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Printed Page Bookshop
Cool books, Warm people                                                              February 2016
This month's puzzler

On February 2, 1905, this woman was born (as Alisa Rosenbaum) in St. Petersburg, Russia.  In 1917, her comfortable world was shattered when her father's pharmacy was confiscated during the Russian Revolution.  After graduating from the University of Petrograd in 1925, she began to plan for a screenwriting career.  She came to the United States in 1926, at age 21, and lived here unti her death at age 77 in 1982. At her death, she was considered one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century.  Many of her most important ideas, like the use of reason as a strict guide to life, were presented in novels, rather than in philosophical treatises.  In her 1957 novel, the main character turns the old saying about "following your heart" on its head when he says:  "If any part of your uncertainty is a conflict between your heart and your mind -- follow your mind." 

Who was this woman?  What was the title of the 1957 book?

(Answers below)

Join some fellow book-lovers for wine and cheese on Wednesday,  February 17

There's no better way to spend a winter's eve than with a glass of wine, a bite of cheese, and a lively conversation with other folks who love books.  So please join us Wednesday, February 15 from 5:30 to 8 pm.  It's free, but please RSVP simply by replying to this email.

The hunting season that never ends

Lots of people have lots of different reasons for visiting Printed Page -- or any other used or antiquarian bookstore, for that matter. Some are just looking for a copy of a book they want to read.  Others seek the thrill that comes with finding something they never thought they'd find, or finding something valuable for a fraction of its worth.  Truth be known, if you twisted booksellers' arms, they'd tell you that the the most fun they have in the bookselling business is not the selling of books, but rather the excitement of the hunt in finding them.
And, like the fisherman who's landed a lunker or the hunter who's bagged a 10-point deer, booksellers like to brag about their triumphs.  There's quite a bit of that in a fun new book by Rebecca Rego Barry, "Rare Books Uncovered:  True Stories of Fantastic Fiends in Unlikely Places." Barry is the editor of Fine Books and Collections magazine.
She occasionally cites the words of a character from Larry McMurtry's novel, "Cadillac Jack," that "anything is anywhere."  Fantastic books can be found in the usual places -- book stores, library sales, flea-markets -- but they are also found in dumpsters, basements, online and in dear-departed Uncle Walter's closet.
We asked Rebecca about how much of book-collecting is fueled by the adrenaline rush of finding something special.  She said, "I suspect that getting a bargain of any kind gives you a zing, but I wonder if, in books, it's more of a smoldering feeling.  Because you see the volume -- at an estate sale or a thrift shop or wherever -- and you pause, you consider, you wonder if it's really the book you think it is.  Then, if you splurge on it, you take it home for a closer look.  Only then do you know if you have what you think you have!  So many of those I interviewed for my book told me it was having that happen just once in a while that kept them in the game."
As with fishing or hunting, luck alone isn't enough.  Success  hunting books also means knowing a little more than the next guy -- and Barry's book (and our experience) bears this out.  Knowing how to identify a first edition, knowing that the books of an obscure author (like our new favorite, Jim Tully) are highly collectible, thoroughly knowing your own specialty -- those are the things that lead to great finds and great stories.  One bookseller we know referred to bookscouting as "urban fishing."  As with fishing, you need BOTH luck and skill.
We'd love to hear your story of a great book find.  And we're happy to tell you ours!

New dealers mean more variety at Printed Page
We're happy to welcome a couple of new booksellers to Printed Page:  Christopher Duran offering 20th century literature and history and David Mastbaum, who is bringing in a substantial collection on books about mouintaineering, climbing and associated subjects.  We're always happy to bring our customers new selections and new viewpoints -- and it pleases us that they've chosen Printed Page as the place to do that.

Puzzler answer: Ayn Rand.  "Atlas Shrugged."

Thanks to Dr. Mardy Grothe for the use of his puzzler.  Visit him at
Give us a call at 303.777.7653 today!
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