Clackamas County Newsletter for Multifamily Property Managers 
Fall/Winter 2019
Your quarterly guide to successful recycling & waste reduction
from Clackamas County's Sustainability & Solid Waste Program
Happy Fall!
It's not long before pumpkin lattes transition to peppermint mochas. We've already turned back our clocks, and things are about to get hectic: events, weather, holidays, etc. But have comfort in knowing that when it comes to waste and recycling, you're not alone - we're here to help.
This edition contains a number of tips to help simplify the waste of the holidays, and also contains a survey so we can hear from YOU. 
Remember, you are welcome to use any of the content in these e-newsletters in your own community notices. Or if you'd like help with other content to share with residents, just ask
Do you manage communities outside of Clackamas County? See our list of regional multifamily contacts throughout the tri-county area who are ready to help with your waste prevention, reuse, and recycling efforts.
Reduce and Reuse this Holiday Season
From Thanksgiving to New Year's and the myriad holidays in between, there are a number of things you can do to reduce and reuse (and then recycle...right).

40% of food produced in the US gets wasted. Make sure your food gets eaten by:
- Preparing the right amount - use Save the Food's "Guest-imator" 
Using leftovers - give to guests to take home, make turkey carcass soup or a stuffing and turkey casserole, or freeze leftovers to eat later
Gifting doesn't have to create a bunch of waste, try:
- Gifting experiences rather than "stuff" - think movie tickets, restaurant gift certificate, a paint night with friends, or...
- Making the gift wrap a part of the gift, like using a dish towel, hand towel, cloth napkin, etc.
- Reusing bows and gift bags - no need to buy new
- Recycling right - most gift wrap can be recycled. Wrapping paper and tissue paper that aren't metallic and don't contain glitter can be recycled. Bows and ribbon, if not reused, belong in the trash. For a more complete list, watch the video below.
Holiday trees can easily be recycled - create a plan now to avoid confusion (and problems) later:
Contact your collector to set up a tree recycling collection plan*
- Reach out to local nonprofits that may be recycling trees as a fundraiser (e.g. scout troops)*
- Refer residents to Metro's Find a Recycler tool for nearby drop-off locations (enter zip code and "christmas trees" in the search tool)
* If collecting trees onsite, make sure residents know how to prep trees for recycling and where to place them for pickup.
With these tips, your community can ring in 2020 with a "green" mindset - reduce, reuse, and then recycle (right). 
If you would like assistance or resources to start the year off right, don't hesitate to contact us today.
Take Our 5 Question Multifamily Property Manager Survey
-- Get 3 Reusable Recycling Bags FREE --

We would like to convene a multifamily property managers gathering to:
1. Learn from multifamily property managers, owners, and staff about how we can best assist you with your garbage, recycling, and waste reduction needs.
2. Share and discuss challenges, successes, opportunities for collaboration, and potential pilot projects. 
But before we can do that, we need to hear from YOU. We want YOUR help in shaping the logistics of this so that it meets your needs. 
Take our survey
To compensate you for your time, and as a token of our appreciation for completing the survey, survey respondents will receive five (5) reusable recycling bags for their residents. 
Reusable multifamily recycling bags provide an easy and convenient way for residents to collect their recyclables and transport them to the designated recycling area without using garbage bags (they cause big problems at the recycling sorting facilities). These totes are also adorned with our local recycling rules, so residents can easily identify what belongs in the recycling and what does not.
If you'd like to purchase bags for $1 each, please complete our online multifamily order form, reach us by email, or give us a call at 503.742.4451. 
Statewide Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban 
The Oregon Legislature passed legislation that bans single-use plastic bags from grocery store check-out lines and restaurant to-go orders. The ban, "Oregon's Sustainable Shopping Initiative," goes into effect Jan. 1, 2020. It prohibits retailers and restaurants from offering single-use plastic bags for carryout (single-use plastic bags will still be available for other uses: produce, meat, bulk food, etc.). 
This leaves consumers with three options:
  • Bring your own bag (FREE)
  • Purchase a recycled paper bag for a minimum of $0.05*
  • Purchase a thick plastic bag with handles for a minimum of $0.05*
The five cent charge is meant to incentivize customers to bring their own bag and also helps smaller retailers cover the additional expense of the bags. 
The statewide effort will bring consistency across the state where a number of cities have already implemented similar bans. The ban hopes to minimize the litter, harm to wildlife, and problems caused at recycling sorting facilities resulting from flimsy plastic bags. 
*Participants in food assistance programs are exempt from the $0.05 charge.
Inclement Weather
Safety is the top priority.
When roadways and/or weather become dangerous, your garbage and recycling collector may postpone service. Postponed collections are not considered missed pickups (because the collections will happen), and therefore, credits are not available. 
For more information, contact your garbage and recycling company or visit

Questions? Have a suggestion?
Download our Recycle Guide
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