Committee recommends Cook Field site for potential new multipurpose arena
President Gregory Crawford will take recommendation to board of trustees
Two smaller AI-themed conferences are in April. Register now for the free Miami AI Symposium in March
Recent initiatives include Miami's partnership with Cleveland Clinic and review of the university’s Human Resources structure. Find out about next steps
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Sackeyfio is part of the Inclusive Excellence Faculty Fellows program, a partnership between the Office of Transformational and Inclusive Excellence and the Provost’s Office
The Center for L.I.F.E. (Leading the Integration of Faith and Entrepreneurship) received the award from the U.S. Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship for it's "game- changing nature"
| Carnival on the Concourse, silent auctions part of Miami Athletic's initiative to raise funds for local cancer support. Fans can request up to 10 free tickets for both games by using the code LOVEHONORCARE
Miami had a total of 20 applicants to 16 different countries during the 2025-2026 application cycle. Finalists will be named later this spring
| Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarships supports students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad
SMS scams, AI scams, and other scams, and how to avoid them
Four-time MAC Athlete-of-the-Week hopes to set another record in MAC championship
Graduate students share their research work as an "elevator pitch" at 4 p.m.
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