All Classes and Offerings
All Classes and Offerings

Online Class Schedule & Updates

Blossom Staff have been working hard with our independent instructors to bring all our classes and resources online.

Please see below for updates by status and category:

Price & Registration Information

  • We are excited to introduce our online offerings and support our community.
  • $10 Temporary pricing for Drop-In classes (yoga/fitness) & Support groups.
  • Registration based classes will continue with the same pricing but will be offered online until we can resume in-person classes. 
Please contact the front desk if you have an 8class or monthly unlimited pass.  We will put them on hold and extend the expiration when in-person classes resume.

All Blossom Yoga classes are now held online.

You can join classes and connect with other families from the comfort and safety of your home via Zoom. You can register for each class by clicking on the link below for the class time you would like to attend.  All family members are welcome. Let’s get together and support each other during this challenging time, grab your mat and a blanket and join us for some movement on the mat, whether your baby or toddler is taking a nap or wants to join actively.
See the schedule and registration links below:

Prenatal Yoga

Mondays, noon: Siri
Hatha Flow

Mondays, 6:00pm: Katie
Hatha/Slow- Flow 

Tuesdays, 10:00am: Carolina

Tuesdays, 6:30pm: JuFen 
Alignment-focused Slow-Flow

Wednesdays, noon: Carolina

Wednesdays, 6:30pm:  Katie Sinnott 
Hatha Flow
Thursdays, noon: JuFen 
Alignment-focused Slow-Flow

Thursdays, 6:30pm: Sarah
Fridays, noon: Ananda
Hatha-flow, Whole Birth Yoga

Saturdays, 9:00am: Isha

Sundays, 10:15am: Mia
Therapeutics, Ashtanga Vinyasa

Toddler & Me Yoga

Thursdays 10:30am: Nora

Saturdays 10:30am: Nora
Register for Online Class Session

Mom & Baby Yoga

Tuesday, 12:00pm  Carolina
Hatha Flow

Wednesdays, 10:30am: JuFen
Alignment-focused Slow-Flow

Thursdays, 1:30pm: JuFen 
Alignment-focused Slow-Flow
Fridays, 10:30am: Nora 
Vinyasa flow 
Sundays, 11:45am: Misty
Vinyasa Flow
Click Here to Register for Online Class

Please note that most of these classes have moved to online instruction.  Prepare for your labor and delivery from the comfort of your home. 

Childbirth and Baby Prep


Pregnancy​, Labor & Birth​ 
​​​Birthing Naturally: Partner Supported Childbirth 🌱​​
Childbirth Prep Intensive
Childbirth Prep Series​
Comfort Measures for an Easier Labor
​​HypnoBirthing®: The Mongan Method 🌱​​
​​Inspired Birth - Natural Birth Intensive 🌱​​
Online Learning - New!
Partner Support Prep​​

Expecting Again
Birth After Cesarean​​
Childbirth Prep Refresher
Onsite Childcare  ​


Birth Professionals Information
​Doula Brunch Meet and Greet
​Help Me Find a Doula


Early Parenthood Essentials
Adult, Child & Infant CPR
After Your Baby's Birth -New!​
Baby Care​
Babywearing Essentials
Breastfeeding Basics
Infant Development -New!

Childbirth, Baby Care or Breastfeeding 

Newborn and Beyond


Immediate Postpartum
Grief & Healing After the Loss of Your Baby Web App - New!
Understanding the NICU Web App - New!​​

​​Babywearing Essentials
Infant Development 
Intro to Baby Sign Language

​First Year & Older
​Baby Sign Language Playgroup​
Infant Development
​Toddler & Preschooler Sign Language​​


​Drop-in Playgroups
On-Site Childcare

Parent/Caregiver Weekly Support Groups

Pregnancy & Postpartum Moods and Challenges Support Group
NEW TIME: 1:30 - 3:00pm

Blossom Babies 0-8 months  ​
1:30 - 3:00pm

Blossom Babies 0-8 months  
NEW TIME: 1:30 - 3:00pm


1st Friday Monthly
Babywearing Group
NEW TIME: 1:30 - 3:00pm

2nd & 4th Friday Monthly
Breastfeeding Connections 
NEW TIME: 1:30 - 3:00pm ​-Free!

3rd Friday  Monthly
Early Parenting Sleep Support 
0-12 Months
NEW TIME: 1:30 - 3:00pm


1st Sunday
Japanese Pregnancy & Postpartum Support Group
10:00 - 11:30am
ON HOLD until further notice

1st & 3rd Monday
Pregnancy Discussion Group*

2nd & 4th Monday
Postpartum Moms Online Lunchtime Support Group*
ON HOLD until further notice 
Consultants are offering phone, online or in-home consultations. Check out the Private Consultations page for more info. You can reach out to them directly to schedule appointments - as always.
Below classes or demos are postponed until further notice:
  • AcroFamily Yoga
  • SpringSpot Family Demo
Below classes and events are canceled:
  • Blossom Birth and Family Fair
  • Blossom 2.0 Co-Working
  • Open Drop-in Playgroup
  • Postpartum Moms Lunchtime Support Group (2nd & 4th Monday)
  • Japanese Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Group (1st Sunday)
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