratulations to Ishita Desai who landed in third place at UM-Dearborn’s Policy Pitch Competition!
Ishita’s proposal addressed the underutilization of small businesses in Qualified Economic Zones (QEZs) as drivers of employment and economic growth. QEZs play a significant role in creating jobs, especially in distressed inner city neighborhoods. Ishita presented two recommendations to policymakers: First, to explore Accelerated Tax Benefits, granting more substantial reductions in capital gains taxes for shorter investment durations, and second, to introduce a small business tax credit that offers a percentage-based credit for investors channeling their capital gains into smaller enterprises.
Ahmed Alnasir
Gabriella Giugliano
Jared Lee
Prathik Chukkapalli
Noah Brannon
Umalbanin Al-Tiwainy
UM-Dearborn Economics faculty recommend books and articles for analysis. Here are our Fall 2023 recommendations! 
student resources
Your economics instructors are all happy to talk with you about how to succeed in the Economics program, prepare for your career, or for graduate work. The American Economic Association’s student resource portal contains a wealth of information for undergraduate students with an interest in Economics.
Check out additional online resources from research opportunities, to scholarships, campus-wide programs, and additional support. We think you'll find these helpful in your journey! 
Career Pathways in Economics
The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and The Sadie Collective held the Fourth Annual Exploring Career Pathways in Economics and Related Fields Conference this last September.
A playback of the program is available on the Chicago Fed website. 
The College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters graduate earned a Juris Doctor and an MBA from Harvard. He worked for the nation’s largest bank in New York City. Taylor is now a public equity portfolio manager for Alyeska Investment Group in Chicago, where he resides with his wife, Robyn, and their two children. He recently joined the Board of Directors for the personal finance website and app NerdWallet. Read more here. 
If you’re a junior or senior interested in an economics internship read the full description of our program and get an application on the Economics website. The earlier you apply the more time we have to find an internship site that best matches your interests. We recommend you apply two months before the start of the term in which you wish to do an economics internship.
Recent Economics Internships
  • Ahmed Alnasir at Eastside Community Network's (ECN) Mixed-Use Development, a community development organization.
  • Nathan Hapin at the Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation, a non-profit local development agency.
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