How the Pandemic Affects Bird Song; See the Latest UTRF Inventor Spotlight
How the Pandemic Affects Bird Song; See the Latest UTRF Inventor Spotlight
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

A newsletter from the Office of Research and Engagement

Tim Cross and Donde Plowman accepting award
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has earned national recognition as an Innovation and Economic Prosperity (IEP) University. This designation acknowledges the exceptional ways UT cultivates community engagement, economic growth and workforce development across the state of Tennessee and beyond.
Learn more about the IEP designation
Graduate Student Spotlight: Brittany Panos
UT physics professor Geoff Greene
As a graduate student in the Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries, Brittany Panos is studying the potential impact of cover crops on migratory bird populations. Panos hopes to bridge the gap between agriculture and conservation by providing farmers with information that supports the use of cover crops.
UT Mic Nite
Veterinarian providing care to dog
Elizabeth Derryberry wanted to study how bird song was affected by reduced traffic during the COVID-19 pandemic. She found that found that although birds sang more softly, bird songs traveled twice as far in the quieter conditions, meaning people could hear effectively four times more birds than usual.
Veterinarian providing care to dog
From an early age, Sandra Mixer knew she would be a nurse. Now with over 40 years of experience, Mixer continues her caregiving journey with a focus on vulnerable populations. Her research centers on end-of-life care, providing guidance, education, and compassion for those nearing death as well as their caregivers.
Veterinarian providing care to dog
Valeria Vásquez is an associate professor in the Department of Physiology in the College of Medicine at University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Her research aims to understand the functional and structural basis of mechanosensitive ion channels responsible for touch, pain, and proprioception.
Proposal submissions to the Department of Energy Office of Science (DoE SC) now require the use of the format approved by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Faculty interested in NSF or DoE SC funding must use the required formats for these documents on all proposals. 


Trevor Keen and Kavish Imam win SCGSR awards—Lawrence Townsend becomes the first from UT to join IAA—Christiane Barnes wins the FYCA Faculty Lead Award—Dalton McCurley wins the 2020 Director’s Award for Outstanding Professional Service—Jeffrey Martell receives prestigious Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship—LaTrice Wright receives the American Psychological Association IMFP award.
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