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Exclusive updates for Lipscomb parents!
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APRIL 2024


Happy New Year 2024 graphic
I want to begin by giving a huge shout out to all of our students who participated in Singarama. The entire performance was phenomenal! Our students put so much time, effort and talent into this show and the performance showed! Thank you to the George Shinn College of Entertainment & the Arts and Office of Student Life for partnering for Singarama's production.
Also on Saturday, April 6, our office hosted a Singarama Parent and Family Dinner. This was a wonderful opportunity for other parents to meet each other, enjoy a meal together and hear some “behind the scenes” stories from Landon Parrish (’11), assistant dean of student engagement.
I want to thank our Parent Leadership Council members for serving on the council during its first year of existence. This group of parents met during the fall and spring, served tirelessly during Bisons Weekend this fall and volunteered at several events. Several of our members are hosting Summer Send-Off events this summer. If you are interested in joining the Parent Leadership Council next year, please reach out to me for more information. We are looking for additional members.
Parents, congratulations to those who have a student graduating on May 4! It is a privilege to be a resource for our Bison families, and we greatly appreciate your partnership.  

Go Bisons!
Stacy Blackston ('00)
Director of Parent Engagement


Please check the Academic Calendar webpage for information updates about the schedule for summer classes and the upcoming academic year. 
Upcoming Key Dates
  • April 25: Study Day-undergraduates
  • April 26 - May 1: Final examinations
  • May 2: Final grades due by 9 a.m.
  • May 2: Residence halls close at 1 p.m.
  • May 4: Residence halls close at 6 p.m. for May graduates
  • May 4: Commencement
  • June 18: Murfreesboro Summer Send-Off
  • June 20: Franklin Summer Send-Off
  • June 22: Newport Beach Summer Send-Off
  • July 9: Chicago Summer Send-Off
  • July 12: "Lipscomb Night at the Sounds" Game
  • July 16: Brentwood Send-Off
  • July 22: Atlanta Summer Send-Off
  • July 30: Memphis Summer Send-Off 
Registration for the summer and fall semseters is now open!
  • May 6: Summer classes begin
  • Aug. 19: Fall classes begin
Interested in storage options for the summer?
Download this PDF guide of options.

Singarama 2024
A glimpse of Singarama 2024: The Lipscomb ERAs.
A Beautiful Day!
A tradition revived from the early days of Lipscomb, A Beautiful Day is an impromptu event where the administration gives students a surprise day off from classes to enjoy outside activities and a service project. A Beautiful Day always includes a service project, and students packed supplies for Hands on Nashville to support Metro Nashville Public Schools this year. Enjoy these images from April 16—a perfect day for students to take a break from the stress of classes to relax and have fun!
Bison Parent Prayer Gathering image
Brent Roe Hall photo
On the first Tuesday of each month, we have a prayer Zoom at the same time our students are in the Gathering. The next one is Tuesday, May 7 at 10:55 a.m. CT. Although classes are over for the semester, we would love to continue our prayer Zoom even in the summer. Please join us for a time of prayer and an opportunity to connect with other Lipscomb parents. Brent Roe-Hall, assistant dean of vocation and spiritual formation, will join us during this time.


Each summer, Lipscomb University parents and alumni partner with the Office of Alumni & Parent Engagement to host Summer Send-Offs for both current and incoming freshman students and their families. These informal gatherings provide the perfect chance for new Bison families to meet each other and visit with alumni, current students and parents to learn more about life at Lipscomb. Confirmed dates and cities are below, and additional ones are being finalized. We hope to see you at an event this summer!


Study Tips for Final Exams and Projects
Below are some reminders to share with students as they prepare for exams.
  • Touch every subject every day! Daily study is better than saving it up for longer study sessions a couple of times a week. Break homework down into small steps that are well-defined and practice active studying.
  • Take advantage of office hours. Stop by your professor’s office or email questions to your professor if you are having trouble with a concept or topic.
  • Find a good spot to study. Residence hall rooms may be distracting to focus and study in but there are plenty of places to study on campus. Check out the library, academic buildings, off-campus sites or outside for the perfect place to study.
  • Take short breaks and take care of yourself. Brains can only process a limited amount of information and will benefit from some rest. Remind your students to eat healthy, exercise, drink water and get plenty of sleep. 
Exams are scheduled for April 26 - May 1. View the exam schedule.


Federal Student Aid logo
Lipscomb has started receiving 24-25 FAFSAs!  If your student has not already completed theirs—now is the time. Our priority is to first create aid offers for incoming freshmen and transfers. Aid packages for returning students should be available starting mid-May. Students should monitor their Lipscomb email for updates from the Department of Education and the Lipscomb Financial Aid Office over the next couple of weeks. 
If you or your student needs to make updates or corrections to their FAFSA, the Department of Education has announced that the ability to do so will be available in the first half of April. You can login to studentaid.gov for further information. 


Thursday, May 2:
  • 2 p.m.: IDEAL Graduation, George Shinn Center
  • 6 p.m.: Student Veterans Dinner, Bennett Campus Center
Friday, May 3:
  • 9 a.m.: College of Pharmacy Recognition Ceremony, Collins Alumni Auditorium
  • 1 p.m.: School of Nursing Pinning Ceremony, Collins Alumni Auditorium
  • 5 p.m.: Baccalaureate* for Undergraduate Students, Collins Alumni Auditorium
  • 6 p.m.: Baccalaureate Reception for Undergraduate Students, Bison Square
*The annual Baccalaureate Service is a time of worship for the May undergraduate class and their families the day before commencement.
Saturday, May 4: Commencement in Allen Arena
  • 9 a.m.: Graduate Commencement Rehearsal, Student Activities Center
  • 10:30 a.m.: Commencement for Graduate Degree Candidates, Allen Arena
  • 2 p.m.: Undergraduate Commencement Rehearsal, Student Activities Center
  • 3:30 p.m.: Undergraduate Commencment, Allen Arena
Doors will open 90 minutes prior to each ceremony in Allen Arena. Seating will be limited, so all guests are asked to plan accordingly. Overflow viewing areas will be available when Allen Arena hits capacity.
Commencement Livestream on May 4: https://www.lipscomb.edu/live
Gifts for Grads. Friends or family who would like to purchase flowers or gifts for graduates can preorder those items at the link below. A booth will be set up outside of Allen Arena on May 4 commencement day to pick up ordered items. Only a limited number of items will be available for on-site purchases on the day of commencement, so pre-ordering is encouraged! Click here to place your preorder.
Make a gift to help prepare tomorrow's leaders!


Parent Program Facebook

A Lipscomb University Parent Program Facebook page has been created to help parents engage with each other and the university. Be sure to check it out, like it and help us grow the Lipscomb parent community!
Also, be sure to like/follow us on Parent Program Instagram!
Parent Engagement staff image
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