Plus, our annual Capital Campaign Report survey.
Plus, our annual Capital Campaign Report survey.
Tell us about your Capital Campaign
Each year, the team releases a Capital Campaign Report to Middle Tennessee funders. This report provides information about current and anticipated capital campaigns in our community. You can view the 2020 report here.
If you'd like your organization's Capital Campaign to be included in the 2021 report, please complete our Capital Campaign Survey. This short survey should take no more than five minutes to complete. Please submit only one survey response per organization. 
As a thank you for helping us to compile this data, each organization that submits a survey response will be entered to win a $50 grant from The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.
The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, February 26.
Before beginning the survey, you'll want to have the following information on hand:
  • If currently in a Capital Campaign: campaign description, financial goal, amount raised-to-date, and start/end dates
  • If planning a future Capital Campaign: proposed start date
  • If a campaign was completed in 2020: total amount raised
Capital Campaign Report
Congratulations to CFMT Grantees
The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee is proud to announce $2,426,677 in grants to 350 local nonprofits as part of its 2020 Discretionary Grant process. 
These grants will benefit nonprofit organizations in 29 Middle Tennessee counties: Bedford, Cannon, Cheatham, Coffee, Cumberland, Davidson, DeKalb, Dickson, Fentress, Franklin, Hickman, Houston, Humphreys, Lawrence, Lincoln, Maury, Montgomery, Moore, Pickett, Putnam, Robertson, Rutherford, Stewart, Sumner, Trousdale, Warren, White, Williamson and Wilson counties.
Grants will serve a wide range of causes, including: food security, arts and humanities, conservation and preservation, environment, education, employment and training, health and human services, housing, economic welfare, and community development. 
You can learn more about the grants that were awarded here.
From our team to yours, congratulations! We are so in awe of the incredible ways nonprofits serve our local community. 
Grant opportunity from VUMC
The Office of Health Equity at Vanderbilt University Medical Center is pleased to share a grant opportunity for organizations in Davidson, Rutherford, Williamson, and Wilson counties doing innovative work in health equity. 
We've been informed that if you missed the Letter of Intent deadline, you are still welcome to apply. The deadline to submit a proposal is January 8, 2021.
More information about this grant opportunity can be found here
Please direct any questions you might have to
ChildcareTennessee is here to help
Calling all child care programs!
ChildcareTennessee, an initiative of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee and the Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS), have renewed their partnership to provide Support and Enhancement Grants to child care programs for a second year.
Licensed child care agencies in good standing with TDHS and with a free membership may apply for up to $4,000 in grants to increase capacity, hire consultants and coaches, enhance equipment — including appliances such as refrigerators and dishwashers — and purchase program materials, including supplies.
The application is open now, and child care agencies can apply at Applications close on September 1, 2021.
Rolling Deadlines

Kathryn Bennett Manager

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