JAY Z pens an op-ed on the criminal justice system in response to Meek Mill
JAY Z pens an op-ed on the criminal justice system in response to Meek Mill
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November 17, 2017
Barack Obama Heads to New Delhi, CHC Rejects Curbelo, and Menéndez Faces Ethics Committee
Sponsored by FUSION
Senator Al Franken (D-MN) becomes the latest person to come under scrutiny amid allegations he forcibly kissed a radio news anchor against her will in 2006, and a lewd photo surfaced of the Senator that appears to show him groping the woman. Franken has apologized and invited an ethics committee review into his actions. After nearly two decades in DC, I’m pretty sure there are some very nervous lawmakers on both sides of the divide as these stories continue to surface. Donald Trump, who has yet to weigh in definitively on Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, pounced on the accusations with some misspelled tweets referencing the photo and asking, “where do his hands go in pictures 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 while she sleeps?” Maybe 45 is concerned he grabs her by the … Meanwhile, the House passed their tax reform bill and the debate shifts to the upper chamber. The full Senate will consider a tax overhaul bill when it returns from Thanksgiving, after the Finance Committee approved the measure late Thursday when a shouting match erupted between Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) over allegations the bill benefits the rich. BTW, the Senate bill includes a tax break on private jets. True story. Also, here’s a free tip: if you’re a married man who, as an elected official, touts family values and consistently takes anti-LGBTQ stances -- definitely don’t get caught having sex with a man in your office. Ohio state Rep. Wes Goodman just learned this lesson the hard way. It’s Friday, y’all! We’re kicking off the weekend with this...
  • Barack Obama heads to New Delhi.
  • Mistrial declared in Senator Bob Menéndez’s (D-NJ) case, and Senate opens ethics probe.
  • 2PAC Challenge: PACs go after Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA).
  • CHC tells Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) no gracias.
  • Chief of Staff for Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence (D-MI) resigns after sexual harassment allegations.
  • Congressman Rubén Gallego (D-AZ) wants Congress to oversee presidential war powers.
  • Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) intros bipartisan legislation on gun background checks.
  • NBC exec goes back to the producing ranks.
  • Splinter’s top Editor departs.
  • Apple’s VP of Diversity and Inclusion steps down.
  • FCC votes to roll back limits on broadcast ownership.
  • Univisión is selling off some of its sites.
  • Meet the son of Indian immigrants who is launching a congressional run in Arkansas.
  • Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA) warns fellow Dems to take a second look before too many victory laps on the heels of their sweeping wins.
  • Obama trumps 45 in approval ratings in deep red state.
  • LULAC Comms Director heads to teen pregnancy prevention organization.
  • He’s back! Alan Keyes shows up to defend AL Senate candidate Roy Moore.
  • Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) wants Air Force to defend colonel accused of discrimination.
  • Ex-Sheriff David Clarke left taxpayers with a hefty bill for home security, and his response is a must-see.
  • CA AG Xavier Becerra wants LAPD to report data on race and gender.
  • JAY-Z pens an op-ed for the NYT highlighting the absurdity of the criminal justice system on the heels of Rapper Meek Mill’s controversial sentencing. Check it out in Blogs.
Congressmembers Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) and Norma Torres (D-CA) with Northern Cheyenne Tribe member Lance Fisher, who performed a drumming song in the Natural Resources Indian, Insular & Alaskan Native Affairs Subcommittee to commemorate Native American Heritage Month.
Congressman Ami Bera (D-CA) with Planned Parenthood's Liz Figueroa saying they are ready to fight for women's healthcare. 
Obama Heads to India
Former President Barack Obama will be traveling to New Delhi, India on December 1st as part of an outreach program for the Obama Foundation. During a town hall event in the city, Obama will interact with young leaders and learn about the work they are doing to impact their communities. “I want to have a chance to talk to young people who are doing amazing work all across India. We’re going to be organizing a town hall with young leaders from various parts of India, who can share with me some of the work they’re trying to do in their communities to make it better,” Obama said in a video. He added that he is interested in finding out how the Foundation can support emerging leaders in India. Most of India’s one billion residents are under the age of 35. POTUS44 last visited the country in January 2015 with Michelle Obama. He was the first U.S. President to visit India twice while in office. See the video here.
CHC Tells Curbelo Nah
The Congressional Hispanic Caucus on Thursday denied Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) membership in the all-Democratic Caucus. This was after weeks of a beef that got ugly and personal and spilled over onto Twitter. Some CHC Members suggested his intentions were politically motivated since he represents a Latino-heavy district in Miami that is a top target for Dems in 2018. After the vote, Curbelo tweeted in English and Spanish, “It is truly shameful the Congressional Hispanic Caucus has decided to build a wall around the organization to exclude Hispanic-Americans who aren’t registered in the Democratic Party. This sends a powerful and harmful message of discrimination, bigotry, and division. Unbelievably, petty partisan interests have led the CHC to formally endorse the segregation of American Hispanics. It is a dark day on Capitol Hill. However, this only strengthens my commitment to working with my colleagues on both sides to urgently seek a solution for young immigrants in the DACA Program.” Part of the beef was Curbelo’s refusal to back the DREAM Act. Curbelo has said he would vote for the Dream Act if it made it to the floor but has declined to cosponsor the bill. CHC Chair Congresswoman Michelle Luján Grisham (D-NM) said the group’s decision wasn’t just based on the DREAM Act but also on Curbelo’s support for the GOP tax bill and Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare. CHC spokesperson Carlos Paz issued a statement after the vote saying, "The CHC isn’t just an organization for Hispanics; it is a Caucus that represents certain values. This vote reflects the position of many of our members that Rep. Curbelo and his record are not consistent with those values." More here.
FUSION Wants to Tell Your Story
For all of you burning to tell a story that hasn’t been told, this is your moment. The FUSION Creative Board is now accepting submissions for scripted and unscripted television projects. You don’t need to have an agent or a degree or even a full script. All you need is a captivating, original story that you think needs to be shared. FUSION wants pitches that speak to the interests and issues that matter to America’s diverse and outspoken youth. Winning pitches will be chosen by FUSION’s Creative Board, which is led by Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and includes Viola DavisEzra EdelmanJodie FosterMeryl Streep, and Residente, all of whom play a significant role in developing content for FUSION. Click here to learn more about creating the next FUSION project.
A sponsored message from FUSION.
Activist and Women's March Co-Chair Linda Sarsour slaying at Glamour magazine's Women of the Year awards. 
Tallahassee Mayor and FL gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum hitting the phones with a very special assistant, his daughter Caroline.
Senate Ethics Committee Opens Probe After Mistrial Declared in Menéndez Case
The corruption case against Senator Bob Menéndez (D-NJ) was declared a mistrial on Thursday after the jury said for a third time it could not reach a verdict. As soon as Judge William Walls made the declaration,
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced the Senate Ethics Committee will resume its investigation into Menéndez. "The Ethics Committee will come to no different conclusion than this jury did," Fred Turner, Menéndez's Chief of Staff, told Politico. "There is no merit to further pursuing this matter." Following the announcement, Menéndez said he felt vindicated. "I want to thank the jury, 12 New Jerseyans who saw through the government's false claims and used their Jersey common sense to reject it," he said. Menéndez was visibly tearful as he thanked Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for testifying on his behalf. He sobbed as he thanked his children. He also delivered a stern warning: "To those who were digging my political grave so that they could jump into my seat, I know who you are, and I won't forget you." The DOJ may also feel pressure to retry the Senator because recent SCOTUS decisions have raised questions about how much legal authority prosecutors still have in pursuing corruption charges involving payments not explicitly and directly linked to official acts. More here.
Gallego Crosses Political Divide Seeking Jurisdiction Over War Powers
On Thursday, Congressmen Rubén Gallego (D-AZ) and Bradley Byrne (R-AL) introduced bipartisan legislation that would place jurisdiction over war powers issues -- including authorizations for the use of military force (AUMF) -- under the congressional Armed Services committees. These matters are currently under the jurisdiction of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Currently, the House Armed Services Committee has jurisdiction over all areas of personnel, material, and strategy necessary for the conduct of war. In addition, because the congressional Armed Services committees every year pass legislation authorizing defense activities, this jurisdictional change would give Congress a better opportunity to review and revise war-related policies. Marine Corps veteran Gallego deployed to Iraq in 2005, where he lost his best friend in combat. “Frankly, given the rapidly evolving threats America faces, that means Congress hasn’t been doing its job.  We need to enact institutional reforms to enable the legislative branch to once again exert its constitutional power over matters of war and peace,” said Gallego. More here.
Tim Scott Helps Intro Bipartisan Gun Background Check Legislation
In a bipartisan effort to introduce gun background check legislation after several national tragedies, Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) and seven Senate colleagues introduced the Fix NICS Act to ensure federal and state authorities comply with existing law and accurately report relevant criminal history records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). “All too often we come to the conclusion that horrible situations could have been prevented with thorough and complete reporting,” said Scott. “As we tragically found out after the heartbreaking shooting at Mother Emanuel, we know the devastation that can manifest if gaps in reporting allow a madman with a criminal history to obtain a weapon. While we cannot legislate against pure evil, we most certainly should do all we can to ensure these individuals do not have access to any type of firearm. This is a commonsense solution that can fix the reporting gaps, and most importantly, has the potential to save countless innocent lives.” Learn more about the bill here.
Congressman Mark Takano (D-CA) meeting with representatives of community healthcare centers.
Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) with NEA President Lily Eskelsen García on Wednesday at a rally supporting DREAM Act legislation.
Apple’s VP of Diversity and Inclusion Steps Down
Apple’s first-ever VP of Diversity and Inclusion, Denise Young Smith, is stepping down at the end of the year. Young Smith had only served in the position since May 2017, but TechCrunch reports that she had been in talks for a while with Apple CEO Tim Cook about her next steps. Earlier this week, The Beat DC shared Apple’s first and last diversity report under Young Smith’s leadership. White people make up 66% of the leaders at Apple in the U.S. Meanwhile, only 3% of Apple’s leaders in the U.S. are Black. Young Smith’s departure won’t help Black representation at the top as she is being replaced by Christie Smith, a white woman who spent 17 years as a Principal at Deloitte. Recently, Cornell Tech announced Young Smith would become an executive-in-residence starting in January. More here.
Brenda Lawrence’s CoS Resigns After Allegations
Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence (D-MI) on Thursday announced that her Chief of Staff, Dwayne Duron Marshall, had resigned following allegations that he had sexually harassed women in the Congresswoman’s office. Though Marshall denied allegations that he had made inappropriate comments about their looks, or touched female colleagues, and hired based on appearances, he offered his resignation anyway. Lawrence accepted it yesterday. More here from The Detroit News.
LULAC Comms Director Heads to Teen Pregnancy Prevention Org
Paloma Zuleta
announced that she is leaving LULAC at the end of this month. The Communications Director will be heading to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. "Working with my LULAC colleagues, and particularly with Brent Wilkes, has been a great privilege.  Your commitment to the minority communities we serve has inspired me everyday.  I am proud of our efforts to fight draconian voter I.D. laws, work for healthcare access and educational equality for all, and most importantly fight for a clean DREAM Act," she said in an email to friends. Her family migrated to the U.S. in 1981. "I know first hand what immigrants can accomplish if provided an opportunity. This amazing country opened its doors to us and I hope that one day it will continue to live up to its promise." Congrats on the new job!

Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) speaking at a rally Tuesday in support of clean energy initiatives.
Peace Corps Director Ashley Bell meeting with Senator David Perdue (R-GA).
NBC Exec Moves to Producer Ranks
NBC Executive Vernon Sanders is exiting his post as EVP Current Programming, leaving the executive ranks to become a Producer. The Penn State graduate has signed an exclusive overall producing deal with NBC sibling Universal Television, run by President Pearlena Igbokwe. Sanders will serve as a Producer on the recently announced Amazing Stories anthology series reboot for Apple. It will be one of a number of projects he is expected to work on. In his second stint as NBC head of Current Programming after a year break to run comedy from 2014-2015, Sanders has overseen a number of NBC projects, including the shows This Is Us, The Blacklist, The Good Place, Dick Wolf’s Chicago franchise, and the recent revival of Will & Grace. Previously, Sanders served as SVP of Drama Programming of both the network and studio, overseeing Parenthood and Friday Night Lights, as well as EVP Comedy Programming. "This was not an easy decision, and the next chapter is truly bittersweet," Sanders said. "I feel extraordinarily lucky to have worked at NBC during this amazing renaissance." More here.
Splinter Splits with Editor-In-Chief
Splinter is bidding farewell to Editor-in-Chief Dodai Stewart at the end of November. She assumed this position in 2016 and held previous roles as executive editor and director of cultural coverage. Before joining Splinter (previously Fusion.net), Stewart spent seven years as Deputy Editor at Jezebel. The NYU graduate has penned pieces for Entertainment Weekly, Modern Bride, Glamour, New York Magazine, and NYT. We’ll keep you posted on Stewart’s next move. More about her here.
Univisión Selling Sites
In 2016, Univisión bought almost all of the Gawker Media sites. Now it’s selling a stake in them. Recode reports that Univisión is asking investors to spend up to $200 million to buy a minority stake in Fusion Media Group, Univisión’s millennial-focused operating group that includes the old Gawker sites, the Onion, a production studio, Splinter, and Fusion TV, a small TV network. Sources say the company has hired bankers at Morgan Stanley and the Raine Group to shop the deal. The idea would be for Univisión to keep control of Fusion but create a stand-alone company. Fusion says it is happy with the performance of the sites -- now rebranded as Gizmodo Media Group -- and says its combined digital properties now have an audience of more than 110 million unique visitors. Investors who have looked at the deal say it may be attractive to private equity investors. More here.
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FCC Rolls Back Limits on Broadcast Ownership
The FCC on Thursday reversed limits on local ownership of TV stations as well as radio stations and newspapers, opening the door to a new wave of consolidation. The vote was three to two along party lines. Chairman Ajit Pai said that "few of the FCC’s rules are staler" than the broadcast media ownership rules. "It’s about time" that the agency overhauled them to make sense in the digital media age, he added. Commissioner Mignon Clyburn commented on the rules in a statement, saying, "They will make it more difficult for low-income Americans to access affordable communications services." She went on to say, "What consumers want is fast, affordable broadband access. What consumers want is access to a free and open internet without fear of being throttled or assessed a toll by their broadband service provider. What consumers desire is programming options that reflect the diversity of their community. Sadly, what they have is an FCC majority that feels otherwise which is why I remain committed to fighting for policies that give voice to those who far too often go unheard." More here.
Congressman Will Hurd (D-TX) with Marine Corps mascot Chesty the Bulldog and his handler.
MSNBC's Richard Liu speaking at the Elizabeth Dole Foundation about being a caregiver for his father.
2PAC Challenge: Committees Launch Countering Barack Obama and Eric Holder and Targeting Maxine Waters
Two conservative PACs have launched, ready to put up a fight in 2018. A conservative PAC launched to counter Barack Obama and Eric Holder’s National Democratic Redistricting Committee on Thursday. The Defend Freedom PAC's focus will be on bolstering Republican efforts in state elections with an eye on 2020 redistricting. The GOP has been accused of gerrymandering along racial and ethnic lines. The Beat DC has reported on several cases being challenged in court. Who’s behind this effort? The right-leaning consulting firm Champion Group, led by former Americans for Prosperity CEO Luke Hilgemann and COO Sean Lansing. Meanwhile, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) says the pro-Trump super PAC Rebuilding America Now has placed her in their crosshairs. In a fundraising email titled, “Trump is coming for me – I need your help,” the Congresswoman says the PAC already spent more than a million dollars and plans to spend even more to run a smear campaign against her next year. The email goes on to detail the plan to “divide our communities along racial and cultural lines” and calls out Trump operatives Alex Jones, Roger Stone, and former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio as all teaming up to support her opponent, Omar Navarro, as well as another Republican, film producer Frank DeMartini, who has been published in Breitbart. More here.

Son of Indian Immigrants Launches Congressional Campaign in Arkansas
Teach for America alumnus Chintan Desai launched his candidacy for Congress on Thursday, aiming to unseat Congressman Rick Crawford (R-AR). The California native turned Arkansas transplant is the son of Indian immigrants. He said he decided to run because of his disappointment in Crawford's support for the failed attempt by House Republicans to repeal the Affordable Care Act. He’s currently a Manager at the KIPP Delta Public School, a network of public charter schools serving over 1,400 students in the Arkansas Delta. The 2010 University of California, Davis graduate recently ran unsuccessfully for City Council, garnering 40% of the vote. Desai says he plans to campaign for a national $15 minimum wage and expanded federal housing assistance that would help move low-income residents into more prosperous neighborhoods. See his campaign announcement video here.
Khanna Cautions Dems After Election Results
Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA) is cautious about celebrating last week’s sweeping wins for Democrats. In an opinion piece for Business Insider, he and People's House Project PAC President Krystal Ball examine the election results and found that the electoral split mirrors 2016. They say while Dems did well in cities, they made few gains in the more rural areas. Though Virginia went blue, the parts of the state struggling the most, where drug addiction is rampant, jobs are scarce and suicide is on the rise, voters threw their lot in again with the Republican candidate by 50 and 60 point margins. “The problem for Democrats and the problem for the country is that there are a lot more places like Southwest Virginia than there are like Northern Virginia,” they write. According to the nonpartisan Economic Innovation Group, 52 million Americans live in economically depressed communities: places where the poverty rate is 27% and 42% of prime-age adults aren’t working. Khanna has been working with leaders in Paintsville, KY; Youngstown, OH; and Beckley, WV to help provide 21st century jobs. "Unless the Democratic Party offers a plan for economic opportunity for twenty-first century jobs in places left behind, we will not earn a governing majority," Khanna wrote. Read the full piece here.
Obama Beats Trump in Polls in a Deep Red State
A new Fox News poll shows former President Barack Obama has a higher favorability rating than Donald Trump in the state of -- wait for it -- Alabama! The poll shows Obama with a 52% favorability rating in the deep red state compared to Trump's 49%. Obama had a 45% unfavorable rating in the poll; Trump had a 48% unfavorable rating. The numbers are a stark turnaround from each candidate's election totals in the state. Trump handily won Alabama in the 2016 presidential election with 63% of the vote. Obama received 39% of the statewide vote in his first race for the White House in 2008, and 38% in 2012. These numbers should concern Republicans, as voters prepare to send their next Senator to Washington. But then again, 2016’s numbers led to a big November surprise. So one never knows. But still, as both parties gear up for midterm elections, these numbers are something to note. More here.
GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders Executive Director Janson Wu with founding board member Richard Burns and comedian Kate Clinton.
Congressman Tony Cárdenas (D-CA) introducing legislation that expands food safety education initiatives to train farmworkers.
Alan Keyes Resurfaces to Defend Roy Moore
Embattled Senate candidate and accused pedophile Roy Moore yesterday held a bizarre press conference surrounded by religious leaders who touted his high moral character and derided the liberal left, accusing them of conspiring to keep Moore out of DC. Who was there to help defend the man who now has nine accusers? None other than Alan Keyes. Don’t remember Alan Keyes? Let me refresh your memory. He ran for President in 1996, 2000, and 2008. He was the Republican nominee for Senate in Maryland against Paul Sarbanes in 1988 and Barbara Mikulski in 1992, as well as in Illinois against Barack Obama in 2004. He lost all three elections by wide margins. He strongly condemns homosexuality, which got a little awkward when his daughter came out as a lesbian. His response? He cut off all financial support. So, this Harvard graduate and shining example of Christianity delivered a sermon in Moore’s defense as the sole Black face before a crowd of Southern evangelists, saying he stands up for Moore because "we are creatures of god" and have a "duty to do what is right." More on the bizarre press conference here.
Ted Cruz Writes to Secretary of the Air Force on Behalf of Colonel Who Refused to Sign Certificate for Same-Sex Partner
Earlier this week, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) sent a letter to Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson calling on her to come to the defense of Col. Leland Bohannon, who Cruz believes was heavily sanctioned for exercising his religious beliefs. In May 2017, while stationed at Kirtland Air Force Base, a master sergeant under Bohannon’s command was set to retire; commanding officers typically sign certificates of appreciation in advance of the retirement ceremony, but Bohannon would not sign a certificate of spouse appreciation for the same-sex partner. In the letter, Cruz writes that,”[Bohannon] should be applauded for finding an equitable solution that honored the retiring officer’s partner while allowing Col. Bohannon to stay true to his religious conviction that marriage is between one man and one woman. The Air Force’s refusal to accept this compromise and its refusal to grant an accommodation—when doing so would cause no discernable harm—raises the question as to which circumstances, if any, would move the U.S. Air Force to defend the free exercise rights of its soldiers." See the full letter here.
Congressman Rubén Kihuen (D-NV) last weekend campaigning with NV candidates Susie Lee and Aaron Ford.
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) meeting with Mexican Ambassador Gerónimo Gutiérrez to talk about border issues.
Tearful Brown Asks Judge for Mercy
A tearful Corrine Brown took the stand Thursday afternoon, pleading for mercy from federal Judge Timothy Corrigan. "I am sorry you have to be here today to see me in this situation," the former Congresswoman said in her statement to the court. "I never imagined I would one day be in court asking people to speak on my behalf – never. In hindsight, I wished I had been more diligent in overseeing my personal and professional life The idea that some people could believe these charges hurt me because it runs contrary to everything I’ve ever believed and done in my life." She went on to say, "I am 71 years old. I just had a birthday ... I humbly ask for your mercy and compassion." Brown was convicted on 18 counts of fraud and corruption in May. The lead prosecutor in the sentencing hearing argued Thursday that the former Florida Congresswoman should be sentenced to about 7.5 to 9 years in federal prison. Her defense attorney is seeking probation and community service. Brown gathered with supporters in front of the federal courthouse in Jacksonville for a brief prayer circle yesterday before heading in to debate her fate. Corrigan is scheduled to issue Brown's sentence on December 4th. More here.
Clarke Home Security Tab: A Whopping $450K
Ex-Sheriff David Clarke’s effort to make Milwaukee County, WI great again came with a huge price tag for its citizens. The round-the-clock security at his home over the last couple of years means Milwaukee taxpayers are now on the hook for nearly $450,000. The Sheriff's Office provided records to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel in response to a records request that showed the county paid $220,723 for deputies to guard Clarke's house for 34 weeks in 2015-16. That is in addition to the $226,802 that was paid to cover the salary and benefits of Deputies doing the same for the first eight months of this year. In total, Clarke's house was watched for nearly 70 weeks in the past two years; no other Milwaukee sheriff has had this type of security. When Clarke was asked by the Journal-Sentinel earlier this year about the expenses, he wrote: "'(Expletive) you and the horse you rode in on.’ I’m David Clarke and I approve this message." More here.
California AG Xavier Becerra Wants LAPD to Report Data on Race and Gender
Former Democratic Congressman and current California AG Xavier Becerra released regulations on Wednesday that will require the LAPD, LA County Sheriff’s Department, and other large law enforcement agencies across the state to start collecting racial and other demographic data when they stop drivers and pedestrians. The new program will begin in July 2018, and results will be released in April 2019. Every year, more departments will be required to start collecting data. By 2022, all police agencies in California will be obligated to do so. The data collection is an effort to identify and prevent police racial profiling. "Trust is the glue that makes the relationship between law enforcement and the community work,” Becerra said in a statement. “This new data collection and reporting process is meant to strengthen, and in some cases repair, that trust." The LA Times reports that the Racial and Identity Profiling Act, passed at the height of the Black Lives Matter protests in 2015, requires all California law enforcement agencies to collect the data, and directs the AG’s office to determine how departments would do it. Under the regulations, police officers will have to collect data on nearly every stop they make, including interactions with pedestrians and bicyclists. They’ll also have to note a person’s gender, English proficiency, and any disabilities. More here.
Today - Saturday, November 18th: The National Foundation for Women Legislators Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. Click here for more information and to register.
Today: The 24th Annual Caribbean American Heritage Awards to honor visionaries from across the Caribbean. J.W. Marriott Hotel, 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. To learn more about the Caribbean American Heritage Awards, visit: www.caribbeanheritageawards.org
Saturday, November 18th, 9A: Puerto Rican Diaspora Summit -- Washington, DC, a conference to discuss policy issues and responses to Puerto Rico's economic and humanitarian crises from the perspective of Puerto Ricans and other stakeholders in the DC area. UDC Student Center, 4200 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Click here to register.
Sunday, November 19th: The National Portrait Gallery Second biennial American Portrait Gala, honoring former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, HIV/AIDs researcher Dr. David D. Ho; artistic director, choreographer, and dancer Bill T. Jones; film director, producer, writer, and actor Spike Lee; and multi-award-winning actress Rita MorenoClick here for more information.
Sunday, November 19th, 2P: A reception in support of Tallahassee Mayor and FL gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum. Hosted by the Honorable Marie and Wendell Johns. Click here to RSVP.
Wednesday, November 29th, 8P: Join Congressman André Carson (D-IN) for JAY-Z's 4:44 Tour. Capital One Arena, 601 F Street, N.W. For more information or to RSVP, contact Courtney Hodges or Randy Broz at: 202.403.0606 or email: Courtney@ABConsultingDC.com
Thursday, November 30th - December 3rd: The National Black Caucus of State Legislators Annual Legislative Conference. Indianapolis, IN. Click here for more information and to register.
Thursday, November 30th, 6:30P: A reception in support of Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA). 3205 R. St N.W. Click here to RSVP
Sunday, December 3rd, 1P: The Greater Washington Urban League is hosting a performance of the popular stage play, Nina Simone: Four Women. Arena Stage, Kreeger Theater, 1101 Sixth Street, S.W. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.
Wednesday, December 6th, 6P: The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute holiday reception in honor of retiring Hispanic members of Congress. Library of Congress, Madison Hall, 101 Independence Avenue, S.E.
Wednesday, December 6th, 6P: The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 2044 Leadership Council holiday party. Library of Congress, Madison Hall, 101 Independence Ave, SE. Click here to RSVP.
Wednesday, December 6th - 9th: The National Legal Aid & Defender Association 2017 Annual Conference. Washington, DC. Click here for more information and to register.
Wednesday, December 6th - 9th: The International LGBTQ Leaders Conference. Washington, DC. Click here for more information and to register.
Thursday, December 7th, 6P: The Ladies of Twelve Days of Christmas, Inc. Metro DC Chapter’s 15th Annual Holiday Party. SAX Lounge 734 11th Street, N.W. Click here to RSVP.
Sunday, December 10th - 13th: The National Conference of State Legislators Capitol Forum. Coronado, CA. Click here for more information and to register.
Wednesday, December 13th - 16th: The Council of State Governments 2017 National Conference. Las Vegas, NV. Click here for more information and to register.
Thursday, December 14th, 6P: Solidarity Strategies hosts a Holiday Fiesta. Invite only.
Saturday, December 16th, 8P: The National Black MBA DC Chapter Annual Holiday Party. Hard Rock Cafe, 999 E Street, N.W. Click here to purchase tickets.
Sunday, December 24th, 9P: The AfroBeat Gala DC Holiday Edition. Saint Yves, 1220 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Click here to purchase tickets.
February 22, 2018: The "Power Rising: Building an Agenda for Black Women" summit. Atlanta. Click here for more information and to register.
February 22 - 28, 2018: The National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators 15th National Summit. Chicago. Click here for more information and to register.
March 7 - 10, 2018: The 2018 Black Enterprise Women of Power Summit. Orlando, FL. Early-bird registration begins November 25th. Click here for more information and to register.
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