Virtually all of us depend on Harborview Medical Center (HMC) as the only level one trauma and burn center for the entire PNW. A $1.74 billion capital improvement bond is on the November 2020 General Election ballot, the proceeds of which would go to health and safety improvements of HMC facilities. HMC is owned by King County - making this a county-wide vote.
Over the past 8 months, in dealing with COVID, it has become clear thatHMC's infection control standards need updating. PROP 1will modernize infection control throughout the hospital, keeping healthcare workers and patients safe.
Those who are homeless struggle to recover from illness because they have nowhere to go after discharge. PROP 1 includes 150 respite beds – not only saving lives but money by breaking the cycle of emergency room care.
Emergency department expansion will be part of PROP 1funding focus. As our population grows, we need to make sure everyone has access to the best emergency care.
seismic upgrades are needed right away. In a natural disaster, Harborview will be the heart of the region’s response. Parts of Harborview don’t meet current seismic standards andPROP 1will fund critical seismic upgrades so we are ready!
For more information click HERE, UW statement HERE, ST articleHERE.
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