Sept. 20, 2018

Sunday Services

Sunday, Sept. 23: Services at 9:15 and 11:15 a.m. 

Call to Beloved Community

Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray,
President of the Unitarian Universalist Association

This coming Sunday we will welcome The Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray speaks in our pulpit.  Rev. Frederick-Gray is the ninth president of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). She was elected in June 2017 to a six-year term.
She has served as lead minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix since 2008. She previously served as minister of First Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown, Ohio, where she was a leader in congregation-based community organizing efforts, and served as an intern at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville, Tennessee. After leading the UU response to Arizona’s anti-immigrant laws in 2010, she became a lead organizer for the Arizona Immigration Ministry and a key organizer of the 2012 Justice General Assembly. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Harvard Divinity School. She lives with her husband, the Rev. Brian Frederick-Gray, and their nine-year-old son, Henry.

Bill's Blog

Integrity, our spiritual theme this month, can so easily be understood as the taking of principled stands, of holding fast to what we believe to be right even to the point of personal sacrifice.
We tell the story of Michael Servetus, early rejecter of the Trinity and advocate for a version of Unitarianism, who choose to be burned at the stake rather than compromise his theological views. Few of us are asked for that kind of integrity on steroids.
But there is real danger in allowing a commitment to what we believe is right to become an attitude of righteousness. So few of us are innocent...Continued

Social Justice E-Magazine

We are excited to announce the launch of First Unitarian Portland’s Social Justice E-Magazine!
We are calling it, Speaking of Justice: Faith in Action! Inside is a welcome letter, along with a deeper look into how our congregation is living out the call for social justice action.
If you’d like to receive this directly to your email once a month, please sign up here. We look forward to sharing the journey with you.


As a downtown church, we compete with many other activities for on-street parking. We encourage congregants to use Portland’s transit system (the streetcar stops one block from the church), carpool (a great way to build community) or ride your bike (it’s good for your heart).  Here are parking options for those who drive:
Sunday Parking
  • U-Park — S.W. 12th between Main and Salmon: 
    No charge Sundays, 8 a.m.–4 p.m.
  • City Center — S.W. 11th and Main: 
    No charge Sundays, 8 a.m.–2 p.m.
  • Lawyer’s Lot — S.W. Main between 12th & 13th: 
    No charge Sundays, 8 a.m.–2 p.m. This lot is never available weekday evenings.
Monday–Thursday Evenings
U-Park — S.W. 12th and Main: 
No charge 5:30–10:30 p.m. with a parking permit.
Permits are $30 per each half church year (Sept.–Jan. and Feb.–June) and may be obtained from the church office (Mon.–Thurs.), 9 a.m.–4 p.m.

This Sunday

#MeToo Women’s Reflection Circles Registration

If you are a woman interested in connecting with other women to explore your experience of patriarchy, you are invited to participate in a reflection circle.
Sunday group meets this Sunday 13 p.m., and then the following Sundays: 9/30, 10/7, and 10/14. Tuesday group meets from 1-3 p.m. on 9/25, 10/9, 10/23, 11/6. Monday group meets from 7-9 p.m. on 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29. To register, please e-mail Kerry Heintze, Include your name, e-mail address, phone number, and your preferred group.

EJAG Table – Better World Magazine

Stop by the EJAG table during Coffee Hour this Sunday to get your free copy of For a Better World Magazine!

Last Sunday for First Share!

This Sunday, Sept. 23, will be the last Sunday for First Share for the season. Bring your overabundance of produce and flowers to exchange or give to the First Share table in Fuller Hall. Everyone is welcome to take something home! 

First Unitarian Asylee Respite Center Update

Thank you to all who have donated, cleaned, hosted, driven, cooked, shopped and offered to help the First Unitarian Asylee Respite Center. We have hosted four men on their journey from unjust incarceration at Sheridan Prison to their sponsor hosts and expect some more guests in the coming weeks.
We are no longer in need of material items but are grateful for your financial contributions. Your donation will help us to secure travel arrangements send purchase phones, calling cards, and other miscellaneous needs for our guests.  Checks should be made payable to First Unitarian Portland with  "Respite Center" on the memo line. Cash and checks can be delivered to the office of First Unitarian Portland, 1034 SE 13th Ave., Portland, OR 97205.
Our guests have expressed deep appreciation for the hospitality they have received. This is truly a community effort.  Thanks for all your support and solidarity.  It makes a difference as together we show up for justice and love.

You Can Ring Our Bells!

Enrollment for our handbell choirs is now open. All of our ensembles are now truly intergenerational, with opportunities for ringers at every age and every level. Reach out to our new Associate Director of Music for Handbell Programs, Amanda DuPriest, at to get signed up!

This Week

Film Screening & DiscussionRikers: An American Jail

Tuesday, Sept. 25, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Eliot Chapel
The United States is facing a crisis of mass incarceration with over 2.2 million people packed into its jails and prisons. To understand the human toll of this crisis, Rikers Island is a good place to start.
Of the more than 7,500 people detained at Rikers Island on any given day, the guilt or innocence of nearly 80% has not yet been determined. All are at risk in the pervasive culture of violence that forces people to come to terms with what they must do for their own survival.
RIKERS: AN AMERICAN JAIL, a riveting new award-winning documentary from Bill Moyers, brings you face to face with men and women who have endured incarceration at Rikers Island. Their stories, told direct to camera, vividly describe the cruel arc of the Rikers experience—from the shock of entry, to the extortion and control exercised by other inmates, the oppressive interaction with corrections officers, the beatings and stabbings, the torture of solitary confinement and the many challenges of returning to the outside world.
Hosted by Ending the New Jim Crow.
Free; donations welcome.  For more information:


The Committee for Hunger and Homelessness (COHHO) is accepting gift cards for families from 13 Salmon who have moved to Lents. Please help get their lives off to a great start by purchasing gift cards from Fred Meyer, Safeway, and Target. These can be purchased at the SCRIP table in Margaret Fuller Hall on Sunday mornings. That’s all you need to do. A COHHO member will pick up and deliver the following week. 

Come See Oregon Humane Society’s 150th Anniversary Exhibit at Oregon Historical Society

Sept. 11–Feb. 28, 2019
Our congregation’s first minister left a legacy of compassion that runs deep in our community. In 1868, the 26-year-old minister of First Unitarian Church named Thomas Lamb Eliot gathered a handful of like-minded citizens to establish the group that grew into the Oregon Humane Society. For 150 years, the Oregon Humane Society has embodied each generation’s determination to save lives, stop suffering, and bring loving best friends to our families. Best known as a great place to find a furry best friend, Oregon Humane has helped our community overcome pet overpopulation, enact and enforce some of the nation’s strictest animal cruelty laws, provide veterinary care to thousands of shelter pets each year, educate generations of Oregonians about pet care, and fight with unrelenting diligence for the integrity of all animals.
Come to see how animal welfare has been at the heart of our community’s life and values since 1868. Pioneering Compassion: 150 years at the Oregon Humane Society exhibit at the Oregon Historical Society. 1200 SW Park Ave, Portland, Oregon 97205.

Soul Box Sundays 

Each fourth Sunday, meet the Soul Box team in Daisy Bingham Hall during coffee hours, to make a box, or two, or more. Why are we making these boxes? The project is to bring more awareness to the scope of the public health issue of gun violence. We are contributing to a state-wide campaign to collect and display 36,000 boxes (representing the average number of people shot and killed per year in the United States) in the Art Gallery at the Oregon State Capitol in Feb. 2019.
The Peace Action Group has accepted the challenge to contribute 400 boxes per month by Feb. 2019. Help us meet and exceed that goal by coming to the coffee hours, but also by making boxes at home. In fact, we at First Unitarian Portland have already contributed over 1,000 boxes, and the majority of those boxes came from individuals, some of whom hold box-making parties at home. Stop by the Peace Action table for a flyer on how to hold a party, and instructions on box making.


Learning and Serving Sunday

Sept. 30, after each service
The breadth of opportunities to learn and serve here at First Unitarian speaks to the diversity of passions and needs of our members and friends.  If you’re asking yourself, “How can I make connections and find ways to serve in this large community?”  -or-   “Where can I meet others who share my concerns?” -or-  “How can I find what I need at this point in my life?” … our Learning and Serving Sunday should help answer these questions.  Browse our tables in Margaret Fuller Hall during social hour after each service on Sept. 30 to learn about the many activities, social action groups, choirs, lifespan learning classes, and more – and then plug in!

Men’s Community

We are hosting an orientation and gathering on Sunday, Sept. 30 at 1 p.m. following the second service in Daisy Bingham. The group will provide pizza (bring your own soda). Agenda is to summarize past activities, functions, and participation into our common future.

Young Adult Brunch

Sept. 30, after 2nd Service, 12 p.m.
Childcare provided
Join intern minister Mira Mickiewicz, program staffers Nicole Bowmer and Kerry Heintze, and other young adults for brunch! We’ll gather for food and fellowship, get to know one another, and have a casual conversation about your needs and hopes at First Unitarian.
Whether you’re new to the community or have been here awhile, a lifelong UU or just found us, partnered, single, working, a student, a parent, or anything else you may be – if you identify as a young adult in the context of this congregation, you are warmly welcome!
If possible, RSVP to the Facebook event, or to Kerry at Brunch is provided, and drop-ins are welcome.
**A note on ages: some UU spaces identify young adults as 18-35, and others as 20s and 30s. We are less interested in how many years you’ve been on earth and more interested in your experiences here. So, if you identify as being on the younger end of adults in THIS congregation, especially if that has meant that you’ve found it hard to find your place here, this event is for you!

Spirit of Life ~ An Intimate hour with Carolyn McDade

Sunday, Oct. 7, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Buchan Reception Hall
The author of the doxology we sing every Sunday in church–Spirit of Life–will play, sing her music, and share the inspiration behind her life and work as a fundraiser for Clay Street Table, a non-profit community group providing food and support in our neighborhood.
It is sponsored by the First Unitarian Church and its Committee on Hunger & Homelessness. $25. For reservations visit; mail a check to Clay Street Table, 1432 SW 13th Ave, Portland OR 97201; or call 503-241-5460

Register Now for the Fair Housing Council of Oregon Historic Bus Tour

Tuesday, Oct. 9 from 7:45 a.m.12 p.m. Optional debrief and brown-bag lunch 12–2 p.m.
Thanks to a generous gift from a First Unitarian Portland congregant, our Social Justice, Family Ministries, and Adult Faith Formation programs are collaborating to offer this inter-generational tour of the Civil Rights Housing History of Portland. The tour is run by the Fair Housing Council of Oregon and is designed to look at Portland civil rights history and how it relates to the challenges we face today. The four-hour bus tour visits sites throughout Portland and features personal stories from guest presenters with first-hand experiences to share.
Adults (18 and older): $35; 22 seats available. We invite those who are able to pay more to help support the Summer 2019 YRUU Civil Rights History Pilgrimage to Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee. Financial ability should not be a barrier. Seats are limited, so we recommend adults register here as soon as possible. For questions about adult seats, please contact
Youth are free! Please contact Nicole to reserve a youth seat:
To learn more about the tour, please visit the website: Portland Fair Housing Bus Tour.

September's Art Wall

Jan Katz is featured on the Art Wall in September. Come to see the range of her work, from abstract to realistic, all filled with joy and energy.


Most books for Wellspring 1 and Wellspring 2 classes are now available–some are discounted. 
Limited supplies of some titles, so don’t delay.
Lots of other great books to choose from also–See you at the bookstore. 

Program Events

Adult Programs, Learning Community, Music & Arts, Social Justice 

Learning Community

Announcing Sunday Afternoon Child Care!

Each Sunday afternoon, we'll be offering childcare from 13 p.m. for group meetings and events happening after services. Please check in at the Eliot Center Info desk if you need care for children age 4 months and older. Please note that when care is not requested by 1 p.m., staff will be released. Contact with questions. 

Learning Community Potluck

Saturday, Sept. 29, 5 p.m.
Families registered in the Learning Community are invited to a meet, greet, and eat!
Look for your email invitation to RSVP.

Teachers Still Needed

We still need volunteer teachers to complete a few of our teaching teams. Co-leading a class in the Learning Community is a good way to explore your spirituality as well as to help young people discover theirs. Larger teaching teams allow for more flexibility to work with your availability. Please contact Rev. Mary Gear or Cassandra Scheffman for more information.

Seeking Paid Childcare Providers

We're expanding the number of classes and events for which childcare is provided. Please click here for Childcare Provider job description and instructions on how to apply.

Get Involved

Make a difference in the First Unitarian Portland community

Aid Asylum Seekers

With the recent move of our 13 Salmon Families to a larger facility, we are now using this space to aid asylum seekers who are being released from detention at the Sheridan Prison. We are providing short-term shelter for men, for one to three days before they are sent to their sponsor site outside of Oregon. A frightening, emotional time, we are trying to make their stay as comfortable as possible.
Please bring protein canned goods, soups, cereal, and snack items to church and leave in the cupboards in Fuller Hall previously assigned to 13 Salmon residents. Donna Richards
For other volunteer opportunities please contact 

Spiritual Director Training Program

Might the next step in your spiritual journey be participating in a spiritual director training program? New 10-month training programs have just started. They meet on the first Tuesday morning or second Tuesday evening each month. 
For more information or to schedule an interview, contact Jim Galluzzo, director of the Urban Spirituality Center, at 503-241-1751 or or Patty Clement, First Unitarian congregant, at

Spare Bedroom

Do you have a spare bedroom you could make available to other UUs visiting Portland? Our Bed & Breakfast program is in need of hosts. You provide a bed and a simple breakfast. Proceeds go to the church. To learn more, contact Ruth Robinson: or 503-246-2131. 

Social Hour Helpers Needed Sunday Mornings

With two services continuing throughout the year, we need a few more beverage service helpers and subs on Sundays in Margaret Fuller Hall. Choose one Sunday each month, either 8–10:50 a.m. or 10:45 a.m.–1 p.m., with time to attend service in between. Please contact Emily at 541-408-1516 or Training provided by experienced volunteers.

Attention LiveStream Viewers

Do you regularly watch First Unitarian’s Sunday services in real time on Sunday mornings? Are you adept at sending and receiving text messages?
Our Sunday morning sound and video technicians could use help from a couple of techy types out in cyberland to let them know when there is a live stream glitch while the service is being streamed. Please email the church office ( if you’re interested in volunteering for this important job. We need you!

Help Wanted!

A team of volunteers has formed to address the unrelentingly vigorous weeds in the beds around our church campus, and we need more help! Projects will be planned to control weed growth and highlight our native plants. If you would like to spend a couple of hours with the team, please contact Marti Yoder at and have your name added to the notification list. More hands are needed to make this light work.

Seeking Sunday Welcoming Volunteers

If you like to greet people and make them feel welcome, this volunteer opportunity is for you: become a Welcome Desk or Newcomer Table host before or after a Sunday service.
This is a great way to connect with congregation members and newcomers. Contact Membership Chair Ed McClaran or call 971-279-2778.

Sunday Drivers Needed

Can you provide an occasional ride to Sunday services for a neighbor? Do you, or someone you know, need help getting to church?
Our First Unitarian Neighborhood Connections rideshare program helps match riders with drivers in Portland and Lake Oswego and is organized by ZIP code. To learn more, contact Leslie Comnes, 503-236-2963.

Seeking Ushers

Here's a great volunteer opportunity: Become an usher and connect more deeply to members of our congregation. Won't you join our team? Contact usher coordinator Dev Dion or call 503-805-5899. Thank you.

In the Community

Community milestones, joys, and sorrows
Please email if you have any joys or concerns to share.

Leadership News

Naming First Unitarian Foundation in Your Will or Estate Plan

Help assure the long-term sustainability of this beloved congregation by including First Unitarian Portland in your will or estate plan.
Please fill out our Intent Form, or for more information, visit our website.

Other News

Sunday Attendance

1st Service: 237
2nd Service: 352
Musicians: 48
Total: 637
Livestream: 95
Grand Total: 732

Add to Our Media Collection

Taken any nice photos of First Unitarian Portland or its events? Send them our way to help build our media collection! Sending us your photos gives us permission to publish and/or use images for publications, website content, and social media. If you'd like to limit your permission, just let us know. Please email your photos to or click here.

Ongoing Groups

The following church groups meet on a regular schedule during our program year (approximately September through May or June). Many groups meet on an irregular basis. Many groups take the summer months off, so if you are unsure about a particular group's schedule, please contact the individual listed.

Africa Connections

This church social justice group supports advocacy and outreach work in communities in Kenya and Zimbabwe that have been deeply impacted by HIV AIDS. We do this through support of the IMANI Project, Zimbabwe Artists Project, and Quilts for Empowerment. Questions? Email Annie Bennett.

The Alliance 

The Alliance meets September through May, usually on the first Wednesday of the month, for a luncheon, business meeting, and program. Visit the Alliance web page. Questions? Email Alliance.

Animal Ministry Group

Normally meets on the fourth Sunday, 12:45 p.m., A303. Visit the Animal Ministry web page for special meeting times. Questions? 503-520-9012.

Caregiver Support Group

We usually meet the fourth Sunday of the month, September through May. We do not meet during the summer and will resume Sept. 23, 2018.
We gather to provide support, inspiration, and information relevant to those caring for a loved one. Email facilitator Helena Lee.

Children's Mosaic Restoration Group

First Monday, 45:30 p.m., Channing Room. Questions? Leslie Pohl-Kosbau, 503-245-6087. More info on the Children's Mosaic at First Unitarian Portland Facebook page. 

Committee on Hunger & Homelessness (COHHO)

Meets monthly September through May on the third Sunday at 12:30 p.m. in A303, the Fireside Room, or visit our table in Margaret Fuller Hall on the second and fourth Sundays. Questions? Email co-chairs Mary Andrews and Ellen Vanderslice.

Community for Earth (CFE)

The Community for Earth (CFE) is again selling the eco-friendly and community supportive Chinook book—each with its own app ($25)—and individual apps ($15). Use of the wide variety of coupons frequently more than covers the cost of the Chinook book and/or app. Buy yours today in our Beacon Bookstore. Cash sales at the CFE table. Questions? Susan Weinstein at 360-440-0564.

Contemplative Practice Group

Second and fourth Tuesdays, 6:30–8 p.m., A301. Offers a regular opportunity for building community through silent meditation, mindfulness poetry, and deep discussion on church themes. Questions? Ron Walker.

Economic Justice Action Group (EJAG)

The Economic Justice Action Group (EJAG) educates and advocates on issues of economic justice. Watch for our speaker, book, and movie events. Stop by our table for the latest information on fair trade, health care, democracy, and inequality and its dimensions. We meet the third Sunday of every month, September to June, at 9 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Contact: Michael Wade for more information.

Ending the New Jim CrowHealing the Justice System

Usually, monthly on the fourth Tuesday, 6:30–8 p.m., B302. Questions? Kathryn Scotten.

Good Times Committee

Join with fellow congregants for social gatherings—from happy hour to hikes, from dinners to plays. Learn more and sign up with Good Times during social hour on Sundays. Questions? Laura Gadley, 847-525-8700.

Immigrant Justice Action Group (IJAG)

We offer quarterly educational meetings on topics of relevance to the congregation, focused on issues/needs of immigrant and refugee communities. Through the IJAG Google group, recommended actions are disseminated. Contact Ann Zawaski for questions:
See our webpage for more info.

LGBTQIA Pride Group

Find out the latest social events by picking up a flyer at our Pride Table in Margaret Fuller Hall for our monthly movie game night, monthly PDX roller skating, potlucks, and any projects being planned. Visit our Facebook page: First Unitarian Pride, Portland, OR for all of our events and the LGBTQIA events we are supporting in the Portland area.

Meditation Group

Wednesday Night Meditation Group continues every Wednesday, 7–8:30 p.m., Eliot Chapel. Beginners welcomed. Questions? Mary Ann Harman.

Monthly Grief Group

Grief is a common thread that connects many of us in our community. This drop-in group will hold compassionate organic space for listening, learning, and resources to live with the many forms of grief and caregiving. The group meets the third Sunday of each month from 1:152:45 p.m. in room B304 of the Buchan building. Facilitated by Rev. Rick Freeman and Sophia Douglas.

Parents of Teens Support Group, 1–2 p.m.

Second and fourth Sundays 
Connect with parents of teens to talk and share parenting topics and the joys and challenges of navigating life as parents, with the guidance of a lay minister. We are an open group. Childcare provided.

Peace Action Group

Monthly on the second Saturday, 10 a.m.–12 p.m., Channing Room. Questions? Tess Beistel, Terri Shofner, Brianna Bragg.

Quilts of Love Group

3rd Thursday meeting is now 10 to 11:30., B310. Sew-in is on the first Thursday at Modern Domestic, 1408 NE Alberta St., from 10:30 a.m.3:30 p.m. This group creates quilts for families served by Portland Homeless Family Solutions as they transition from the shelter to a permanent home. More. Questions? Contact is Kathleen Vinson 503-477-6001
3rd Thursday meeting is now 10 to 11:30. 

Sunday Morning T'ai Chi Chih

Sunday morning T'ai Chi Chih, 8:309 a.m.; check the sign board in the Buchan building for meeting locations. Questions? Email Adult Programs.

UU Knitting Group

The knitting circle meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month during the church year. Questions? Susan Pryor, 503-894-9945.

UU Men's Community

Third Saturday, 9 a.m., Channing Room. An open group where men of all ages can share life experiences, learn from each other, develop friendships, support one another, and have fun. Questions? Richard Turner 503-734-5854; more info here.

UU Movie Group

Meets on the fourth Sunday of the month over a potluck meal at members’ homes. For more information, contact Nancy Panitch, 503-318-0776, or Ellie Kirkham, 971-544-7003. More info at the Good Times table in Margaret Fuller Hall.

UU Poetry Group

Twice monthly, on the second and fourth Thursdays, 7 p.m., Channing Room. Questions? Rodger Blackburn, 503-519-3494

UUA Outreach Group

Monthly on the last Wednesday at 7 p.m., usually in B310, but check the sign board when entering.
If your interest lies in the larger picture of UU ministry, join us! Questions? Bill Pryor, 503-894-9945. We'd love to hear from you. 

Women’s Circles

I: First and third Mondays at 7 p.m. Questions? Tess Beistel, 503-257-2042.
II: Second and fourth Mondays at 7 p.m. Questions? Kim, 503-869-1486.
III: First and third Wednesdays from 10–11:30 a.m. Questions? Dorothy Lewis, 503-292-1337.
IV: Twice a month on Wednesday evenings. We are looking for participants of all ages for supportive sharing and discussion about such topics as parenting and spirituality. Questions? Amy, 503-241-5451.
Spiritual Circle: Second and fourth Thursdays, 7–8:30 p.m. Questions? Sylvia Hart Landsberg.

Update Your Records with Us

Have you moved recently? Changed your phone number or e-mail address?
Anything else you'd like to let First Unitarian know?
We want to make sure our records are as up to date as possible. Please help us update your information by clicking here.

Do You Have an Item for E-news and/or the Sunday Bulletin?

If you have an item you’d like published in our weekly Front Steps (eNews) or the Sunday Bulletin, please submit it to: and include in the subject line “For eNews” –or– “For Sunday Bulletin” –or– “For eNews and Sunday Bulletin.”
This will get to all the right people. Deadline for submissions is noon on Wednesday. Because space is limited in our Sunday Bulletin, we’re unable to run articles for more than a week or two in advance, depending on the number of submissions. Articles may need to be shortened if space is tight. 
Sunday Livestream
Join us LIVE from your computer or smartphone on Sunday at 9:15 & 11:15 a.m.
Music Notes
For the month of September, our shared plate recipient is Innovation Law Lab, a team of lawyers and advocates who work where the threat to human rights is greatest, where people and legal systems are most vulnerable to attack.
Lawyers from ILL are representing 80 asylum seekers currently held in Sheridan Prison. They have secured positive decisions on 100% of credible fear interviews for these detainees and are working for their immediate release. Our church is partnering with ILL to transfer the asylees from prison to their sponsoring hosts. Our witness, words, and actions make a huge difference by focusing on the need for due processelevating humanity over fear and liberty over tyranny.
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