It might only be February but we are in full swing in all things
AIDS WALK Charlotte. On Saturday, May 18, we will celebrate 28 years of bringing together the community to fight against stigma and empower those living with HIV!
What once started on the front lawn of the Great Aunt Stella Center has grown into the largest HIV fundraising event in the Carolinas. This year we are thrilled to be moving to Truist Field, home of the Charlotte Knights (we have it on good authority that Homer the Dragon is going to make an appearance) and are looking forward to another amazing year (and to raise $200,000).
If you haven’t registered, we would be happy to help you out. Just simply reply to this month’s e-news with “I want to register” and we will handle the rest!
| Nathan B. Smith
Vice President, Philanthropy
Deion Pendleton
HIP Lead Coordinator
HIV testing can often seem scary, and even the thought of those words may make some people's minds frazzle. People often think, "Why should I get tested?" or "I know who I sleep with; I don't need to get tested."
According to the CDC
an estimated 1.2 million people in the United States have HIV, including about 158,500 people who are unaware of their status. Nearly 40% of new HIV infections are transmitted by people who don't know they have the virus. Being tested is the only way for one to be sure if they have acquired HIV. In previous years, it would take days or even weeks for test results, often causing negative thoughts and anxiety for some. Recent technology allows test results to be available within minutes to ease the mind.
Everyone should get tested at least once in their life and even more regularly if they are sexually active. It's recommended to get tested as often as every three months for some individuals to be safe and aware of their status. Read more about HIV testing recommendations here
. Being aware of your status is a powerful tool in keeping you and your partner(s) safe. The stigma and worry of testing are decreasing, and the knowledge of those getting tested is increasing. Hopefully, by combining our current knowledge and continuing to educate our peers and community, we all, as a whole, can eradicate HIV in the future years.
Deion Pendleton
HIP Lead Coordinator
Thank you to to Tommy Feldman, Owner, and Graphic Artist & Illustrator at Tyvola Design
for your support of RAIN!
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Savannah Lawing
Development Specialist
DoxyPEP, or doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis, is a significant medical breakthrough in the prevention of bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The primary aim of DoxyPEP is to mitigate the risk of developing infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. This innovative treatment involves a short course of the antibiotic doxycycline, administered after potential exposure to an STI.
The importance of DoxyPEP lies in its role as a proactive measure, effectively curbing the spread of STIs and preventing the potential long-term health consequences associated with these infections. This medical advancement not only contributes to overall well-being but also aligns with a broader strategy for sexual health.
DoxyPEP offers a convenient and effective way to safeguard against the transmission of bacterial STIs, thereby promoting responsible sexual practices and fostering a healthier community. Its significance is further magnified for individuals living with HIV or those at risk, as DoxyPEP becomes a crucial tool in preventing co-infections, maintaining their health, and contributing to a comprehensive public health effort to reduce the prevalence of STIs.
DoxyPEP offers a convenient and effective way to safeguard against the transmission of bacterial STIs, thereby promoting responsible sexual practices and fostering a healthier community. Its significance is further magnified for individuals living with HIV or those at risk, as DoxyPEP becomes a crucial tool in preventing co-infections, maintaining their health, and contributing to a comprehensive public health effort to reduce the prevalence of STIs.
Matching gift programs enable companies to demonstrate their commitment to giving back while empowering their employees to make a difference in causes they are passionate about.
The process is straightforward: an employee makes a donation to a nonprofit, and the company matches that donation. Some companies extend this benefit to retirees as well, further expanding the reach of their philanthropic endeavors.
Matching gifts not only benefit RAIN but also provide you with a tangible way to amplify your impact on HIV – matching gift programs empower individuals to contribute meaningfully to issues close to their hearts. See if your donations are eligible here.
| Nathan B. Smith
Vice President, Philanthropy
601 E. 5th Street, Suite 470
Charlotte, NC 28202
(704) 372-7246
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