| Trustee Update Debbie King • Ward 7: Parkdale-High Park Toronto District School Board 416-395-8787 • Debbie.King@tdsb.on.ca |  | | |
Hello Ward 7 Parents, Caregivers, and Community:
And hello October!
I hope you are having a good start to the month. I adore the cozy feel of autumn, and appreciate the closeness to family and nature the season brings. If you are travelling or gathering with family this upcoming long weekend, enjoy and stay safe with Toronto Public Health's Reduce Respiratory Virus Spread Guide.
We're making exciting connections Throughout our schools, connections are being fostered in exciting ways - from overnight trips to newcomer clubs. It’s been wonderful to see students participate together in Terry Fox and Orange Shirt Day events. And young athletes are excited about cross-country competition at Centennial Park, the West Region golf championships, and more! Likewise, staff and parents have been connecting at curriculum nights, school council meetings, and community events.
Over the past few weeks, I proudly attended the Orange Shirt Day assembly at Keele Street PS; showed solidarity with 2SLGBTQ+ students at Queen’s Park; and participated in an Ontario Human Rights Commission consultation on anti-Black racism in education.
Next, I look forward to our first ward event of the school year. Please join me for a meet and greet with Superintendents, Athletics Staff, Parent Reps and our ward community on Thursday, October 12th. We'll discuss support for parent engagment, extracuricular activities, and advocacy on key issues throughout the school year. Get details and sign up to attend.
As always, I hope the updates included are helpful to you. Feel free to reach out with questions or feedback.
Yours in Community,
Debbie King
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Updates: October 1-14 2023
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Reorganization Update
Information about the reorganization process was shared in my September update, and has been communicated by School Principals. As a reminder, balancing the teacher-pupil ratio is necessary to ensure more equitable access to learning opportunities for all students.
Following the September count date, some schools underwent a process of reorganizing large classes. TDSB staff make every effort to better balance our schools with as little disruption to your child’s learning as possible. However, for some students this has resulted in being assigned to a new teacher, a different class or, in some cases, in elementary school, a mixed grade. Classes and families impacted as a result, have been informed by school staff.
Class make-up is very carefully thought out by school staff. Some of the factors taken into consideration are individual student needs, the teacher, classroom size, gender, work habits, emotional development, special education needs, English language development, grade being taught, etc.
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Class of 2023 Commencement
On Thursday, October 5th, graduates from Parkdale Collegiate Institute, Runnymede Collegiate Institute and Western-Technical Commercial School will participate in commencement ceremonies. I look forward to joining graduates and families at WTCS and want to extend sincere congratulations to graduates of all schools, and recipients of the Trustee Excellence Award. The 2022-23 award is presented to 1-2 students selected by staff, who demonstrate exemplary commitment to community leadership and social justice issues. The award will be updated for 2023-24.
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School Crossing Guard Changes
A few folks have contacted me with concerns about supervision at school crossings. If you have concerns about current crossing guard shifts or new requests, please email me for more information.
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Superintendents of Mathematics
The TDSB received funding for two Superintendents of Education to support student success in Mathematics for the 2023-24 school year through a Priorities and Partnership Fund as part of the Ministry’s four year implementation of the provincial Math Strategy. Two Superintendents were selcted to oversee this initiative. They will support educator teams and administrators by facilitating professional learning opportunities focus on:
- Teaching the elementary curriculum, de-streamed math, and the Grade 10 math curriculum addendum using high-impact instructional and assessment practices;
- Supporting student transitions from Grades 7 to 10, that include Individual Pathway Plans and information sharing about individual students needs (ie. students with special education supports);
- Sharing effective practices in anti-discriminatory, anti-racist and culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy to lead cultural change in every elementary and secondary school to ensure equity and inclusion in the classrooms;
- Building a culture in schools were there is a high expectation that all students are capable and competent math learners;
- Working with School-Based Math Learning Partners to support targeted elementary and secondary schools;
- Facilitating parent engagement in their children’s math learning, including promoting Ministry developed parent resources available on the Curriculum and Resources website; and
- Working collaboratively with central staff, superintendents, schools and communities to develop and implement the TDSB Math Strategy.
Contact your classroom teacher or principal if you have questions about math instruction at your school.
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Professional Activity Days
During the school year, school staff participate in a number of Professional Activity (PA) Days. Beginning this school year, boards of education are now required to publicly share detailed information about PA Days, as outlined in Policy and Program Memorandum (PPM) 151. As per the Ministry of Education, 2023-24 PA Days will focus on the priority areas of Literacy and Mathematics, Curriculum Implementation, and Student Well-being, School Safety and Violence Prevention. Additional topics identified by the TDSB will also be covered during PA Days. Details will be posted to www.tdsb.on.ca/PAdays at least 14 days in advance of the scheduled PA Day. The next PA Day is Friday, October 6, 2023.
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Islamic Heritage Month: Salaam: Joy, Excellence, Belonging
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) proudly recognizes Islamic Heritage Month (IHM) during the month of October. This recognition follows the motion passed by the Board of Trustees on June 22, 2016.
This year’s theme is Salaam: Joy, Excellence, Belonging. Salaam means ‘peace’ in Arabic and is a shortened version of the Islamic greeting, ‘peace be upon you’. This year, the TDSB Islamic Heritage Month Committee would like staff, students, and community members to greet, or say ‘salaam’ to, joy, excellence and belonging within the activities planned and learning available during this important month.
During October several Islamic Heritage Month educational opportunities are being organized for all TDSB students to further learn about Islamic traditions and customs. These offerings include:
- Workshops from the Aga Khan Museum for all grade levels.
- Workshops with Project Include Outreach. One of their goals is highlight the contributions of Muslims to modern-day technology and utilize coding principles to facilitate an understanding of Islamic heritage & culture.
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Somali Heritage Month:Educate. Elevate. Excel
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) proudly recognizes Somali Heritage Month during the month of October. The TDSB has been marking Somali Heritage Month since June 2016, and we continue to expand on the selected theme Educate. Elevate. Excel
During October several Somali Heritage Month educational opportunities are being organized for all TDSB students to further learn about Somali traditions and customs. These offerings include primary students having an opportunity to engage in a bookmark challenge where their creative talents can shine! Our intermediate and senior level students will be provided with the opportunity to participate in a creative writing challenge by answering questions about Somali traditions and share their thoughts on a variety of topics
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Days of Significance
Oct 1: International Day for Older Persons Oct 2: International Day for Non-Violence Oct 2: Mehregan Oct 4: Sisters in Spirit Day Oct 4: Walk to School Day Oct 5: World Teachers Day Oct 7: Shemini Atzeret Oct 8: Simchat Torah Oct 9: Thanksgiving Day (no school) Oct 9-13: Body Confidence Awareness Week Oct 10: World Mental Health Day Oct 12: Bandi Chhor Divas
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Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement: Black Girls Book Club
The Black Girls’ Book Club is back! We invite Black girls of African, Afro-Caribbean and the Black Diaspora including 2SLGBTQ+ students from Grades 9 to 12 to register for this program. The Black Girls’ Book Club provides students with an opportunity to explore new ideas, new stories, and new ways of self-expression. Throughout the program, student voice and the stories from a variety of Black women writers are celebrated.
A virtual information session will be held October 25 at 6pm.
The program begins November 1 at 4:30 p.m. and occurs weekly for 6 weeks at the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement – 2239 Lawrence Ave. E. Transportation can be provided. Register for BGBC here.
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Youth Participatory Action Student Conference
The Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement in Collaboration with TDSB Research and Development Department, and The Jean Augustine Chair in Education, Community & Diaspora is hosting its second annual student-led and student-hosted Youth Participatory Action Research(YPAR) Conference: Creating Possibilities for Black Students in K-12 Education and Leadership at York University.
Join us on Saturday, October 28th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for 16 exciting research presentations that focuses on:
- Black student experiences in K-12 education.
- Providing equity of access to learning opportunities for all
- Transforming student learning.
- Creating a culture for student well-being.
This in-person conference is a remarkable opportunity for Black students to present their research developed during the Centre of Excellence’s Black Student Summer Leadership Program (BSSLP). This conference is created and moderated by Black student leaders in TDSB. Hear from student researchers as they discuss the key recommendations in creating a successful learning environment for Black students in K-12 education. Register here.
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Board Advocacy Letters
Based on decisions by the Board, the Chair has issued the following advocay letters to support achievement and well-being:
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Board and Committee Meeting Highlights
Facility Contract Awards:
- Runnymede CI Pool Foundation and Grounding Restoration
Motions Considered and Carried:
- Intentional Enhanced Efforts to Create Improved Levels of Kindness and Respect (Trustees MacLean and Ehrhardt)
- Student Nutrition (Trustees Sriskandarajah and Rajakulasingam)
- Toronto Youth Cabinet Statement: Endorsement (Trustees Dawson and King)
- Business Arising: Status of Child Care Services (Trustees Chernos-Lin and Patel)
Notices of Motion:
- Somali Centre for Culture and Recreation (Trustees Hassan and Dawson)
- Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Request for a Provincial Anti-Hate Strategy (Trustees Laskin and Chernos Lin)
Upcoming Committee Meetings:
- Oct 3: Parent Involvement and Advisory Committe (agenda)
- Oct 4: Governance and Policy Committee (agenda)
- Oct 11: Finance, Budget and Enrollment Committee
Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, November 1, 2023
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Delegating to Committees of the Board
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Parents and Caregivers as Partners ConferenceOctober 21 and 22, 2023
Parents, guardians, caregivers, and staff are invited to participate in a weekend of learning, connection, and engagement and to learn strategies to support your child throughout the year.
We have partnered with the TDSB’s Outdoor Education team, the City of Toronto, and numerous other community partners to bring a unique in-person experience to the conference. Attendees may engage in experiential in-person learning by choosing from 20 locations across the city. The in-person sessions are scheduled between 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday. Transportation from central sites will be available to all venues, leaving the location at 1:00 p.m. and returning at 3:30 p.m.
Dr. Gholnescsar (Gholdy) Muhammad, an Associate Professor of Literacy, Language, and Culture will open the virtual conference on Saturday, October 21, 2023, with a dynamic keynote on Unearthing Joy in Learning. Sarah Baldeo, an accomplished Neuroscientist, Technologist, corporate Strategist, and a successful Entrepreneur, will challenge our views and assumptions on artificial intelligence in education on, Sunday, October 22, 2023.
Visit www.parentsaspartners.ca to register and for more information
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Ward 7 Council and Community Meet & Greet
Thursday, October 12
Keele Street Public School
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School Council Innovation Grant (SCIG)
School Council Innovation Grant (SCIG) is a grant program for Councils to enhance innovation in engagement. Councils may apply for a maximum of $1,500.00 to improve and enhance the School Councils' work in addressing anti-Black, anti-Indigenous, anti-oppression equity, human rights, food security, belonging, mental health & and well-being, creating safe spaces, engaging in literacy and numeracy. The 2023 - 2024 School Council Innovation Grant (SCIG) application is now accepting applications until October 31, 2023.
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Music Counts Grant
MusiCounts supports all approaches to music education through the MusiCounts Band Aid Program and the MusiCounts Slaight Family Foundation Innovation Fund. These programs grant up to $20,000 for the purchase of instruments, equipment, and resources to make music education accessible, sustainable, and inclusive for all youth in Canada.
Learn more at musiccounts.ca and speak to your school staff if this might be of benefit at your school. Last year, Runnymede CI was able to update instruments with funding from this program.
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PHE Canada Healthy Schools Empowerment Grant
The Healthy, Active School Programming stream provides financial support to schools for projects that initiate, enhance, and/or increase access to meaningful physical and health education programming and/or healthy school initiatives. While the funds will be made out to the school, eligible applicants include teachers and school staff, school system administrators, and/or students (with a staff sponsor). With grants typically ranging from $500 to $2,500, funding opportunities include, but are not limited to, school projects and initiatives that support such topics as physical and health education programming, non-curricular physical activity programming, healthy eating, mental health, and substance use awareness and prevention.
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City of Toronto PollinateTO Grant
Grants of up to $5,000 are available to support community-led projects that:
- Create a new pollinator garden or rain garden
- Expand or enhance an existing garden by adding native pollinator-friendly plant
- Convert a lawn area, boulevard or hard surface to a pollinator garden
All Toronto neighbourhoods are eligible. Priority will be given to projects located in Toronto’s Neighbourhood Improvement Areas. Learn more and apply at toronto.ca
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EcoSchools Canada
Registration for the 2023-24 school year is now open. EcoSchools Canada is a bilingual certification program for elementary through secondary schools. Their mission is to nurture student leaders, reduce the environmental impact of schools, and build sustainable school communities. Certification is free of charge. Speak to your school Principal to inquire about certification or other eco initiatives.
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High Park Movement Strategy Implementation Update
The first phase of implementation of the Council-approved High Park Movement Strategy began over the summer. Your attention and cooperation are greatly appreciated as the City continues to monitor the changes and make adjustments as all park visitors become more familiar with their travel options.
The focus of the initial changes has been on improving road user safety and providing dedicated, car-free routes at all times within High Park. These changes are intended to encourage all park users to consider transit or active transportation options, while maintaining opportunities for motorized travel for those who need it.
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Join the conversations happening on TDSB's social media communities. You'll find the most up-to-date information on TDSB Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts.
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Runnymede PS students raise the Franco-Ontarian flag.
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With School Council Co-Chairs at the Keele Street PS Fall Fun Fair
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With Trustees and Senior Staff at the September Board Meeting ahead of Orange Shirt Day and NDTR observances at the TDSB.
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