The scene of pink umbrellas against the blue water at Ocean Club was stunningly beautiful.
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| SGA: Back to the Islands
January 22, 23, 24, 25, 2023
Royal Turks Golf Club • The Ocean Club
Providinciales, Turks & Caicos Islands
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Greetings from Royal Turks & Caicos!
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| SGA Warms Up on Turks & Caicos
The first visit of Senior Golfers to the islands of Turks & Caicos was a smashing success as the Senior Golfers came together on this beautiful part of Paradise in enjoyment of all the best things that the Caribbean islands have to offer.
The event opened with drinks and dinner at the Ocean Club's Cabana Grill, overlooking the pristine white sand and turquoise water of the Caribbean Sea. It was an honor to welcome newcomers David Bond & Lesvia Cox, Valerie Branowitzer, and Jamey & Kylie Perlinski, who traveled to Turks & Caicos from Dallas, Texas, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Bozeman, Montana. Also welcomed was prospective SGA member and part-time Turks & Caicos resident, Beti Derbyshire. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful meal and much good conversation. To read about the highlight of the evening, Valerie Branowitzer's duet, scroll below!
Three absolutely beautiful days of golf, followed by sunny and breezy afternoons on Grace Bay Beach, made for a delightful week. Special thanks go to Dave Douglas, Sean Wilson, and all the friendly and gracious members of the Royal Turks & Caicos golf staff.
A fun anniversary event was a trip across the island to the fabulous Shore Club Almond Tree to celebrate Gwen and Mike Ward's 45th wedding anniversary. Truly -- it was a magical evening.
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Jim, Lesvia, Mike & Jamey
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Bill, Valerie, Gwen, Mike, Catherine, Nonie & Cynthia
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The event closed out with awards at the Ocean Club, followed by a beautiful evening at Opus Wine Bar & Grill. Event Winners at gross were Lesvia Cox & Jamey Perlinski. "I love this group!" exclaimed Lesvia. "I have been a member for four years, but thought I had to have a partner to participate in one of the events. Now David Bond and I are dating, so here I am!"
"So, David, she just started dating you because she thought she had to have you to go with SGA!" quipped Jamey. "Seriously, it has been a pleasure to play with Lesvia, David, and the other SGA members here on the island. Kylie and I have met a lot of wonderful people here at the event. We are looking forward to the next SGA trip, and to getting some of our Montana friends involved with the organization."
The final day of play was Jim Bruner's birthday. "I made up my mind I was going to win a prize," said Jim, "although all I really wanted was one of those brownies with ice cream and a single birthday candle." Sure enough, Jim was on the green and took Close to Pin honors that day. And, he also got his brownie with the birthday candle!
Two-day net winner was Bill Ries. Close to pin winners were Lesvia Cox, Jim Bruner, Mike Ward, and Jamey Perlinski. Daily Net prize went to Nonie Price. Congratulations, everyone!
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Valerie, Gwen, Kylie & Cynthia are in the tropical style
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Turks & Caicos Music Scene: From Rock to Ripsaw
The island of Providenciales offers many regularly scheduled events at restaurants, bars, and outdoor venues where live music is played by talented and enthusiastic local musicians. Genres represented range from Turks and Caicos Ripsaw and Rake n’ Scrape styles, to Reggae and Rock, as well as oldies, "easy listening," and popular music. Calypso and steel drum music, although beloved throughout much of the Caribbean, isn’t common in the Turks and Caicos.
In this field, Turks and Caicos Islands is best known for its Ripsaw music. This is accompanied by an array of instruments, including maracas, triangles, box guitar, conga drums, goat and cowskin drums, accordion, concertina and, most prominently and uniquely, the carpenter saw. The saw is scraped with a metal object, such as a screwdriver, to produce a unique sound; this is called ripping the saw.
The use of the saw (which is the origin of the term ripsaw) is of uncertain origin, but may be in imitation of the Dominican and Haitian guiro or traditional African instruments such as the shekere and djembe. A closely related style called rake and scrape is known in the Bahamas, closely associated with Cat Island, the home of many Turks and Caicos islanders, who moved there looking for work in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s.
SGA members enjoyed the talented performers at various spots throughout the area. A highlight of the SGA event was newcomer Valerie Branowitzer's duet performance with local musician Elroy Simmons. All SGA participants gathered under the stars at the Cabana Grill to cheer her on. "Unforgettable" was unforgettable!
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SGA FoGs enjoy Turks & Caicos. Love those shades, Valerie!!
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Coming Up...
SGA events in the immediate future are:
Desert Holiday, Palm Desert, California, February 13-16, 2023
Spring Fling, Amelia Island, Florida, March 19-22, 2023
Alabama Golf Trail, The Grand Hotel, Point Clear, April 3-6, 2023
SGA Homecoming, Asheville, North Carolina, May 21-24, 2023
European Excursion, Lake Como & Switzerland, June/July 2023
Lobster Festival, Bar Harbor, Maine, August 6-9, 2023
Plan to join us! Reply to this email, call the SGA office at 843-626-8100, or call Catherine on her cellphone at 310-600-9278, to reserve your spot or for details.
Let us hear from you!
Catherine & Cynthia
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Senior Golfers of AmericaLovingly run by our family since 1976
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Senior Golfers of America
3013 Church Street
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29577
www.seniorgolfersamerica.com |