Dear Incoming GW Law Student,

Hello again! We are writing with important deadline reminders and a new request. Please make sure to refer back to the Incoming 1L Checklist weekly as we continue to add to the checklist as new tasks become available. The checklist can be found on the Fall 2023 Orientation website

Resume Submission (PAST DUE)
Please complete and submit the Incoming Student Resume Form. Complete this if you have not already. Responses will be used to compile the entire class profile for faculty so they have a better sense of the 1L class.

Register for your GWorld Card (Due: August 5)
The GWorld Card is the official ID card at GW and is required to access academic buildings, campus libraries, the health and wellness center, and other services. Want to avoid waiting in long lines of new students needing GWorld cards? Upload your photo today (no later than August 5, 2023); the GWorld team will have your card pre-printed and ready for pickup at the GWorld Office.

(NEW) Provide Any Dietary Restrictions (Due: August 10)
Meals will be provided at various times during orientation. If you have any dietary restrictions, please complete our Dietary Restriction form by Thursday, August 10th to ensure your dietary restrictions can be accommodated. 

Financial Aid’s Cost-of-Attendance '202' Presentation (August 10)
The final session for the GW Law Student Living: Cost-of-Attendance '202' presentation will be in-person on August 10th at 3:00pm in the Burns Moot Court Room. If you are using financial aid, including federal student loans, for living expenses, and were not able to attend one of the eight virtual sessions, please plan to attend the final session if you will be in the DMV area. In this session, the GW Law Financial Aid Staff will present on living within the cost-of-attendance (COA) while attending law school. In this session, the COA components will be discussed in detail as well as helpful budgeting tools.

Student Bar Association (SBA) First Year Team
Each year the SBA has a team of upperclass students working all summer to help welcome you to the law school. You can find more information about the First Year SBA Team here. They are working to ensure you are connected by maintaining the 1L GroupMe, Discord, and Facebook group to stay up-to-date with announcements & events while getting to know your future classmates. In addition, they are excited to bring you a week of community building events during orientation week! We'll share more details in the coming weeks; please see this “save the date” flyer.

Interactive Budget Tool
If you are feeling confused about how you will spend money during law school or the idea of  loans is stressing you out, you can also use the Interactive Budget Tool created by the SBA to map out your finances during law school. To use, download a copy of the budget and edit the copy with your personal information. 

As always, please let us know if you have any questions!

The Dean of Students Office
The George Washington University Law School
o 202-994-8320 

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