There's a wide variety of ways to take part in what the Center offers
There's a wide variety of ways to take part in what the Center offers
It is extraordinarily heartening to see the winter events fill with interested participants, and a generous response to the annual appeal. With the support of so manystaff, teachers, trustees, members, volunteers and friendsSpringwater Center continues its work, offering opportunities to sit, meet and dialogue together.
Generous support also provides the ability to continue maintenance and improvement of the facilities. A current project is replacing old propane-fired water heaters with new hybrids that use heat-pump technology. Upcoming projects include replacing worn-out windows and finishing the current phase of construction of the garage/barn. 
Explore the many ways to support Springwater Center

Four-day Retreat with Wayne Coger Feb 17-21

In-person and now possible to attend some of the retreat online.

This retreat is full, Please contact reception to be added to the wait list. An online component has just been added to this retreat, allowing online participants access to timed sittings and the daily talk. Register here for online participation. 

Wayne gave an All-Day talk in January that one participant described as "The best dharma talk I have ever heard." Available on the Center's YouTube Channel, the talk begins with a technical glitch but if one bears with it, Wayne speaks of the radical possibility of not doing anything, just being here, sitting quietly, and seeing what comes in a vulnerable way. Listen to the talk here
Wayne has been on staff at the Center since 1983. Though he leads retreats and serves as Administrator, much of his time is spent in hands-on activity repairing and improving the extensive facilities of the Center. In spite of a busy schedule, he makes time to meet with those interested in looking together at concerns that may arise. 
Online Only Retreat with Les Schaffer March 4-11
This retreat will take place online with Les leading it from Rhode Island. Register here to participate.
In Les' retreat, there are more timed sittings with a focus on private meetings. Les' interest in deep listening, in oneself and in connection with another, invites the opportunity to take a deep dive and see what's "cooking" underneath. Note to partiplants: please plan to meet at least once with Les during the retreat.  
The Center is open to guests during this retreat and will maintain quiet in the building. Guests may register to attend all/part of the online retreat during their stay using their own devices. 
Les has been involved with the Center since its inception. In the 1990's he was encouraged by Toni Packer to meet with people. In recent years he has led retreats at the Center or online. 
If you'd like to stay at the Center during this retreat, you can register for a guest stay here. To participate in the online retreat while here as a guest, please also register for the retreat. Please email Stacey at for more information.

March 25 Online All-Day Sitting               

We come together on Zoom for a day of sharing silence, sitting, listening, and meditative dialogue. The day begins at 8:30 am (Eastern Time) with silent sitting, includes a talk by one of the Center teachers, afternoon sitting and group dialogue. It is possible to stay as a guest at the Center during the All-Day and attend online using your own device. Registration for the All Day Sitting and possible overnight stay can be made by contacting the receptionist at info@springwatercenter.orgAlso contact reception with any questions you may have and for more details.

Online Offerings

Online events offer new possibilities for entering into meditation and dialogue with others. The schedule changes from time to time; please see the online offerings calendar for the current schedule of online sittings. They now take place Tuesday to Friday. There is no longer a Saturday morning sitting but there are opportunities to sit, hear a talk and dialogue with others at Saturday Programs in the afternoon. The next Saturday Program is February 11, and the next session of the teachers dialoguing together is April 15. In addition, daily talks can be heard live during in-person retreats. Contact reception at for information on accessing online events.
Hear the talk by Toni Packer, who founded Springwater Center, from the February 4 Saturday program. In this talk, Toni speaks of the self, wanting and fearing. She asks if it is possible to observe what unfolds in the moment without identifying with what is observed. Can open listening be maintained by sheer interest and curiosity?
These events are available at no cost, while donations are always appreciated to sustain the work of the Center.  Auto-debit options are also now available for your convenience.
Support Online Offerings

2023 Retreats/Event List

While making plans for spring and summer, be sure to consult the 2023 calendar of events. Upcoming this spring: an in-person All-Day Sitting April 8; Online dialogue with the Teachers April 15; a four-day, in-person retreat with Stew Glick April 21-25; and a seven-day, in-person and online retreat with Wayne Coger and Sandra Gonzalez May 13-20. 

COVID Updates

In response to the dynamic nature of COVID, we make every effort to keep our website up to date with the most current information and requirements. If a change occurs for an event you are registered for, we will notify you with as much notice possible.

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

News update photos usually feature the loveliness of the Center and its land. These newly installed Rheem hybrid water heaters with heat-pump capability have their own beauty though, as they replace the Center's old propane fired heaters.  

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