Welcome Grow Serve Celebrate
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We still need help to make Easter Day welcoming and hospitable. If you are willing and able to be an usher at 8:00 am or 10:45 am service or serve Communion at our 8:00 am service, click here and sign up. We do best what we do together!
And don't miss out on the other opportunities this week.
Maundy Thursday, March 28
Meal at 6:00 pm in the worship center, followed by a time of worship together. We are intentionally including some family friendly elements, so we hope to see you there.
Good Friday, March 29
We will head to Galloway UMC to enjoy a Good Friday concert using music to invite us into reflection on the seven last words of Christ. To carpool, meet at PHUMC at 5:15 pm or join us at Galloway UMC. The concert begins at 6:00 pm, and a nursery is provided.
Easter Flower Cross
Drop off flowers in the worship center kitchen between 9 am - 5 pm Friday, March 29, or no later than 10 am Saturday morning to help create our Easter flower cross. If you would like to help decorate the flower cross, join the team at 9:00 am Saturday morning outside the worship center kitchen. See Rebecca Olack, Barbara Pepper, or Chere Peel for more info.
Easter Worship at 8:00 am and 10:45 am
The 10:45 am service will be livestreamed and will feature the choir.
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| Their Light Still Shines!
Deadline for reservation is today Wednesday, March 27. This year our annual honor/memorial Easter candles will help us in establish a Youth Trip Scholarship Fund to aid our youth in covering the cost of the various trips and retreats throughout the year. Money should never be the reason one of our youth cannot participate. To purchase your candle in honor or memory of a loved one click here. For each name remembered or honored, cost is $10. You can pay via check (mark "Easter Candle" in the memo), online, or via our Vanco mobile app (look for "Easter Candles"). Reservation forms are also available in the foyer of the Worship Center and in the Church Office.
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Beds for Kids
Building tonight at 6:00 in the basement!
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Sunday, April 7 we will continue to celebrate Easter with worship on the lawn and a Youth Cookout Lunch Fundraiser!
Bring a chair and join us at 10:45 am to enjoy worship outside on our beautiful campus then stick around for a meal together inside the worship center to support the youth summer trip to Waco. Tickets are $12 and include burger, beans, chips, drink and dessert. To aid with preparation, please purchase a ticket by April 4 so we can be ready for a great day at the table together. Tickets can be purchased through the Vanco mobile app, via this link, or from one our youth after worship each Sunday. *Service will not be livestreamed
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"Sing Hosanna!"
PHUMC Adult and Kids Choirs celebrated Palm Sunday
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| The children enjoyed a day of fun assisting with worship on Palm Sunday followed by the Easter Egg Hunt. Thank you to the volunteers that stepped up to help with the kids activities and those that brought supplies for the meal and over hundreds of candy and egg donations.
Easter Sunday School Party: Our children will meet in the Garden at 9:30 a.m. for an all ages (3 years old - 4th grade) Sunday School class. We will have a lesson and craft activities, along with muffins and juice to share. We need volunteers to lead and assist with Sunday School. To volunteer* click this link.
Children 2nd-4th grade are invited to attend acolyte training on April 28. We will meet in the Garden at 9:30 a.m. and walk over to the worship center together for training. Serving as an acolyte is a great opportunity for our children to lead and assist in worship. If you're interested or have any questions contact Haven.
*All volunteers must submit a background check before volunteering with children and youth.
To stay connected to all KidMin events, get the Remind app and text @phumcc to 81010.
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| No Engage this Sunday, March 31. Spend some time with loved ones and with God to celebrate Easter!
254 in 2024: We're trading the 601 for the 254 and heading to Waco, TX, June 22-27 to serve and learn at Mission Waco, a Christian nonprofit committed to serving our neighbors in the best ways possible. Total cost is $300 with the next $100 due April 17. You can pay via the Vanco App or by clicking here. Final $100 due May 22. The initial $100 deposit was due March 1, but see Geoff if you still want to join us or if funding is a concern; we never want money to be why someone misses out!
Adults, come serve with our teens and see how God is moving in our youth ministry! Follow this link for a list of our upcoming volunteer needs, including Engage Sunday nights, Wednesday nights, and special events. Our soonest needs: volunteers and dinner providers for Engage, 4/14, 4/21, 5/5, and 5/12.
Youth Families: We need you to make the Cookout Fundraiser Lunch a success! We are asking each youth and parent/guardian to sign up for a crew slot to work as well as a food item to bring. All youth will aid with serving during the lunch. Click here to get signed up.
To stay connected to all youth events, get the Remind app and text @phumcy to 81010. —Geoff
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Thanks to our Youth and Bridge Group for helping with our Kids Easter Egg Hunt!
| Meeting This Week:
Tonight: Beds for Kids building in the basement 6:00 pm
Thursday: Men's Group at 7:30 am. Join them in the Garden Room or via Zoom **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635 New Password: 142295 Handbell practice 9:00 am
6:00 Maundy Thursday meal in the Worship Center
Friday: Good Friday concert at 6:00 at Galloway UMC, Jackson
Saturday: Ladies Zoom will not meet this week.
Sunday: Worship at 8:00 am Small Groups at 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am
Choir and Youth Engage will not meet this week.
Monday: Office closed for Easter holiday
Quilters will not meet this week.
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March Communion Offering, $1,101.00 to date, supports UMCOR, the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church. United Methodist Committee on Relief – UMCOR – assists United Methodists and churches to aid persons in need across the globe. UMCOR comes alongside those who suffer from natural or human-caused disasters – famine, hurricane, war, flood, fire or other events—to alleviate suffering and serve as a source of help and hope for the vulnerable. UMCOR provides relief, response and long-term recovery grants when events overwhelm a community’s ability to recover on their own and also provides technical support and training for partners to address emerging and ongoing issues related to disaster relief, recovery, and long-term health and development.
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Year-to-Date, February 2024 Income: $104,093.58 Expenses: $83,086.50
*Year-to-date PHUMC has paid $300.00 of District and $1,000.00 of Conference Apportioned Mission Shares coming from individual designated gifts.
March Communion Offering to date: $1,101.00, supports UMCOR.
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