Tell us how it's going and see what's coming up!
Tell us how it's going and see what's coming up!

Is your group struggling? Do you have questions? Let us know so we can help. Had a recent success? We'd love to hear about it - maybe your success can help another group!

Let Us Know How It's Going
Check out these ideas or click the photo to reach out to the board if you need help

Looking For Fresh Ideas?

By Nicole McCabe

Every new school year is a fresh start for PTO’s and Booster clubs. We are masters of planning events and coordinating fundraisers. However, sometimes it becomes time to mix things up, find something different. But then comes the inevitable questions that come with change. Can this fundraiser work for my group? My school? Will it be profitable? More work? Less work? So many questions that need that need to be answered and that can be tricky. Sure PTO Today has endless ideas and resources. But we live in Arizona and not everything works well with our weather. 

A great way to gather local ideas is to follow fellow CSB/CUSD groups on social media. Look at what events they will be hosting, what kind of fundraising they are doing, how they engage on their social media platforms, etc. 

We are all on the same team as members of CSB (unless, of course, you’re competing to reach the top of the School Cents horse race.) Don’t look at other groups as a rivals. Following other groups can give you great, local ideas. Reach out to them, see how and what they are doing.

In my experience, this was a game changer. I encourage you all to give it a try!

Guidelines & Regulations

All board members for PTO and booster groups, as well as CSB reps and alternates, need to register on the CSB website
This is how you will continue to receive CSB communications. When creating your account, please be sure to fill out all information on the form.
* Please make sure ALL your board members have registered.
** Please pass these instructions on to incoming board members.
Register Here
We also need each member group to download and fill out the Application for Renewal Membership form and return to Erin via email:
With the changing of officers on your board, please be sure to review your group's bylaws as well as the CSB bylaws before the start of each new school year. As a reminder, your bylaws should conform to the Bylaws Template.
And if your group makes any changes to your bylaws, you must keep a copy for your records and submit a copy to Erin for review:
Bylaws Template


Pro-rata share invoices will be issued within the next week.

Upcoming Dates

CSB General Meeting and Elections Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 7:00pm. Join via the button below.
Meeting ID: 879 9837 6400
Passcode: 098050
Join Zoom Meeting

Dr. Casteel

Chandler Education Foundation has created a scholarship in honor of Dr. Camille Casteel. Click here for more information or to donate.
Click here to read or send best wishes to Dr. Casteel.

Have A Grad Turning 18?

Join Keystone Law Firm and create legal documents that will allow you to talk to your children's doctors after they turn 18. 
April 27
May 12
June 8
June 30
All events are online and start at 7:00pm. Click the photo above to register.
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