Your Central Resource at Tufts
Your Central Resource at Tufts
Tufts Student Life
JUly 20, 2021
Hello Jumbos,
We're exploring the Dean of Student Affairs Office this week!

Meet Dean of Student Affairs, Camille Lizarríbar

I am delighted to welcome you to Tufts and to introduce you to the many resources offered by or in partnership with the Student Affairs Office.
If you are a first-year student, congratulations on the many achievements that have brought you to the start of your undergraduate career. If you are a transfer student, we celebrate your previous collegiate accomplishments and your decision to bring your talents to Tufts.
You are the most diverse entering class in our history. We celebrate your arrival! The experiences and perspectives you bring with you to Tufts will enrich, expand, and shape our conversations and activities.
I encourage you to be active. Participate. Embrace living a little bit out of your comfort zone. Taking these three actions will help you get the most out of your first semester on campus. Get to know as many of your classmates as you can. Help us build a community that is both joyful and purposeful. I look forward to getting to know you and supporting you through what will undoubtedly be one of the most transformative, creative, and stimulating times in your life.
Welcome to Tufts!
With my best wishes,
Camille Lizarríbar, JD, PhD
Dean of Student Affairs and Chief Student Affairs Officer for AS&E

Student Outreach and Support

When you come to Tufts, you join a community of people who care about you. We are here to support each other's success and personal development. When life happens, we are here to help. When you experience unexpected challenges—family concerns, hospitalizations, housing or food insecurity, or any other challenges that are important to you, get in touch with the Student Outreach and Support (SOS) team.

Student Code of Conduct

Because we are a community that cares about each other, the university has established policies that apply to all students. Take time this summer to read the Student Code of Conduct and contact the Office of Community Standards if you have questions about our policies or what is expected of you as a student at Tufts.

Supporting Your Engagement

Tufts has many co-curricular resources, supports, and opportunities for students. The Dean of Student Affairs Office is here to help you get the most out of your Tufts experience holistically. If you need something, or if have a question and you aren't sure where to start, the Dean of Student Affairs Office should be your first stop.
The Dean of Student Affairs Office works closely with every other Student Life department:
They also partner with several offices outside of Student Life:
Since Student Affairs partners with almost everyone, they can help you connect with the right opportunity or resource  even if you don't know exactly what you need. 
Learn How We Promote Diversity and Inclusion
Find Out How We Promote Health, Wellness, and Safety

Get in Touch

The Student Affairs Office is located in Dowling Hall, suite 701. SMFA students also have SMFA Student Affairs staff on site on the second floor of 230 The Fenway, room B203S, on the B-side of the building.
Meet the Dean of Student Affairs Office
Explore SMFA Student Affairs

Here's What's Coming Up Next

Checklist Reminders

Summer Engagement Opportunity

We encourage all incoming students to join the broader Tufts community at the National Anti-Racism Teach-in (NART) this August 6 (teen experience) and August 10 to 12 (general conference). Register for free with your Tufts email address.

Residential Life and Learning Office Hours

Join members of the Residential Life and Learning (ORLL) staff for some drop-in office hours on the following topics:
  • July 21: Move-in and arrival
  • July 28: Meet your building team

Welcome from Tufts Dining

Get a taste of what Tufts Dining is planning this Fall.
Welcome video from Tufts Dining
Learn more about Tufts Dining

Student Accessibility and Academic Resource Center

Next week, we're going to explore  the StAAR Center (formerly the Academic Resource Center and Student Accessibility Services). If you need an academic or co-curricular accommodation for a disability, or are looking for additional accademic support, their office is here to help!!
Start Exploring the StAAR Center
Read Previous Messages to Incoming Students

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