Fotofund is a crowdfunding platform exclusively for photo-based works. 

Fotofund shares Lucie's mission to discover and cultivate emerging talent and promote the
appreciation of photography worldwide. 
Featured Campaign:
"FINDING LUBO" by Hanlin Wang

By: Hanlin Wang

Hanlin was born in Shandong, China, and is currently living and working as an image artist in Beijing. His works are about personal emotional records, from the surrounding environmental changes to the passage of personal history. Through the expression of private imagery, as well as painting, photography, manual books and animation videos, he aims to express his emotional changes.
Finding Lubo has been shortlisted for the 2018 Sony World Photography Awards and the Three Shadows Photography Awards, and it has been included in Magnum Photo’s Gallery Multimedia Creation Camp, the New York International Photographic Art Exhibition, Lishui International Photography Festival, and others.
Hanlin is looking for history and memories that relate to him. He has returned back to some places he visited when he was young and collected documents and articles that he connects to. The aim of this campaign is to continue to better and evolve the project, to display professional high standards of exhibitions, publications, printing, display cabinets, on-site build and other expenses. Read about Hanlin's handmade art books here.
“Lubo” is my infant name. Through finding “him,” I would like to fill the gap of the loss of my memory. This project is continuity of my personal emotion. I linked my growing experience and emotion, expressing the relationship between space and time of photography. - Hanlin Wang
Pledge Goal: $8,000.00
Featured Reward: 
Pledge of $1,000 - Acknowledgements on Hanlin's social networks. Your name appears in the credits of his video work, and he will send a postcard of his work with a signed 30cm x 40cm Art Microjet Hammerle print as well as a sheet of printed handbook of the original size is sent to you with high quality print. You will also receive the HD version of Hanlin's video via the internet.

Fotofund is charging just 3% commission from all photography-based crowdfunding campaigns for creative projects. Register with Fotofund now and create a campaign to bring your photo-project to life!
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