As most of you know, I’m new to my role as UKirk Nashville’s Campus Minister and Executive Director since September. I’m learning a lot every day and especially enjoying getting to know our students at Belmont and Vanderbilt. I’m also getting reacquainted with the city of Nashville; it’s my hometown, but it’s been a while since I was here, and much has changed!
Being new has its challenges, but over the last several months, the overriding emotions for me have been gratitude and excitement. I am grateful for UKirk Nashville’s vitality, which this gifted and generous community has fostered through its support and participation. I am excited to get to know you, and for the new possibilities that lie ahead of us as we emerge together—hopefully before too very long—into a post-pandemic landscape. Just thinking about what we can do for, with, and alongside college students is life-giving for me, as I know it is for you. I can’t wait to collaborate with you in this ministry we share.
Before I sign off, I want to invite you to save the date for Soul & Spirits, our annual celebration for supporters. We will plan to gather on Thursday evening, March 24, 2022, venue TBA. Mark your calendars! The students, board, and I look forward to seeing you.
Merry Christmas.
In Christ's love,
Rev. Claire Berry (she/her)
Campus Minister & Executive Director
UKirk Nashville