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Hello from Luxembourg: Kerry Strader
Hello from Luxembourg: Kerry Strader
Miami UniversityJohn E. Dolibois European Center logo
MUDEC Méinden-Weekly news from the MUDEC community for the MUDEC community-#lifelongMUDEC

Spring 2021 #2

 February 1, 2021

Hello from Luxembourg: Kerry Strader
MUDEC Coordinator

Kerry Strader in Luxembourg
As the MUDEC Coordinator based in Oxford, I am responsible for preparing students for the academic, personal, and cultural aspects of the program. This past year, I learned all about the various types of COVID testing and strict travel restrictions based on the specific timing of these testswhich suddenly changed 3 days before our departure. Despite these stressful last-minute hurdles, 66 students all arrived safely this week to start their experience in Luxembourg.
For integration excursions, we divided into smaller groups of 8-10 students, which allowed for better social distancing but also better interaction and engagement. We explored each corner of the country, from Schengen to Vianden. A blanket of snow and fog on Wednesday provided a dramatic backdrop for traditional visits to the American and German cemeteries. Classes began on Thursday, and students continue to settle into their day-to-day life here.

Each cohort at MUDEC is different from the lastthe mix of personalities and unique group dynamic can never be replicated. However, there is something essential and enduring about the program that has allowed it to thrive for 52 years.The Fall 2020 group, small but mighty, proved that the heart of the MUDEC experience, engaging with each other and the communities around us, remains.

I have great faith that the Spring 2021 group will have a safe, impactful, life-changing experience. When the bus rounded the corner and they peeked around to see the château for the first time, the excitement was palpable. Like the rest of the MUDEC community, I look forward to following this new chapter.
Snow-covered chateau and lane Students with luggage walk toward the chateau View of dining room with students eating a meal at round tables
Students pose in front of a grouping of directional signs Snowy and foggy day at American Cemetery, Luxembourg Students in masks stand near flags and monuments
Holiday Card with addresses and social media links
Château & Administrative Hours
Aerial view of the Château de Differdange, where Miami's Luxembourg campus, the John E. Dolibois European Center, often abbreviated to MUDEC, is located

Château Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:00-22:00

Friday: 8:00-17:00
Saturday, Sunday: Closed

Administrative Hours

Monday-Friday:  8:30-12:30

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