II. Mental Health Resources
Free, open resources
1. Online Daily Meetups for Doctors
2. Project Parachute
Matches pro-bono therapists & frontline health care workers affected by COVID-19 through telehealth.
3. Headspace
A meditation app is free to providers through 2020.
4. Guided meditation podcasts
5. The Washington COVID-19 Mental Health Network
A growing body of licensed therapists is providing short term, no-fee therapy to frontline healthcare and first responders (doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, paramedics, etc). Therapy by video or phone. https://www.wacovid19therapists.com/home
6. The EMDR Trauma Recovery Network of Western WA
A no-fee, short term EMDR informed therapy to frontline healthcare and EMS workers. http://www.traumarecoverywa.org
7. Talkspace
An online therapy platform is donating free therapy to frontline healthcare workers https://www.talkspace.com/blog/coronavirus-talkspace-donation-healthcare-workers/
8. Physician Support Line
Psychiatrists provide "Free and confidential support to physician colleagues on the COVID-19 frontline." https://www.physiciansupportline.com/
9. The COVID-19 Free Virtual Therapy Support
A new initiative sponsored by the Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation to provide 5 free therapy sessions for members of the African American community who "experienced life-changing events related to COVID-19." https://borislhensonfoundation.org/covid-19-free-virtual-therapy-support-campaign/
10. Seattle COVID Care Worker Network
A network that provides therapy, among other services, free of charge for essential workers in Seattle and surrounding areas.